Assessment, restoration and management of urban rivers
Submitting Institution
Queen Mary, University of LondonUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Earth Sciences: Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology
Summary of the impact
Angela Gurnell's research on the geomorphology, hydrology and plant
ecology of urban water courses has led to the development of important new
tools for the biophysical assessment and improved management of urban
rivers. Known as the Urban River Survey (URS), these tools are accessed by
the Environment Agency and River Trusts across London, and their
application is supported with workshops and guidance provided by Gurnell
and her team. The URS has been used to deliver morphological quality
indicators for rivers across London; to appraise river restoration
schemes; to develop catchment management plans; and to assess long-term
changes in rivers. It is currently being developed to quantify and set
targets for river improvement schemes in relation to their impact on river
ecosystem services. Gurnell's work has made a distinct contribution to
urban river improvements in Britain and Europe, particularly through her
leadership in developing a European framework for assessing
Underpinning research
Over 50 per cent of the world's human population lives in cities. For
these people, rivers are a source of drinking water, sanitation,
transport, open space, relaxation and recreation. At the same time, river
corridors within cities provide important resources for wildlife. However,
centuries of urban and industrial development have led to severe
degradation of urban water courses, seriously threatening their ability to
deliver ecosystem services beyond the drainage and disposal of flood and
waste waters. River management agencies are faced with balancing these
pressures, making optimal decisions about river improvements, and
restoring rivers to a healthier state. The need to improve urban water
courses has intensified with the implementation in 2000 of the Water
Framework Directive (WFD), which requires these `Heavily Modified Water
Bodies' to reach `Good Ecological Potential' (GEP).
There are five research projects concerned with the geomorphology,
hydrology and plant ecology of urban water courses, supervised by Gurnell,
which have led to the development and testing of a survey for the
biophysical assessment of urban rivers. These projects include a NERC
studentship (1998-2001, GT24/98/10/URGE) to Dr Angela Boitsidis; a £46k
subcontract from EU grant LIFE02 ENV/UK/000144 (2002-2005); a NERC
studentship (2007-2011, NE/F014597/10 to Dr Chris Cockel; and an ESRC /
NERC, interdisciplinary studentship (2008-2011: ES/F012314/1) to Dr Lucy
Shuker. The research continues at European level through the FP7
collaborative project REFORM (2011-2015: Grant agreement 282656).
These projects have led to the development of the Urban River Survey
(URS), a modification and extension of the Environment Agency's River
Habitat Survey that assesses river dynamics as well as form and is
applicable to heavily-modified urban rivers. It is used to estimate a
range of environmental indicators for urban river reaches (Davenport et
al., 2001, 2004), assess reach quality according to biophysical criteria
(Boitsidis et al., 2006), and arrange reaches along semi-quantitative
environmental gradients (Gurnell et al., 2007; 2012). These analytical
tools allow comparison of physical habitat quality between reaches, across
river networks, and through time, notably tracking trajectories of change
associated with river restoration (Shuker et al., 2011). Many elements of
the research are being incorporated into `a process-based European
framework for hydromorphology' for application across Europe within the
REFORM project (
The international excellence of the research is evidenced by its
publication in six refereed journal papers (see section 3) and seven
technical reports, demonstrating that urban rivers are morphologically
diverse and dynamic and that local rather than extensive reinforcement of
river channels can provide important hydraulic and physical habitat
complexity and induce habitat turnover. Two papers provide an up-to-date
overview of the science by describing: (i) the elements of the URS
methodology and how it may be used in urban river assessment (Shuker et
al., 2011); and (ii) multivariate analysis of URS data from four cities to
reveal the key environmental gradients that discriminate between urban
river reaches (Gurnell et al., 2011).
References to the research
Boitsidis, A.J., Gurnell, A.M., Scott, M., Petts, G.E., Armitage, P. A.
(2006) Decision support system for identifying the habitat quality and
rehabilitation potential of urban rivers. Water and Environment
Journal, 20, 130-140, DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2005.00005.x.
Davenport, A.J., Gurnell, A.M., Armitage,P.D. (2001) Classifying urban
rivers. Water Science and Technology, 43, 9, 147-156, ISSN:
Davenport, A.J., Gurnell, A.M., Armitage,P.D. (2004) Habitat Survey And
Classification Of Urban Rivers. River Research and Applications,
20, 687-704, DOI: 10.1002/rra.785.
Gurnell, A.M., Lee, M., Souch, C. (2007). Urban rivers: Hydrology,
Geomorphology, Ecology and Opportunities for Change. Geography Compass
1, 1118-1137, DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2007.00058.x
Gurnell, A.M., Shuker, L., Lee, M., Boitsidis, A.J. (2012) Gradients in
the biophysical structure of urban rivers and their association with river
channel engineering. River Research and Applications 28, 908-925,
DOI: 10.1002/rra.1487.
Shuker, L., Gurnell, A.M., Raco, M. (2011). Some simple tools for
communicating the biophysical condition of urban rivers to support
high-level discussions regarding river restoration. Urban Ecosystems
15: 389-408, DOI: 10.1007/s11252-011-0207-2
All papers have been published in international, peer-reviewed journals.
Details of the impact
Practical implementation of the research commenced from 2002, when
Gurnell moved to London (and to QMUL in 2009) and built contacts within
London's river management agencies, benefitting from active collaboration
between the Environment Agency (EA), Natural England (NE), the Greater
London Authority (GLA) and local NGOs in relation to London's river
conservation and restoration. An additional crucial driver was the
implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive from 2000, which
requires the ecological potential of `Heavily Modified Water Bodies' to be
assessed, and so provides a clear practical niche for the URS.
Communication of the URS methodology was pursued by Gurnell through
presentations at conferences and workshops and meeting with potential
users. Uptake of the work by the EA, NE, Naturalist and London River
Conservation Trusts resulted from:
(i) 2008 to 2011: Involvement of researchers from QMUL Geography
with river restoration in London led to application of the URS in the high
profile Mayes Brook Park restoration scheme (EA and QMUL, 2010) as a pre-
and post-project appraisal tool, and component of an ecosystem services
assessment (Everard et al., 2011).
(ii) 2011 to 2012:
a. Following a free training day in 2011, for NGO, Local Authority, EA
and University users (20 attendees), the URS was adopted by the Wandle
Trust and Natural England (NE) and the EA Thames area started to promote
the survey.
b. Significant development of a prototype URS web-based information
system, funded by NE (£13k), transformed it into a training, data
management, and communication tool (
with key URS indices output to the Greenspace Information for Greater
London (GIGL) GIS.
c. Further workshops, funded by NE (£2k), trained 70 river managers (eg
BAA; Environment Agency, Conservation Trusts: Bristol, BTCV, GIGL, London
Wildlife, QWAG, Thames21, WWT; London Boroughs — Brent, Bromley,
Harringay, Hillingdon, Lewisham, Richmond; NE, River Restoration Centre,
Royal Parks, Zoological Society of London, Universities — Cranfield,
King's College London, Plymouth, Roehampton, Sheffield) and delivered
c.450 URS surveys.
(iii) 2012 to present:
a. In the first year of full implementation, the URS web-based
information system attracted 3,189 visits from 1,530 unique visitors.
b. The Wandle Trust used URS data to develop their catchment management
plan, evaluate river biophysical condition, and demonstrate the benefits
of restoration. This was seen by the EA as a demonstration of the utility
of URS data in assessing GEP for the WFD.
c. The EA's National Environment Assessment Service (NEAS) then
commissioned re-surveys of 15 stretches of the River Tame (Shuker et al.,
2011; £5k), demonstrating decadal scale improvements in the structure of
almost all reaches and significant improvements in a `restored' reach.
NEAS then commissioned the design of landscape, amenity and heritage
extensions to the URS (£29k) to produce a fully integrated ecosystem
services tool (ECOSTATUS) for conducting pre- and post-project appraisal
of river schemes and setting targets for ecosystem improvements. This
project is close to completion: the first set of five surveyors have been
trained and have tested the methodology and the supporting software is
anticipated by early 2014.
d. The six million euro REFORM project is developing guidance and tools
to make river restoration and mitigation measures more cost-effective.
Gurnell leads the workpackage developing a `process-based European
framework for hydromorphology' which is incorporating elements of the URS.
(i) Delivery of river quality indicators for rivers across London as a
data layer in iGIGL (Geographical Information for Greater London), a
resource for many users in London, particularly the GLA and EA. A
Biodiversity Technical Specialist at the EA confirms: `The survey and its
associated indicators provide an incredibly useful summary of the
condition of London's rivers, particularly now that the data are
assimilated into iGiGL, enabling URS data to be integrated with other
green-space information.' (22.3.13)
(ii) Application of the URS survey to project appraisal and ecosystem
services assessment of the Mayes Brook park restoration scheme, East
London. An Environment Monitoring Officer at the EA confirms: `the high
utility of the URS and the indicators derived from it for the work of the
Environment Agency. ... [T]he survey is contributing significantly to the
appraisal of river restoration and rehabilitation schemes following the
very successful application of the URS in both the pre-project biophysical
assessment and ecosystem services assessment of the Mayes Brook Park
restoration' (11.3.13).
(iii) Analysis of URS data for the assessment of GEP and the design of a
catchment management plan for the River Wandle, London. The data were
particularly useful for habitat assessment and for indicating the relative
quality status of different segments of the river. The Director of The
Wandle Trust writes: `The URS data were crucial for characterising the
river along the main stem and both of the headwater tributaries and the
data also underpinned our proposals for achieving Good Ecological
Potential in response to the requirements of the Water Framework
Directive' (9.3.13).
(iv) Analysis of repeat URS surveys to assess biophysical change in
restored and unrestored reaches of the river Tame, Birmingham (2002-2012)
for the EA, showed a gradual improvement in all reaches following
reduction in `maintenance' of reinforcement, with marked improvement at
restored sites where reinforcement had been removed. The Head of the
National Environmental Assessment Service at the EA writes: `[t]his work
has clearly demonstrated how the URS provides an important high-level
assessment tool that is well-suited to the work of the Environment Agency'
(v) Incorporation of the URS into EA routine practice via the National
Environment Assessment Service (NEAS). Following completion in November
2013, the ECOSTATUS methodology will allow NEAS (a) to describe and
quantify the impact of river improvement schemes on river ecosystem
services within affected river reaches (b) to assess the aggregate impact
of schemes on the ecosystem services provided by entire urban river
systems. The Head of the National Environmental Assessment Service writes:
`This will provide a methodology for the integrated pre- and post-project
assessment of river improvement schemes in urban areas in line with
developing Agency and Defra policy' (11.3.13).
Sources to corroborate the impact
Web links:
The Urban River Survey has its own website to which data can be submitted
and from which it can be interrogated (
Individual users to corroborate impact:
i. Research scientist — Hydromorphology, Environment Agency (impact i)
ii. Biodiversity Technical Specialist, Environment Agency (impact i)
iii. Environment Monitoring Officer, Analysis and reporting, Environment
Agency (impact ii)
iv. Trust Director, The Wandle Trust (impact iii)
v. Head, National Environmental Assessment Service, Environment Agency
(impacts iv and v).