Informatics support for the management and integration of large-scale life sciences data
Submitting Institution
Birkbeck CollegeUnit of Assessment
Computer Science and InformaticsSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Information and Computing Sciences: Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, Computation Theory and Mathematics, Information Systems
Summary of the impact
Research carried out at Birkbeck's Department of Computer Science and
Information Systems since 2000 has produced techniques for the management
and integration of complex, heterogeneous life sciences data not
previously possible with large-scale life sciences data repositories. The
research has involved members of the department and researchers from the
European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) and University College London
(UCL) and has led to the creation of several resources providing
information about genes and proteins. These resources include the BioMap
data warehouse, which integrated the CATH database — holding a
classification of proteins into families according to their structure, the
Gene3D database — holding information about protein sequences, and other
related information on protein families, structures and the functions of
proteins such as enzymes. These resources are heavily utilised by
companies worldwide to explore relationships between protein structure and
protein function and to aid in drug design.
Underpinning research
The common theme in the research underpinning this case study has been
the development of techniques to support the integration, maintenance,
analysis and mining of distributed, highly heterogeneous, large-scale
resources holding life sciences data. (See
for an overview of the computational issues arising in the life sciences
and the common terminology used.)
The CATH classification of protein structures aims to aid the prediction
of the molecular functions of proteins by identifying structurally similar
proteins that are likely to be also functionally similar. A first version
of CATH was developed in the 1990s by Professors Christine Orengo and
Janet Thornton at UCL's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
but the initial file-based system used to hold the data limited the
ability to integrate related data on protein sequences, families and
functions. This initial problem led to research in 2000-2001 at Birkbeck
that investigated techniques to enable the integration of data on the
evolution, structure and functions of proteins with protein sequence data
in order to improve understanding of the molecular nature of disease.
Birkbeck staff Nigel Martin and Roger Johnson worked in collaboration with
Prof. Orengo from UCL. A flexible graph-oriented approach was developed to
enable the integration of protein sequence data with related data about
protein structures, protein functions, and taxonomic data such as
classifications of the terms used to describe protein functions. The
approach was based on a graph representation of the relationships between
entities through meta-level tables, with application-independent
semantics, together with an application-dependent base table level, a
materialized view level for query performance enhancement, and a further
application-dependent view level enabling applications to access the
integrated data in ways best suited to their data analysis requirements.
This graph-oriented approach was used to develop a relational database for
holding the CATH classification of protein structures [1].
A further problem arose from the increasing quantity and complexity of
life sciences data being generated from genome sequencing projects and
technologies allowing scientists to generate their own data, for example
gene expression data measuring the activity of individual genes. This data
was typically stored in independent repositories which needed to be
integrated in order to support the analysis and mining of their combined
information. Integrating such repositories gives rise to two significant
problems. First, the data to be integrated is often highly heterogeneous,
with inconsistent identifiers for the same biological entity, making the
task of identifying and merging related data a complex one. Second, the
repositories from which the integrated data is obtained continue to be
updated, so the problem arises of how the integrated repository can be
"synchronised" so that it correctly reflects changes to the data in the
source repositories. For example, gene sequence data extracted from a
primary repository held at a site such as the EBI could be copied to and
integrated with the specialised protein structure classification data at
UCL, but keeping the UCL integrated data synchronised to reflect updates
to the primary EBI repository was a challenging problem. Research
undertaken from 2001 to 2007 developed solutions for overcoming these
problems. The Birkbeck staff involved were N. Martin, A. Poulovassilis,
A.Shepherd (Postdoc February to September 2002), M.Maibaum (Postdoc April
2003 to July 2004), G.Rimon (Postdoc March 2003 to January 2005),
E.Sideris (Postdoc December 2005 to July 2007) and H. Fan (PhD student
October 2001 to September 2005, and part-time RA October 2004 to December
2005). Our collaborators included Prof. Orengo from UCL and Dr. P. Keller
from the EBI.
For this research, we began by extending the facilities for heterogeneous
data transformation and integration provided by the AutoMed system [2]
(developed in the early 2000s at Birkbeck and Imperial College, with lead
investigators Poulovassilis and Dr P. McBrien from Imperial). We designed
a new data clustering approach that enabled the integration of data
sources which may have inconsistent identification of biological entities
[3]. With this approach, each data source may be either a structured
database, such as a relational database or a semi-structured file.
Additional data resources are created to hold the clustering information,
which are maintained as relational databases. Access to the data sources
and to the Cluster data resources is handled in the same way using
AutoMed, and any number of data sources and clustering methods can be
These new techniques were used to enable the creation and incremental
maintenance of the BioMap data warehouse at UCL [4], which integrates
heterogeneous data from multiple repositories. Starting from the MGED
MAGE-OM object model and the ArrayExpress relational model for the
deposition of gene expression data developed at the EBI, we designed an
extended object model and an associated relational model to support the
searching of gene expression data and its integration with related protein
family, structure and function data. Based on these models, the data
sources that were integrated into BioMap included the CATH classification
of protein structures [5], the Gene3D database providing comprehensive
information about the structure and function of most available protein
sequences [6], and atomic-level protein structure data from the MSD data
warehouse at the EBI.
The integration of the classification of protein structures of CATH with
the annotated sequence data of Gene3D enabled structural information to be
assigned to many protein sequences without a known structure, giving
insight into the likely function of those sequences. The combined
CATH/Gene3D resource is now widely used by researchers in the
pharmaceutical industry to explore the relationships between protein
structure and protein function, and to aid in drug design.
In summary, the research carried out at Birkbeck has produced techniques
for the management and integration of complex, highly heterogeneous
resources holding life sciences data not previously possible with
large-scale life sciences data repositories.
References to the research
Publications (Birkbeck authors shown in bold)
[1] PFDB: A generic protein family database integrating the CATH domain
structure database with sequence based protein family resources. A J
Shepherd, N J Martin, R G Johnson, P Kellam, C A Orengo. Bioinformatics,
18, 2002, pp 1666-1672. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/18.12.1666
[2] Data Integration by Bi-Directional Schema Transformation Rules. P
McBrien, A Poulovassilis. Proceedings 19th
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2003), pp 227-238. DOI:
[3] Cluster based integration of heterogeneous biological databases using
the AutoMed toolkit. M Maibaum, L Zamboulis, G Rimon, C.Orengo, N
Martin, A Poulovassilis. Proceedings 2nd International Workshop Data
Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2005), pp 191-207. DOI:
[4] BioMap: Gene Family based Integration of Heteregeneous Biological
Databases Using AutoMed Metadata. M Maibaum, G Rimon, C Orengo, N
Martin, A Poulovasillis. Procedings 15th International Workshop on
Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2004), pp 384-388. DOI:
[5] The CATH database: an extended protein family resource for structural
and functional genomics. F M G Pearl, C F Bennett, J E Bray, A P Harrison,
N Martin, A Shepherd, ISillitoe, J Thornton, C A Orengo.Nucleic
Acids Res, 31(1), 2003, pp 452-455. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkg062
[6] Gene3D: comprehensive structural and functional annotation of
genomes. C Yeats, J Lees, A Reid, P Kellam, N Martin, X Liu and C
Orengo. Nucleic Acids Research, 36, 2008, pp D414-D418. DOI:
Research Grants received by Department of Computer Science &
Information Systems, Birkbeck
Project name: Structural and Functional Annotation of Genome Data through
Synchronised Data Warehouses.
Funder: BBSRC.
Duration: 2001-2003.
Amount: £65,356
(Complementary grants to the EBI £118,064 and UCL £67,324)
Project name: Integrating transcriptomics and structural data.
Funder: Wellcome Trust.
Duration: 2003-2006.
Amount: £139,722
(Complementary grants to the EBI £167,386 and UCL £295,610)
Details of the impact
The research outlined in Section 2 has enabled the construction of
several bioinformatics resources which have been widely used by
healthcare, pharmaceutical, life sciences, bioinformatics and technology
companies and research institutes worldwide:
(1) The combined CATH/Gene3D resource has very significant worldwide use
(details are given in the CathDB Usage Data Analysis Report, July 2013 —
see Section 5). Taking 2012 as an example, 66162 unique visitors visited
the CATH/Gene3D website hosted at UCL, with the 6 major sources of
visitors being the UK, USA, Ukraine, India, Denmark and Japan. Analysis of
the visitors shows significant use by commercial companies during this
- Use by companies in the pharmaceutical and life science sectors
includes a global healthcare company which manufactures and markets
pharmaceutical products and services (1212955 hits), an Indian
conglomerate with a group member developing biopharmaceuticals (34214),
a company that provides software testing and simulation DNA techniques
(22380), a bioinformatics software company that develops software for
DNA, RNA and protein sequence analysis (4913), and a company
specialising in the commercialization of emerging technologies in the
life sciences (731).
- Additional commercial users in the engineering and technology sectors
include a petrochemical company (2695 hits), a global technology company
(1775), and an information and communications technology support
services company working with bioinformatics centres (672).
Use from major research institutes include Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean
Sciences (53535 hits), the EBI (12655), Institute National de la Recherche
Agronomique (7309) and Forschungszentrum Julich (5358).
Many visitor hits access the tools supported by the resource. These
include search tools, for example to enable search of the CATH
classification of protein structures, and analysis tools, for example to
enable a protein structure to be submitted to identify the closest
structure within the CATH classification. During 2012, the 10 most
widely-used search and analysis tools supported by the resource were
accessed on 4311 occasions by commercial companies and on 1764 occasions
by research institutes.
(2) CATH/Gene3D is now itself integrated with other major bioinformatics
databases as a partner of InterPro (,
the primary protein family and function annotation server. InterPro is a
significant international resource for structural and functional
classification of proteins. It is used directly by major sequence
databases and genomics projects for large-scale genome analysis, as well
as for the classification of individual protein sequences via its web
interface. The InterProScan service, which enables a protein sequence to
be submitted for analysis of its structure and function against the
InterPro member databases, averaged more than two million sequence
searches per month in 2011.
(3) Links to CATH/Gene3D are provided by many other international
bioinformatics resources, e.g. Protein Databank (PDB), Protein Structure
Initiative (PSI), Pfam, KEGG. Since 2008 Professors Orengo and Thornton
have given talks and have participated in workshops publicising CATH
across Europe and in the USA, Japan, South Korea and India, including the
EBI industry programme and several EMBO workshops at the EBI, which have
been attended by participants from industry. They have given talks on CATH
to computational biologists at several pharmaceutical companies. Prof.
Orengo was a speaker at the Gordon Conference on Computer Aided Drug
Design in 2009, and gave a talk in 2011 on CATH at MedImmune, the Research
and Development arm of the global biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca;
these two talks publicising CATH were attended by a significant number of
researchers from the pharmaceutical industry. Letters of support from the
CEO of Acpharis and the former Director of the Computational Biology and
Chemistry Department of the Merck Research Laboratories in Italy attest to
the widespread use of the CATH resource in the pharmaceutical sector.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Claim (1)
- CATH Technical Manager
Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
University College London
- CathDB Usage Data Analysis Report, July 2013. Available from The
Business Engagement and Impact Manager, School of Business, Economics
and Informatics, Birkbeck, University of London
Claim (2)
- Sarah Hunter et al. (2011). InterPro in 2011: new developments in the
family and domain prediction database. Nucleic Acids Research 2011
40(1), pp D306-D312. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkr948
Claim (3)
- CATH Project Leader
School of Life and Medical Sciences
University College London
- Letter of support from the CEO of Acpharis
- Letter of support from the former Director of the Computational
Biology and Chemistry Department of the Merck Research Laboratories in