Component-based Highly Productive Methodology for Software Development in Grid and Cloud Computing
Submitting Institution
University of WestminsterUnit of Assessment
Computer Science and InformaticsSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Information and Computing Sciences: Computation Theory and Mathematics, Computer Software, Information Systems
Summary of the impact
The invention of a novel component-based model and approach for rapid
distributed software development are the core research results for this
case study. Using our methodology we have built a fully functional
platform — the Grid Integrated Development Environment (GIDE) — which has
been used for the development of user applications by several industrial
partners. The main economic impact of our work is the new component-based
development process resulting in much higher productivity and shorter
development cycle. In addition, the four new international standards
approved by ETSI provide impact on the wider professional community in the
areas of grid and cloud computing.
Underpinning research
The component-based abstract models and development methodology for
complex distributed software systems has been one of the main research
areas for the Distributed and Intelligent Systems Research Group since
late 90s. The research team that has been contributing to these very
important and challenging topics comprises: Professor Vladimir Getov, Dr
Alexander Bolotov, Dr Stavros Isaiadis, Dr Thomas Weigold, Dr Artie
Basukoski, Dr Jeyan Thiyagalingam, and Dr Alessandro Basso.
Message-passing for Java
- The message-passing for Java specification and reference
implementation and the mixed-language software development and execution
approach provided the foundation for the invention of a novel
component-based model. As part of these important research projects and
results, Vladimir Getov was a founding member of the Java Grande Forum
(the international high-performance Java forum) and then chair of the
Java Grande Message Passing Group.
- The multi-paradigm Java communications concepts and environments was
the natural next research step which introduced the early ideas for
component-based frameworks and environments. Subsequently, Vladimir was
elected Research Group co-chair in the Open Grid Forum (2001 — 2004).
The use of high-performance Java and the Message Passing for Java
specification enabled the rapid development and wide adoption of
component-oriented approaches in modern high-performance distributed
systems such as grids and clouds.
Grid Component Model
- The grid component model (GCM) for autonomic distributed computing and
the `invisible' grid concepts introduced shortly before the cloud
computing paradigm are the core theoretical research results
underpinning this impact case study. Vladimir Getov was also Executive
Committee member and leader of the European Institute on "Grid Systems,
Tools, and Environments" within the CoreGRID Network of Excellence
(2004-2008). This Institute's main objective has been the development of
a new design methodology for future generation `invisible' grids.
- At the end of the CoreGRID EU grant Vladimir Getov was one of the
founding members of the ERCIM Working Group on Grids, P2P and Services
Computing, where he has since been topic leader for "Tools and
Environments for Application Development and Execution".
Grid Integrated Development Environment
- The complete methodology for component-based development of grid
applications with relevant case studies in different application domains
was developed and implemented in our Grid Integrated Development
Environment (GIDE). Between 2005 and 2009, Vladimir Getov was also on
the Steering Committee for the GridCOMP (Grid Programming with
Components) project, which developed a new generation component-based
and dynamically reconfigurable grid computing platform including our
GIDE prototype.
- Further results on the architecture for component-based smart cloud
infrastructures were based on our expanded methodology and GIDE.
References to the research
A. Key publications
Grid Integrated Development Environment
1. (*) V. Getov, Component-oriented Approaches for Software
Development in the Extreme-scale Computing Era, In: High Performance
Computing: From Grids and Clouds to Exascale, pp. 141-156, IOS Press,
2011, DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-803-8-141 (listed in REF2).
2. T. Weigold, P. Buhler, J. Thiyagalingam, A. Basukoski, V. Getov, Advanced
Grid Programming with Components: A Biometric Identification Case Study,
Proc. IEEE COMPSAC, pp. 401-408, IEEE CS Press, 2008, DOI:
3. J. Thiyagalingam, S. Isaiadis, V. Getov, Towards Building a
Generic Services Platform: A Components-oriented Approach, In:
Component Models and Systems for Grid Applications, pp. 39-56, Springer,
2005, DOI: 10.1007/0-387-23352-0_3.
Grid Component Model
4. (*) F. Baude, D. Caromel, C. Dalmasso, M. Danelutto, V. Getov, L.
Henrio, C. Pérez, GCM: A Grid Extension to Fractal for Autonomous
Distributed Components, Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 64(1-2),
pp. 5-24, Springer, 2009, DOI: 10.1007/s12243-008-0068-8 (listed in REF2).
Message-passing for Java
5. (*) V. Getov, G. von Laszewski, M. Philippsen, I. Foster, Multi-Paradigm
Communications in Java for Grid Computing, Communications of the
ACM, vol. 44(10), pp. 118-125, ACM Press, 2001, DOI:
6. B. Carpenter, V. Getov, G. Judd, A. Skjellum, G. Fox, MPJ:
MPI-like Message Passing for Java, Concurrency: Practice and
Experience, vol. 12 (11), pp. 1019-1038, Wiley, 2000, DOI:
(*) Indicator of best quality.
B. Key research grants
• 10/2009 - 03/2011 V. Getov, `Feasibility Study into Smart Cloud
Infrastructures', Faculty Award Research Grant from IBM, PI and Grant
Holder, £ 9,201 ($ 15,000).
• 05/2009 - 06/2013 V. Getov, COST Action: "Open European Network for
High Performance Computing on Complex Environments", ESF Grant, £ 16,710
(Total consortium grant 520 K EUR).
• 06/2006 - 02/2009 V. Getov, Grid Programming with COMPonents: An
Advanced Component Platform for an Effective Invisible Grid (GridCOMP),
STREP EU Project, PI and Grant Holder, £ 320,000 (Total consortium grant
1.75 M EUR).
• 02/2006 - 10/2006 V. Getov, Research Fellowship, European Commission,
PI and Grant Holder, £ 14,117.
• 09/2004 - 11/2008 V. Getov, The European Research Network on
Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for Large-scale
Distributed, Grid and Peer-to-Peer Technologies (CoreGRID) NoE EU Project,
PI and Grant Holder, £ 224,000 (Total consortium grant 8.2 M EUR).
Details of the impact
Modern high-performance distributed systems such as grids and clouds have
developed rapidly through the wide use of component-oriented approaches
usually using the Java programming language. The main goal of our work in
this area has been the design and implementation of a highly productive
and efficient component-based framework for the rapid development of
complex distributed applications. The impact created by this research is
based on the invention of a new abstract model and corresponding
implementation approach for a component-oriented distributed software
development with much higher productivity.
Following the initial ideas and results introduced in the
component-oriented approach for distributed and high-performance
computing, the European Network of Excellence CoreGRID advanced
significantly in this new field. Our conceptual research results have been
used as an enabling approach for the `invisible' grid concepts and for
developing the Grid Component Model (GCM) specification, as well as
initial proof-of-concept experiments. These have proved particularly
successful within the vibrant collaboration environment established after
the creation, and as part of the operation and management of the European
Institute on "Grid Systems, Tools, and Environments" with more than 90
individuals participating from 12 different European countries.
The GIDE research team, led by Vladimir Getov, was a main partner in the
European GridCOMP project working in close collaboration with other
partners including INRIA Sophia Antipolis, University of Pisa,
IBM-Research, Tsinghua University, and Atos Origin. GridCOMP designed and
built a fully functional platform incorporating our GIDE prototype which
has been used for highly productive development of user applications by
industrial partners in the areas of grid and cloud computing.
- The reach of the impact (this is more than geographical): Demonstrated
ground-breaking wide-ranging impacts of major significance at world
- The significance of the impact: Based on the high-performance Java
component-oriented concepts and research results, Grid and Cloud
computing represent a fundamental shift in the delivery of information
technology services that has permanently changed the computing
Evidence of the impact:
- Following the initial ideas and results introducing the
component-oriented approach for distributed and high-performance
computing, the European Network of Excellence CoreGRID —
- advanced significantly this new field by using it as an enabling
approach for the `invisible' grid concepts and developing the Grid
Component Model (GCM) specification as well as initial proof-of-concept
- The GCM definition and specification have been approved and published
in four official industrial standards documents by the Technical
Committee GRID/CLOUD of the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI) — "GCM
Interoperability Deployment", Aug 2008; "GCM
Interoperability Application Description", Aug 2008; "GCM
Fractal ADL", Mar 2009; and "GCM
Management API (Java, C, WSDL)", Mar 2010.
- Following excellent technical results but most importantly because of
the unique success in standardisation the EU GridCOMP project was
announced the EC DG-INFSO project of the month for September 2009 —
- Two large companies — IBM and Atos Origin — both partners in the
GridCOMP project, have been using the GCM specification, standards, and
results. Two other small enterprises — GridSystems and ActiveEon — have
also been working on the integration and further development of the
component-oriented framework.
- The following user applications are known to have been developed using
our component-based methodology and framework
- Biometric Identification System — IBM;
- Aircraft Wing Design — ActiveEon;
- Computing of Days Sales Outstanding Value — Atos Origin;
- Extended Data Record Processing — Grid Systems.
Note: The official participation in the ETSI standardisation process was
done by INRIA on behalf of the GridCOMP consortium. ETSI and INRIA have
agreed that they can provide appropriate letters confirming our
participation and contribution to the four ETSI standards references
Sources to corroborate the impact
Reports and reviews:
International standards:
- GCM Interoperability Deployment, TC GRID/CLOUD, ETSI, Aug 2008.
- GCM Interoperability Application Description, TC GRID/CLOUD, ETSI, Aug
- GCM Fractal ADL, TC GRID/CLOUD, ETSI, Mar 2009.
- GCM Management API (Java, C, WSDL), TC GRID/CLOUD, ETSI, Mar 2010.
The following users / beneficiaries can be contacted by the REF team
to corroborate claims:
- OASIS Team, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France.
- Computer Science Department, IBM-Research, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Atos Origin, Barcelona, Spain.
- IBM Venture Capital Group, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, USA.
- ActiveEon, Sophia Antipolis, France.