Teletest Focus, Non-Destructive Testing Device
Submitting Institution
Brunel UniversityUnit of Assessment
General EngineeringSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Information and Computing Sciences: Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Engineering: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Technology: Communications Technologies
Summary of the impact
In Europe, there are over a million kilometres of oil pipelines, nearly a
million kilometres of railway tracks, 600 offshore platforms and 300
suspension cable bridges. However, these assets are aging as they have
been in use for many years and operate under harsh conditions. Brunel
research team has advanced ultrasonic non-destructive testing (NDT) which
has the ability to inspect buried pipes in their original place without
removing the pipes or damaging their surrounding environment. In addition,
the research was pursued to improve the NDT of rail tracks, storage tanks,
flexible risers in offshore platforms and aircraft wires. The research has
been commercially exploited and incorporated into Teletest Focus System
Mark III by Plant Integrity Limited. The significant improvement has led
Plant Integrity to terminate the sale of Teletest Mark III and introduce a
new version, Teletest Focus System Mark IV, to the market in late 2010.
Since then, Plant Integrity has doubled its turnover from sales of
Teletest Focus System Mark IV from £1 million to £2 million in less than a
Underpinning research
Professor Balachandran's research involves developing state-of-the-art
sensor technologies and advanced signal processing. Since 2003, Prof
Balachandran has been working in collaboration with The Welding Institute
in Great Abington in Cambridge by conducting research in ultrasonic guided
waves for long range non-destructive testing (NDT) of oil and gas pipes,
plates, rails, wind turbines and aircraft wires, with a view to improve
the performance of the Teletest Focus Mark III System. This product was
marketed by Plant Integrity Ltd, which is the commercial arm of The
Welding Institute.
Professor Balachandran and his research team embarked on addressing the
technical short comings of the Teletest Mark III by conducting fundamental
underpinning research in improving ultrasonic transducer design, new
advanced signal processing techniques, new monitoring methods and
significant improvements to the electronic hardware. This has resulted in
a new product, which has a competitive edge in the market.
The techniques of cross-correlation, wavelet de-noising and split
spectrum processing (SSP) have all been considered and SSP was found to be
the most promising technique for coated pipes, which improved the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of received long range ultrasonic testing
signals, thereby improving the defect sensitivity and test range [1]. The
techniques were enhanced by incorporating robust hardware
pre-conditioning, guided wave focusing and advanced signal processing into
standard test procedures. Using these methods, a novel analytical model of
the interaction of flexural wave modes with circumferential groove-like
defects has been formulated, permitting a more accurate and comprehensive
representation [2].
In addition to the conventional PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate)
transducers, fully coupled Macro Fiber Composite (MFC) transducers are
also used for inspection using longitudinal waves, whilst the adapted MFC
transducers are used with torsional waves. The research team developed a
novel method of adapting the MFC and determined its characteristics. These
improvements included the development of a robust calibration technique
and the use of Full Matrix Capture for data collection and improved
focusing results [3]. Using numerical modelling and experimental
investigations, Professor Balachandran has identified appropriate wave
modes and excitation/reception conditions needed to inspect different
sections of rails. The outcome of the research was used to investigate
defects such as in-plane and oblique defects for the twisted wire bundle
used in aircrafts. This facility was incorporated into Teletest Mark IV
where none existed before [4].
The research that has been pursued by Professor Balachandran and his
research team has enabled an enhancement of Ultrasonic Long Range Guided
Wave for NDT technology in general. These underpinning research findings
facilitated the hardware improvements needed to be implemented in the
electronic system. Brunel research team in collaboration with Plant
Integrity designed and implemented the new hardware. In this, an FPGA
(Field Programmable Gate Array) based soft core processor was used to
replace the previous stand-alone hardware microcontroller device to
control the memory and peripherals in the system. A novel design has been
developed for the multichannel transmitters with reduced size and
component count. An efficient and reliable multichannel receiver system
has also been designed and implemented in such a manner that fewer clock
cycles are required for completing data acquisition, which makes it
possible for meeting critical timing requirements for multichannel data
acquisition with real-time DSP (Digital Signal Processing) functions
References to the research
1) Mallett, R, Blakeley, B and Balachandran, W, "Automated Radiographic
Inspection of Flexible Risers: A Feasibility Study", Journal of the
British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Vol. 47, No. 12, pp.
752-755, December 2005.
2) Catton P, Mudge P, Balachandran W, "Advances in Defect
Characterisation using Long-Range Ultrasonic Testing of Pipes", Journal
of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Vol. 50, Issue
9, (2008), pp 480-484
3) Haig A G, Sanderson R M, Mudge P J, Balachandran W, 2013, "Macro-fibre
composite actuators for the transduction of Lamb and horizontal shear
ultrasonic guided waves", Journal of the British Institute of
Non-Destructive Testing, Volume 55, Issue 2, pp 72-77
4) Gharaibeh Y, Sanderson R, Mudge P, Ennaceur C, Balachandran W,
"Investigation of the behaviour of selected ultrasonic guided wave modes
to inspect rails for long-range testing and monitoring", Proceedings of
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid
Transit, V0l.225, (2011), pp 311-324
6) Parthipan T, Nilavalan R, Balachandran W, Mudge P J, "Design and
Analysis of an Ultrasonic NDT Instrumentation Through System Modelling,"
International Journal of Modern Engineering, volume 12, issue 1 (2011)
Details of the impact
Plant Integrity Limited is the commercial arm of The Welding Institute
and has been selling its trademarked Teletest Systems (I, II and III)
since 1998. Prof Balachandran's research identified that significant
improvement could be made to the then-current version Teletest System Mark
III. Teletest Mark III used an old communication protocol and the data
rate was limited to 5 Mbps. It had 24 transmitting but only 8 receiving
channels, which meant that the system had to be activated 3 times in order
to receive signals from all 24 channels. The ultrasonic transducers were
not properly matched, reducing its accuracy, and hence it often produced
unwanted mode conversions. Also, it was bulky and difficult to handle
during field tests.
Professor Balachandran and his team's research addressed these
limitations by advancing research in the field of ultrasonic
non-destructive testing. The Welding Institute commercially exploited his
research advancement so that it can be incorporated into their Teletest
The improvement was so significant that Plant Integrity decided to
manufacture a new version of Teletest System Mark IV. The unit is sold at
£80,000. Since its introduction to the market in late 2010, 20 units per
year have been sold, doubling the market share of Teletest System Mark IV
from £1 million in 2010 to more than £2 million in 2013. Plant Integrity
no longer markets Teletest Mark III.
Teletest® FOCUS+ System Mark IV
The improvements incorporated in Teletest Mark IV are listed below:
- The design of the ultrasonic transducers for transmitting and
receiving has been improved to achieve better focusing and to eliminate
unwanted dispersive modes
- The new system has 24 transmitting and receiving channels and they can
be activated simultaneously
- The gain of each channel can be independently controlled and
- The use of FPGA has significantly reduced the requirements for
external components, ADC interpolation etc.
- Incorporates Ethernet protocol (100 Mbps) as opposed to 5 Mbps in
Teletest Mark III
- Operational speed is 7 times faster (2 minutes)
- The power electronics used is a hybrid of a number of custom made SMPS
topologies with overall efficiency in excess of 86%
- The size and weight of the battery has been reduced from 2.5 kg to 0.5
kg without compromising the system performance
- Teletest Mark IV is 45% lighter
- It can handle full matrix capture
- It incorporates WiFi and GPS
- It has better Electromagnetic Compatibility protection
- Significant reduction in physical size (33cm x 33 cm x14 cm)
- Four units can be interlinked and synchronised to the master clock and
the transmission distance is 100m
- Data link can be increased to 120 channels thereby extending
application to tanks
The Electronic system incorporated in Teletest Mark IV has the capability
to be used with high temperature ultrasonic transducers that have been
developed by Professor Balachandran and his research student for NDT in
nuclear and food manufacturing industries. Furthermore, it can also be
configured and used for NDT using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers
(EMAT), which has the advantage of being non-contact transducer and hence
not requiring air pressure for coupling to the target surface.
Teletest Mark IV has 10% domestic and 90% export market and has even
distribution globally (Europe, North America and Asia). Typical clients in
oil and gas industries are ConocoPhillips, Petrobras, Chevron, Shell etc.
Plant Integrity is intending to market the system to rail and aircraft
industries in the near future.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Contactable source: All information regarding sales and technical
improvement of Teletest Mark IV has been provided by the Manager at Plant
Integrity Limited, Cambridge, UK.