Impact UK Location: Didcot

REF impact found 1 Case Studies

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Turbulence Generation Method in Urban Environment and Wind Engineering Applications

Summary of the impact

Work by the University of Southampton's Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics research group (AFM) has led to advances in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, a key element of the accurate and cost-effective modelling of airflow and turbulence. New techniques have been incorporated in commercial software releases (e.g. CD-adapco's Star-CD v4) and adopted by leading design and engineering firms (e.g Arup, Buro Happold), giving UK businesses a significant edge over their international competitors. Specifically,

  • CD-adapco with its client base of more than 7,000 users and 3,000 firms, using the new techniques, enjoy a competitive advantage;
  • AFM's work has helped Arup to significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of design, and Arup's standing on projects.

The techniques have been increasingly influencing the design of wind-sensitive structures by facilitating the faster, cheaper and more precise prediction of factors such as peak wind loading and pollutant dispersion.

Submitting Institution

University of Southampton

Unit of Assessment

General Engineering

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Engineering: Interdisciplinary Engineering

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