Impact UK Location: Great Yarmouth

REF impact found 2 Case Studies

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Driving innovation in wood protection for the marine environment

Summary of the impact

Marine wood borers cause huge economic losses by damaging maritime structures. Research conducted by Cragg's team has driven the move from broad-spectrum, environmentally-hazardous wood protection methods towards environmentally-benign approaches tailored to target specific organisms. Their novel testing methods have accelerated evaluation of protection methods while reducing testing costs (impact 1). Their evaluations have been used to inform guidelines for selection of timbers for waterside construction issued by the UK Environment Agency (impact 2) and to market less well-known timber species (impact 3). Their information on invasive borers affects local and global decision making (impact 4).

Submitting Institution

University of Portsmouth

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Genetics

09 - Low Loss Hydraulic Power Transmission for Wind Turbines

Summary of the impact

This addresses improvements in the design of hydraulic transmission systems, for vehicular and renewable energy generation systems, by replacing the mechanical gearboxes to reduce their significant energy losses. This ERPE design of novel digitally controlled hydraulic transmission systems has culminated in the licensing, manufacture and production of high efficiency hydraulic gearboxes, now registered as the Digital Displacement® (DD®) patented technology.

This novel technology enabled the formation of the spin-out company Artemis Intelligent Power Ltd., with 30 staff in 2008, which was acquired by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., in 2010, enabling the growth to 50 employees today.

Submitting Institutions

Heriot-Watt University,University of Edinburgh

Unit of Assessment

General Engineering

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Engineering: Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Interdisciplinary Engineering

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