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REF impact found 3 Case Studies

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UOA08-08: Chemistry at the Garden: using living collections to generate public interest in chemistry research

Summary of the impact

A portfolio of Oxford University research, relating to the chemistry of natural products extracted from plants, has formed the basis of a substantial and multifaceted programme of outreach activity targeted at schools and the general public from 2011-2013. Research students and staff have collaborated with the Oxford University Botanic Garden to deliver multiple events including a poster exhibition, an audio trail, interactive guided walks and a `solar fuels' stand at the prestigious 2013 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, with the emphasis on face-to-face in-depth interaction where possible and a strong link to Oxford Chemistry research. The events have educated thousands of people and helped to inform their views on, and enthusiasm for, plant-related chemistry. They have also engaged the interest and support of industry.

Submitting Institution

University of Oxford

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Chemical Sciences: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)

Systems engineering and project management training improving the performance of organisations

Summary of the impact

The Technology Management Group (TMG) in the Department of Space and Climate Physics (also known as the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, or MSSL) at UCL has developed a range of professional training courses for industry that promote a forward-looking approach to the management of technology projects. Industrial customers have invested almost £2.4 million on the training within the REF impact period, greatly valuing its impact in helping their staff deal with the challenges of modern, complex projects, such as achieving high reliability in network-enabled systems that need to perform in the harshest environments. The training has improved engineering capability and organisational effectiveness for its customers, helping them to deliver excellent performance — to budget, on time and with the quality and functionality required. The TMG has also contributed to a systems engineering competency framework that is being used worldwide in the professional certification of systems engineers.

Submitting Institution

University College London

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Information and Computing Sciences: Computer Software
Economics: Applied Economics

Gypsy problem

Summary of the impact

Home's continuing research on planning and accommodation for Gypsies/Travellers originated as far back as 1980, and contributed key evidence to the Parliamentary Committee in 2004 leading to a statutory requirement on local authorities to undertake local Gypsy/Traveller Accommodation Assessments (GTAAs). The research-based methodology pioneered in the Cambridge sub-region GTAA has become best practice for GTAAs in the current REF period, and in 2011 media coverage of the high-profile Dale Farm evictions drew upon his research through media contributions by him (in TV, radio and newspapers).

Submitting Institution

Anglia Ruskin University

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Law and Legal Studies: Law

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