Impact UK Location: Grantham

REF impact found 2 Case Studies

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Designing and Implementing a New Regulatory Framework for Biopesticides in the UK and EU

Summary of the impact

Biopesticides can help protect crops and offer a more sustainable means of pest protection to offset the withdrawal of synthetic products, as well as offering the potential of a new hi-tech industry. Before Professor Grant's research there were insufficient regulatory mechanisms to authorise biopesticide products. He worked closely with government bodies such as the UK Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD), industry, growers and retailers to identify and address this problem. The main impact of Grant's research was the design and implementation of principles for a new regulatory system for biopesticides in the UK and EU. A Biopesticides Scheme was introduced in 2006 that increased the registration rate of biological products and retailer awareness. Grant also contributed to the REBECA (Regulation of Biological Control Agents) policy action, which informed and shaped EU debate and legislation that was revised in 2009.

Submitting Institution

University of Warwick

Unit of Assessment

Politics and International Studies

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences: Agriculture, Land and Farm Management
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Studies In Human Society: Sociology

Revolutionising schools and public engagement with cosmology, relativity and gravitational-wave astronomy

Summary of the impact

University of Glasgow researchers have played a pivotal role in enhancing awareness and understanding of cosmology, relativity and gravitational-wave astronomy on the national and international stage.

  • The 'Astronomy's New Messengers' public exhibition on gravitational-wave astronomy has been displayed at international events that have attracted a total audience exceeding a million people. A survey conducted at the World Science Festival 2010 indicated that 89% of visitors found the exhibition had increased their interest in science.
  • The University of Glasgow has had a crucial influence on the redesign of the Scottish Higher and Advanced Higher Physics syllabus to include significant content on cosmology, relativity and gravitational astrophysics. In 2012 the revised Higher Physics pass rate was approximately 4% greater than that for the non-revised Higher, demonstrating significant impact in terms of pupil engagement and results.

Submitting Institution

University of Glasgow

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Physical Sciences: Astronomical and Space Sciences, Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Other Physical Sciences

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