Impact UK Location: Bexley

REF impact found 4 Case Studies

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Improved Care and Support for Older People with Diabetes

Summary of the impact

The work of IDOP has resulted in:

  • Improved awareness of challenges posed by diabetes in older people among NHS commissioners and service providers
  • Greater recognition at national and international level of the importance of frailty in diabetes
  • Developing the growing national community network for practice and learning (ODN)
  • Publication of UK and European Guidelines for clinicians outlining better standards of diabetes care and best clinical practice
  • Improved service commissioning by creation and dissemination of specific guidance
  • Initiating major new national, European and global projects being initiated, attracting considerable funds, and providing the platform for enhanced diabetes care in older people (see

Submitting Institution

University of Bedfordshire

Unit of Assessment

Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Public Health and Health Services

Improvements in the Detection and Management of Glaucoma

Summary of the impact

Glaucoma affects around 2% of people over 40 years of age and almost 10% of those over 75. There are more than one million glaucoma-related outpatient visits to hospital eye services annually. Once lost through glaucoma, sight cannot be restored. Therefore early detection (mainly by optometrists) and appropriate management of the condition are crucial to maintaining a sighted lifetime. Uncertainty and variation exist in clinical practice and service delivery. Research undertaken by academic staff at City University London has led to:

  • contributions to the development of computer software used in hospital clinics globally to assess glaucoma;
  • changes in the management by the National Health Service of one group of patients (ocular hypertensives) at risk of glaucoma;
  • unique films, developed at City, of patients `driving' with vision loss resulting from glaucoma being used by the BBC and the International Glaucoma Association to increase disease awareness;
  • curricula for professional qualifications in glaucoma (based on a competency framework developed by City) becoming the national standard for optometrists.

In addition, City research on the scope of therapeutic practice by optometrists and the development of clinical management guidelines (CMGs) strongly influenced the decision to extend independent prescribing to optometrists. CMGs developed at City were incorporated into the Map of Medicine and other national ophthalmology primary care pathways. Research on a repeat-measurement-enhanced glaucoma scheme generated a National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Case Study and informed Joint College Commissioning Guidance on Glaucoma and Local Optical Committee Support Unit (LOCSU) schemes. City's Standardised Patient research, where actors play the role of patients to collect evidence on actual clinical practice, is unique in optometric research and has been referred to by experts and relied upon in the defence of optometrists' actions in several clinico-legal cases before the General Optical Council.

Submitting Institution

City University, London

Unit of Assessment

Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Ophthalmology and Optometry, Public Health and Health Services

Shaping Public Policy

Summary of the impact

The modern and contemporary British historians in the School of History at Queen Mary have a reputation for rigorous, yet relevant and engaged scholarship which has bearing on contemporary policies. Three historians — Peter Catterall (01 Sep. 1992-31 August 2012), Martyn Frampton (01 Sep. 2009-) and Tristram Hunt (30 Jun. 2003-) — have followed the influence of Peter Hennessy and the School of History's Research Strategy to make high profile and high value interventions in shaping public policy debates that surround the making of various policies, including contributing directly to the policy-making process in Whitehall. As a result, Queen Mary historians are recognised as reliable and expert interlocutors on counter-terrorism (Frampton), democracy and heritage (Catterall), and policy related to the cities and the countryside (Hunt).

Submitting Institution

Queen Mary, University of London

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Studies In Human Society: Political Science
History and Archaeology: Historical Studies

Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA)

Summary of the impact

RBC has a long-standing relationship to this area of practice, culminating in the establishing of its Theatre for Young Audiences Centre, April 2011. The research outlined has had an impact on professional practice, international co-operation, training and critical approaches in this under-investigated area of practice. The Lead Researcher/Head of Centre, Jeremy Harrison (JH), built on the work of Julian Bryant, Director of Community Outreach, whose activities in this area began in the 1990s. It is augmented and strengthened by contributions from a range of Associate Researchers all of whom are leading practitioners within the TYA sectors of UK and Europe. TYA Centre website:

Submitting Institution

Rose Bruford College

Unit of Assessment

Music, Drama, Dance and Performing Arts

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Studies In Creative Arts and Writing: Performing Arts and Creative Writing
Language, Communication and Culture: Cultural Studies

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