Social impact of enterprises and charities
Submitting Institution
Middlesex UniversityUnit of Assessment
Business and Management StudiesSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services: Business and Management
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration, Sociology
Summary of the impact
There is a growing demand for evidence of the impact that non
governmental and private businesses are having. Research findings have led
to a range of practical and policy developments related to encouraging
organisations to measure their impact and use it both for their own
development and to access more resources. This research has resulted in
social impact measurement being introduced to many organisations and an
improvement in the tools used. Research insights into how social impact
can best be measured have led to changes in the practices of charities
such as Citizens Advice and the use of a measurement tool by over 200
smaller organisations.
Underpinning research
Research on social accounting and social audit built on previous work
that started in 1999 and explored the approaches to measuring social
impacts, the indicators used, and the experiences of organisations looking
to measure such impact (Lyon et al, 2002; Evans and Syrett, 2007). Evans
and Syrett (2007) reported on a major international comparative project to
explore how social impact can be demonstrated in the social economy, with
a focus on less tangible aspects such as social capital. This research
showed how a social accounting methodology that examines the impacts of
each organisation can demonstrate impacts on jobs and services but also in
terms of tackling empowerment, democratic participation and social
exclusion. Further work by Lyon and Evans went beyond the social economy
to examine the impact of small firms in deprived areas and the development
of a set of indicators for measurement (Lyon et al, 2002; Lyon and
Bertotti, 2007).
Social impact measurement research was developed through collaborations
involving Lyon within the ESRC funded Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC)
(2008-2013). Lyon co-authored studies with other TSRC academics based at
Southampton and Birmingham Universities. Research on how charities and
enterprises are measuring their impact explored the ways in which social
enterprises and charities measured their impact and the motivations that
drive them (Lyon and Arvidson, 2011; Arvidson and Lyon, 2013). This was
the first study to explore the perceptions of organisations rather
than focusing only on the types of tools being promoted to measure impact.
Further research examined particular tools for social impact with
recommendations for improvements to social accounting methods with a
particular emphasis on the Social Return on Investment methodology that
has widespread use within the sector (Arvidson, Lyon, McKay and Moro,
2013). The research concluded that organisations have considerable
discretion on how they use these tools and there are considerable dangers
of comparing the impact results of one organisation with another. However,
these approaches continue to be a useful learning tool.
Previous research reflected theoretically on the nature of impact
measurement as an institutional form or focused on the use and promotion
of particular tools, rather than adopt critical perspectives on how the
tools are used, misused and adapted (Arvidson and Lyon, 2013). Research at
Middlesex examined the experiences of third sector organisations
in measuring impact and their use of impact evidence, building on
critical analysis and initial empirical work to demonstrate the central
importance of these factors. Following this, we supported the think-tank
New Philanthropy Capital in conducting a large survey on this topic, that
demonstrated the different motivations for measuring impact (for learning
and marketing) as well as for satisfying funder requirements.
References to the research
Arvidson, M and Lyon, F (2013) Social impact measurement and non-profit
organisations: compliance, resistance, and promotion. Voluntas:
International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations DOI
10.1007/s11266-013-9373-6 2.
Arvidson, M. Lyon, F. McKay, S and Moro, D (2013) Valuing the Social? The
nature and controversies of measuring Social Return on Investment (SROI).
Voluntary Sector Review 4 (1) pp. 3-18
The quality of these research outputs is assured by all research having
undergone peer review in both high ranking refereed journals and well
regarded edited volumes. There has been quality assurance too from project
steering groups. All ESRC funded Third Sector Research Centre activity is
overseen by a steering group chaired by Prof Ken Peattie (Cardiff
University) and comprising leading academics (including international
scholars), representatives of government bodies and key social enterprise
and third sector bodies. All TSRC working paper series publications
underwent a peer preview process by two established academics.
Research funding for Middlesex University
The Contribution of Social Capital In the Social Economy to Local
Economic Development in Western Europe (CONSCISE), Awarded by: European
Commission (Framework V), 1999-2002, (£510,000).
Measuring Enterprise Impacts Upon Deprived Areas. (DTI Small Business
Service) 2002 (£28,000)
The Contribution of Social Enterprises to Rural
Economies, Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2003
Social Impact Stream of the ESRC/OTS Third Sector Research Centre, Led by
Birmingham University, 2008-13
Social Impact Measurement - Public And Third Sector Commissioning,
Procurement, Social Impact Measurement And Social Enterprise Development,
funded by EEDA, 2009-2010 (£21,055)
Details of the impact
MU research on how organisations can and are measuring impact has led to
our involvement in a range of programmes that have stimulated the uptake
of social impact measurement and the improvement of existing tools. These
2000-2007: Building on initial work, we provided consultancy to the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and DEFRA relating to the impact of
social enterprise. An influential piece of MU work on the impact of
enterprise in deprived areas for DTI was used extensively in the design
and initial documents of the Local Enterprise Growth Initiative.
2008-9: We were asked to evaluate the Social Enterprise Investment Fund
(a £100m programme funded by the Department of Health) and research used
to influence policy.
2010-11: There was a growing appetite from organisations to use MU
research themselves, with training being provided to over 200
organisations based on tools developed from the research findings. More
intensive engagement with Citizen's Advice used the research to
successfully develop their strategies.
2012-13: The work on supporting charities and social ventures to measure
their impact has continued, with development of web based tools and
research being used in a two year Knowledge Transfer Partnership on growth
strategies for a charity, The Holy Cross Centre Trust.
Influencing Policy
The research on Social Return on Investment (initially published as a
Third Sector Research Centre working paper in 2010 and later published as
Arvidson, Lyon, McKay and Moro, 2013) was used to advise a range of
funders and policy managers about the types of impact evaluation tools
that should be promoted and the limitations of these approaches. The
Social Return on Investment approach had been selected as the single
approach to be promoted by the Cabinet Office's Office of the Third Sector
(later renamed the Office for Civil Society). MU was on the advisory panel
of the Cabinet Office's Measuring Social Value Project and advised the
Cabinet Office on what approaches are most suitable. A senior official of
the Office for Civil Society reported: `we found the meeting very useful
and timely in terms of our thinking on the next steps for Social Return on
Investment and how it can feed into the government priorities'. The
research was quoted in a key document from the Cabinet Office on Social
Investment (1; 2).
Subsequent to the briefing based on this research (Arvidson et al, 2013)
and further studies by DEMOS, there was a policy change that replaced the
emphasis on promoting SROI as a single approach to measuring impact and
recognised the need for a range of approaches. This research received much
attention in the media with articles in the Guardian online and in the
Third Sector trade press (3; 4). The briefing paper on the subject was
downloaded over 3,500 times. It also led to further policy briefings with
the Big Lottery Fund (24/10/2010), Department for International
Development (5/11/2012) and advice given to Big Society Capital
(13/3/2013) (5). Further research on impact tools and their use by
commissioners was used to brief the Cabinet Office (19/8/2013). Research
on how charities are using Impact Measurement was also drawn on by the
Greater London Authority/NESTA in setting up Project Oracle - a programme
to build the evidence base on what works in youth policy (6).
Influencing Practice
Results from the study of how organisations measure social impact (Lyon
and Arvidson, 2011) were used to initiate a KTP that developed ways to
support organisations to select an appropriate means to measure their
impact (7). This resulted in 14 courses run by the KTP partner (The
Guild), attended by over 200 organisations, and 1,064 organisations have
placed orders for the guide. The research led to MU winning a competitive
contract (£12,000) to develop impact assessment approaches for Citizens
Advice and an address to their AGM. MU also won a competitive tender
commissioned to develop a website for measuring impact for the Big Lottery
Fund and Plunkett Foundation (8).This targeted many thousands of smaller
organisations and social enterprises.
This research also laid the basis for the Inspiring Impact
programme led by New Philanthropy Capital, which brought together impact
measurement specialists across the UK to discuss forms of shared
measurement. MU research was quoted extensively in the launch document for
this programme (9). The research was also used by New Philanthropy Capital
in developing the Data Lab Project and Middlesex University was
subsequently funded to provide further support in setting up units in
different government departments to allow charities to use public sector
administrative data to assess the impact of interventionism (10).
This work has led to a number of other impact assessment studies for
specific organisations that have built on our analysis of impact
measurement approaches and have been used to shape the future direction of
the organisations. They include: Evaluation of the School for Social
Entrepreneurs programmes (2013-15: £104,000); Evaluation of the New
Philanthropy Capital Data Lab Project (2013-16: £54,000); Right to Request
Programme, commissioned by the SSE and Department of Health (2011:
£5,000); Social Enterprise Investment Fund Evaluation, commissioned by the
Department of Health with Birmingham University, Oxford University and
Shared Intelligence Ltd. (2009-2011; £400,000, with £53,000 to MU);
Evaluation of Innovation Exchange Brokerage Model, for Innovation
Exchange, funded by OTS, Cabinet Office (2009-10; £25,000).
The social impact measurement agenda is currently changing fast with
growing demands from funders and public sector commissioners. The impact
of the Middlesex University research in this area is expected to grow
considerably with invitations to join new partnerships and policy makers
looking to draw on our work in developing more appropriate approaches to
identifying and reporting the impact of organisations.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Briefing paper on Social Impact and SROI (Arvidson, Lyon, McKay and
Moro, 2010) quoted in: Cabinet Office (2011) Growing the Social
Investment Market: A vision and strategy
- Office for Civil Society, Cabinet Office (factual statement
- Third Sector Magazine (leading weekly paper for practitioners)
published article based on Lyon and Arvidson (2011).
- Arvidson and Lyon (2013) quoted in main cover story of Charity Times
- Social Impact Team, Big Society Capital.
- Project Oracle set up by NESTA and GLA to promote Evidence based
policy, referenced Lyon and Arvidson (2011)
- The Guild, (Knowledge Transfer Partnership partner and providers of
support for organisations wanting to measure their impact) (factual
statement available).
- Website developed for National Lottery Funded programmes on Local
Food to help organisations measure their impact
- Inspiring Impact programme, funded by the Cabinet Office brought
together the social impact measurement community in UK and the launch
document referenced Lyon and Arvidson (2011) extensively.
- Head of Measurement and Evaluation, New Philanthropy Capital,
(Leading body supporting organisations to measure their impact) (factual
statement available)