Impact UK Location: Maidstone

REF impact found 5 Case Studies

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Attack from All Sides - Comprehensive Political and Practical Approaches to Reduce Healthcare Acquired Infections.

Summary of the impact

Professor James and colleagues developed a comprehensive, multi-strand strategy for control of healthcare-associated infections caused by life-threatening bacterial superbugs Clostridium difficile (C.diff) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Founded on research to understand the transmission, virulence and antibiotic resistance of these species, their approach resulted in: (i) increased public awareness of healthcare associated infections; (ii) changed behaviours of the public and healthcare professionals to reduce transmission; (iii) improved national healthcare policies to control infections; and (iv) development of new antibiotic methods to tackle the rapidly-evolving resistance. The outcome is a nationwide decline in reported cases of C.diff and MRSA infections in patients since 2008, with consequent economic benefits to the NHS, Government and employers.

Submitting Institution

University of Nottingham

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Medical Microbiology

Folkestone: Public History, Heritage and Identity

Summary of the impact

Impact was achieved through two projects led by Dr Hardy. In December 2005 the Unit helped to establish the Folkestone People's History Centre (FPHC) to research the town's historical heritage. The enthusiastic engagement of individuals and groups in the Centre resulted in a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) supported project, `A Town Unearthed: Folkestone Before 1500' (ATU), running from December 2009-March 2013, which took over the work of the FPHC. Impact has centred on preserving, creating and interpreting cultural capital; engaging and developing local associations; creating new audiences; influencing policies towards heritage, and challenging assumptions about the history of Folkestone. The main beneficiaries have been adult learners; schools; local authorities, associations and groups; as well as national and international audiences.

Submitting Institution

Canterbury Christ Church University

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Language, Communication and Culture: Literary Studies
History and Archaeology: Archaeology, Historical Studies

Anne Clifford and the North: Raising Awareness of Cultural Heritage

Summary of the impact

University of Huddersfield research into Lady Anne Clifford and her Great Books of Record has led to wide-ranging new awareness of a key figure in regional history, women's writing and political and cultural engagement. Supported by extensive dissemination efforts, including an exhibition, a series of public lectures and numerous media appearances, the work has helped inform the broader popular debate about the period in which Lady Anne lived, especially in terms of challenging cultural and gender stereotypes, and has generated both local and national interest in her life, her achievements and her continuing significance. The tourism, heritage and culture industries have benefited as a result.

Submitting Institution

University of Huddersfield

Unit of Assessment

English Language and Literature

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Language, Communication and Culture: Cultural Studies, Literary Studies
History and Archaeology: Historical Studies

Complementary therapies for musculoskeletal pain in the NHS

Summary of the impact

Over the past 25 years Professor David Peters has developed a model for successfully incorporating complementary therapies (CT) for musculoskeletal pain into the NHS. Research began in the 1990s. The growth in use of CT (osteopathy and acupuncture) in musculoskeletal service innovation in the NHS, is to a large degree a legacy of Peters work. His integrative model was adopted in GP practices nationally including Glastonbury Health Centre, Blackthorn Centre in Maidstone, Lewisham Hospital Trust, and the Liverpool Centre for Health. NICE subsequently included acupuncture and osteopathy in its guidelines for managing musculoskeletal pain.

Submitting Institution

University of Westminster

Unit of Assessment

Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Public Health and Health Services

The birth of the newspaper: understanding new media

Summary of the impact

The role of mass media in politics and society has in recent years been a subject of intense public debate, as well as lengthy legal investigation and repeated political intervention. Dr Jason Peacey's research on the earliest modern printed mass media and their relation to government and state at the time of the English Civil War illuminates the origins of the current situation, and has made a notable impact on public understanding, of the historical roots of the media's role in mediating between states and citizens in both the US and UK. This occurred through a major museum exhibition at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, as well as a range of public engagement and media activities in Britain.

Submitting Institution

University College London

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Studies In Creative Arts and Writing: Journalism and Professional Writing

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