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We have made substantial contributions to the diagnosis of lung disease by providing tools to assess and interpret lung function accurately across the entire lifespan. These contributions include: effects of lung disease being more clearly distinguished from those of normal growth, development and aging; increased understanding of the early determinants of adult respiratory disease and improved diagnosis of chronic obstructive lung disease. Commercially available equipment for assessing lung function in infants and preschool children has been developed based on our work and our recently developed multi-ethnic, all-age lung growth charts have been endorsed internationally and are now in widespread use.
Research conducted at the University of Surrey has resulted in a suite of clinically-relevant, multi-scale mathematical models being developed and used within the NHS [1-3].
One of these models, MALTHUS, now funded by the National Cancer Action Team, predicts demand for radiotherapy across England and Wales. MALTHUS is a national metric and NHS commissioners are required to use MALTHUS to justify purchases of new radiotherapy equipment. Ipswich was the first to use Malthus in evidence to justify successfully the purchase of new equipment.
Research carried out from 2003 by Currie (Maxwell Institute) and his PhD students Djeundje, Kirkby and Richards (also Longevitas), and international collaborators Eilers and Durban, created new, flexible smoothing and forecasting methods. These methods are now widely used by insurance and pension providers to forecast mortality when determining pricing and reserving strategy for pensions. The methods were incorporated by the SME Longevitas in its forecasting package Projections Toolkit launched in 2009. This generated impact in the form of £400K turnover for Longevitas in licensing and consultancy fees, with further impact on the pricing and reserving strategies on Longevitas's customers. Since 2010 the methods have been adopted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to make the forecasts required to underpin public policy in pensions, social care and health and by The Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) to model and provide forecasts on mortality to the pensions and insurance industries. As a result, the research has changed practices in these advisory agencies and in the insurance industry.