Submitting Institution
University of CambridgeUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Chemical Sciences: Analytical Chemistry, Other Chemical Sciences
Earth Sciences: Geology
Summary of the impact
Measurements of sulphur dioxide emissions from volcanoes provide critical
evidence for forecasting eruptions. From 2001 the research team led by Clive
Oppenheimer (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge:
Lecturer 1994-2003; Reader 2003-12; Professor 2012-) has shown that a new
technique based on UV spectroscopy can revolutionise such measurements.
The approach (awarded a US patent in 2006) has since 2008 come to underpin
the state-of-the-art in operational surveillance of volcanic emissions
worldwide, contributing significantly to hazard assessment and emergency
management at over thirty volcanoes, and helping to save lives by
providing early warning. The team has trained and supported volcanologists
around the world in the methodology (in Costa Rica, 2008; Java, 2010;
Iceland, 2012), and has helped in collecting data during volcanic crises
(e.g. Merapi, 2010), contributing to planning decisions and the safety of
local populations.
Underpinning research
Sulphur dioxide is a key constituent of volcanic gas emissions. Changes
in the SO2 flux are often an important precursor of eruptions
or eruptive transitions. The ability to monitor SO2 emission
continuously, reliably and inexpensively is therefore a critical aspect of
volcanic hazard assessment and risk management. Research outlined here
concerns the development and implementation of new technology for SO2
measurement that has revolutionised the worldwide surveillance of
Much of the underpinning research was funded by the EC. In 2001, Oppenheimer
was co-investigator on the MULTIMO project (led by J. Neuberg, University
of Leeds; see Section 3b), and responsible for gas monitoring. He became
aware of the availability of small (400g), low-power (1 Watt), cheap
(US$2000) UV spectrometers. Recognising their potential, with Galle
(employed as a research associate), he designed and conducted the first
volcanological field experiments with the new device (at Masaya Volcano,
Nicaragua). The prevailing technology (the `COSPEC') was costlier, less
capable, power-hungry and ageing, and the attraction of the new system for
volcanic gas surveillance was easy to communicate (see 3a(i)). In 2006, a
modification of the instrument was awarded a US patent (number 7,148,488:
"Apparatus for measuring radiation and method of use"). Oppenheimer
is a co-holder of the patent and the instrument described has been
distributed under the name of `FLYSPEC'.
The first experiments demonstrated that the spectrometer was capable of
accurate measurement of a wide span of SO2 abundance. They were
published in 2002 (see 3a(i)). With Research Associates McGonigle (2001-4)
and Tsanev (2002-7) (see 3b), Oppenheimer set about validating the
methodology through field trials and rigorous evaluations of spectra from
first principles (2002-7). This included side-by-side field experiments
with the `COSPEC', in collaboration with colleagues at volcano
observatories and institutes, including Italy's National Institute for
Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), responsible for operational
surveillance of Mt Etna, and the U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano
Observatory, which monitors Kīlauea volcano, Hawaii. Several papers
reported the inter-comparisons, corroborating the accuracy and reliability
of the methodology (see 3a(ii, iii)).
The team designed and constructed the first ruggedized scanning system
(see3a(ii)), which was the forerunner of automated systems now used
operationally, e.g., by the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (see3a(iv)). It
exploited the full spectral coverage of the UV spectrometers to measure
other gas species,(including hydrogen sulphide in 2002, nitrogen dioxide
in 2003, and bromine monoxide in 2004. It also applied the technique to
studies of the atmospheric chemistry of volcanic plumes, and emissions
associated with agricultural burning, aviation and industrial accidents.
In 2004, Oppenheimer and Tsanev helped to develop a new method for
calculating SO2 fluxes that continues to be used operationally
for analysing data collected daily at Etna and Vulcano (see 3a(v)). Later,
Boichu (Marie Curie Fellow, 2007-8) joined the group and developed a
methodology to measure volcanic SO2 fluxes with very high
temporal resolution, (based on correlation techniques and using two
spectrometers attached to telescopes with cylindrical lenses; see 3a(vi).
Owing to recognition of his work in UV spectroscopy, Oppenheimer
was invited in 2003 to join the U.S. Antarctic Program to research Erebus
volcano. He has now participated in ten field seasons in Antarctica,
latterly as a co-principal investigator of the Mount Erebus Volcano
Observatory (NSF-funded). Erebus volcano has provided a natural laboratory
to test further developments of the UV technology.
References to the research
(i) Galle, B, Oppenheimer, C, Geyer, A, McGonigle, A, Edmonds, M &
Horrocks, LA (2002) A miniaturised ultraviolet spectrometer for remote
sensing of SO2 fluxes: a new tool for volcano surveillance, Journal of
Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 119, 241-254. (This is the
third most highly-cited paper in the serial since 2000 — out of nearly
2800 papers, Web of Science)
(ii) McGonigle, AJS, Oppenheimer, C, Hayes, AR, Galle, B, Edmonds, M,
Caltabiano, T, Salerno, G, Burton, M, & Mather, TA (2003) Sulphur
dioxide fluxes from Mount Etna, Vulcano, and Stromboli measured with an
automated scanning ultraviolet spectrometer, Journal of Geophysical
Research-Solid Earth, 108 (B9), 2455, doi:10.1029/2002JB002261
(iii) Elias, T, Sutton, AJ, Oppenheimer, C, Horton, KA, Garbeil, H,
Tsanev, V, McGonigle, AJS, & Williams-Jones, G (2006) Intercomparison
of COSPEC and two miniature ultraviolet spectro-meter systems for SO2
measurements using scattered sunlight, Bulletin of Volcanology,
68, 313-322.
(iv) Edmonds, M, Herd, RA, Galle, B & Oppenheimer, C (2003)
Automated, high time-resolution measurements of SO2 flux at Soufrière
Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 2003, Bulletin of Volcanology, 65,
(v) Salerno, GG, Burton, MR, Oppenheimer, C, Caltabiano, T, Tsanev, VI,
Bruno, N & Randazzo, D (2009) Novel retrieval of volcanic SO2
abundance from ultraviolet spectra, Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research, 181, 141-153.
(vi) Boichu, M, Oppenheimer, C, Tsanev, VI & Kyle, PR (2010) High
temporal resolution SO2 flux measurements at Erebus volcano, Antarctica. Journal
of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 190, 325-336.
(b) R&D support for the team's research in UV spectroscopy
(Oppenheimer as UK co-I in all cases; and mentor for Marie Curie award)
2001-2004 FP5: Multi-disciplinary monitoring, modelling and forecasting
of volcanic hazard (MULTIMO), c. £100,000 (with Research Associates Galle
and McGonigle, 2001-2002)
2002-2005 FP5: Development of Optical Remote Sensing Instruments for
Volcanological Applications (DORSIVA), £112,678 (with Research Associate
Tsanev, 2003-2005)
2005-2010 FP6: Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change
(NOVAC), £112,280 (with Research Associate Tsanev 2005-2007)
2007-2008 FP6 Marie Curie action: Volcanic gas and aerosol emissions:
ground based remote sensing, atmospheric impact and modelling of magma
degassing processes (with PDRF Boichu, 2007-2008)
2008-2012 FP7: Mitigate and assess risk from volcanic impact on terrain
and human activities (MIAVITA), €127,000 (with PDRA Boichu, 2009-2011)
2008-2013 NERC, Dynamic Earth and Geohazards, National Centre for Earth
Observation, £251,000 (with Research Associate Tsanev, 2009-2012)
Details of the impact
The key beneficiaries of the research are the worldwide volcano
observatory community, and thus the populations protected through their
monitoring efforts. In addition, the team led by Oppenheimer has
played an active role in public engagement and science education. The
impact falls into three categories, as follows:
(i) Provision of training and tools for operational volcano
monitoring: From 2008 (see 3b, NERC) Tsanev has developed
hardware and software for automated measurements of SO2
emissions using UV scanners. This involved design of improved scanning
systems, environmental sealing, and firmware control of the
opto-mechanics. During the REF period, six scanners were delivered to the
Montserrat Volcano Observatory (2011; Plate 1), two to INGV-Catania (2011,
funded by the Italian Department of Civil Protection), one to the
Icelandic Meteorological Office (2012) and one to the Center of
Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Indonesia (2013).
The team also provided equipment to the National Seismological Network,
University of Costa Rica in 2008 and the Merapi Volcano Observatory
(Indonesia) in 2010. The research team has also provided advanced training
in the application of UV spectroscopy to measurement of volcanic SO2
emissions, and has supported the wider community via distribution of open
This equipment is used in installations for operational SO2
flux observations, or for rapid response during emerging episodes of
volcanic unrest. The Co-Leader of Gas Geochemistry Research and Monitoring
at INGV-Catania wrote that UV scanners designed and built by the Cambridge
team are "fully integrated in the scanner networks of Mt. Etna and
Vulcano, successfully providing automatic real-time SO2
flux data. At Mt. Etna, notable is the contribution that this equipment
has provided during the repeated episodes of volcanic unrest occurred
since 2011... 38 short-lived but powerful explosive events have
occurred, and the network has regularly highlighted its ability in the
automatic tracking of SO2 flux. This has
provided fundamental insight into volcanological processes and for
operational volcano monitoring and surveillance". (see 5(i).)
The Staff Geochemist at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory writes: "We
found the importance of the new spectrometer system demonstrated
convincingly at Kilauea in early 2008 as the volcanic system was
building to a summit eruption. Through the first two months of 2008 the
FLYSPEC told us that emissions from Kilauea were higher than we'd seen
them in over 20 years. The high SO2 emissions
quantified by the FLYSPEC led the National Park to close the south
portion of Crater Rim Drive in February to protect visitor safety. Our
ability to rapidly measure SO2 and rapidly
report the values had a clear and positive effect on our knowledge of
the gas hazards..." (see 5(ii))
Plate 1. Testing UV scanners on Montserrat
(ii) Support during volcanic emergencies: The research
team has collaborated with national agencies to assist with SO2
measurements during volcanic crises, notably at Merapi volcano (Java) in
2010 (Plate 2). This provides an example of how training, provision of
equipment and on-the-ground support combined to reinforce efforts to
assess hazards of one of the largest eruptions of the past decade, and the
deadliest since 1985.
Plate 2. Portable scanner in use during Merapi eruption
The Indonesian institutions responsible for monitoring Merapi volcano are
the CVGHM and the BPPTK (Volcanological Research and Technology
Development Centre). The research team's collaboration with these
institutions began in April 2010 with training for six members of Merapi
Volcano Observatory's staff. This covered theory and practice in data
acquisition and processing. Hardware and software to perform gas
monitoring was donated to the Observatory. In October 2010, Merapi volcano
showed increasing signs of unrest. Following a request from CVGHM, Boichu
(PDRA on MIAVITA; see 3(b)) travelled promptly to Indonesia to assist with
gas surveillance and data evaluation and interpretation. The ground
observations provided critical information, especially before Merapi's
opening explosion on 26 October, by demonstrating that the volcano's gas
output was significantly higher than seen in the lead up to previous
eruptions. This suggested that a large body of magma was intruding into
the volcano, and that should it reach the surface, the ensuing eruption
would likely exceed the size of preceding events. The 2010 eruption proved
to be Merapi's largest in over a century.
Decision making, especially concerning the establishment of exclusion
zones on the volcano, was based firmly on evidence from SO2
observations and geophysical and satellite radar data. The Head of
Division for Research and Technology Development on Geological Hazard in
Indonesia wrote that: "Connecting to [Oppenheimer's]
work with UV DOAS for SO2 monitoring in
Merapi, I would like to say ..: 1. Monitoring SO2
by using UV DOAS in the year of 2010 was very important, instead of
COSPEC instrument which have not worked since the eruption 2006. 2.
...When Merapi began unrest, all monitoring data increased clearly. We
need[ed] something [like] a decisive parameter to 'justify' my
interpretation that Merapi will erupt explosively. And I found [this in]
... UV DOAS monitoring" (see 5(iii)). The crisis escalated rapidly
and there were 367 fatalities. Nevertheless, over 400,000 people
evacuated, and it has been estimated that "because of the effective
warnings by CVGHM and the response by BNPB (the Indonesian national
emergency response agency) and their provincial and local
counterparts, 10,000 to 20,000 lives were saved by evacuations"
(based on BNPB reports, see 5(iv)).
(iii) Public engagement: Oppenheimer's research efforts
have been publicised in several documentaries. He was closely involved a
2009 film for Teachers TV (a government-funded broadcasting service). The
film, Journey to Etna, formed part of the series How Science
Works (see 5(v)), and featured demonstrations of real-time
measurement of SO2 flux. Over 700 schools used the videos and
associated materials in the classroom.
Sources to corroborate the impact
(i) Letter received by email in 2013 from person 1 (Co-Leader of Gas
Geochemistry Research and Monitoring, INGV)
(ii) Letter received by email in 2013 from person 2 (Staff Geochemist,
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, U.S. Geological Survey)
(iii) Email received from person 3 (Head of Division for Research and
Technology Development on Geological Hazard, Geological Agency, Ministry
of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia)
(iv) Jousset P, Pallister J, Surono, 2013, The 2010 eruption of Merapi
volcano, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 261, 1-6
(editorial introduction to a special issue, summarising the event; and
confirming the involvement of the MIAVITA team.)
(v) Journey to Etna (2009) can be viewed at: