Helping planning professionals design buildings, communities and urban areas which fulfil community needs
Submitting Institution
University of LeicesterUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Specialist Studies In Education
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration, Sociology
Summary of the impact
Successful buildings, communities and urban areas must incorporate the
needs of users into their design. Human geography research at Leicester
has enabled town planners and local authorities to incorporate the
community's needs into the design of new schools, villages and urban
areas. This work has benefited both professionals (e.g. in Local
Authorities in Northamptonshire and Leicester) and the community groups
they serve. It has also successfully brought together users (especially
children, young people and adults), community organisations, practitioners
and policy- makers into direct dialogue, enabling productive partnership
working between these groups.
Underpinning research
Since 2006, Human Geographers at Leicester have repeatedly engaged in
participatory research that enables users and community members to voice
their needs. This strand of research straddles two of the Human
Geographers' research themes: geographies of communities and the
everyday; spatial politics of change. Several projects have
sought to critically interrogate and support user involvement in
planning/design. Human Geographers have also repeatedly collaborated with
others in the department (especially GIS researchers), leading to joint
policy research projects. On the basis of their expertise in
community/participatory research - especially with `minority' groups1,2
— Leicester geographers have repeatedly been commissioned to undertake
impactful policy & consultancy research (for a key, recent example,
see Survey of Leicester, section 4). Key research strands that have led to
impacts in section 4 are as follows (superscript numbers throughout
this document denote references in section 3).
1. Pupil participation in school design2
This research strand centred around pupil involvement in ten schools in
the English Midlands undergoing re-design, refurbishment or complete
re-building. It took place during a period of extensive investment in
schools (e.g. New Labour's Building Schools for the Future
programme). A key finding was that whilst in many schools, pupil
participation was `lost' under in the complexity of school-design
processes, there were several examples of best practice: from
participation in design of pupil social areas, to meaningful encounters
with design professionals that enabled participation based on knowledge of
the technical parameters of school design3. In collaboration
with Coventry, Northampton and Keele Universities, Dr Peter Kraftl (Co-I),
from the University of Leicester (at Leicester since 2007), was central to
securing funding for this research, given his longer-standing background
in architectural geographies of schools5. Dr Kraftl also
line-managed a Research Assistant (Dr Olga den Besten, 2007-2009), and was
instrumental in the dissemination of the project's findings4
(e.g. best practice guidance: see section 4).
2. Young people and everyday lives of `Sustainable Communities' 5
In the context of New Labour's Sustainable Communities agenda,
inter-linked research projects5 explored young people's (aged
9-16) everyday lives, mobility and citizenship in new, large-scale
residential communities. Given that little was known about any
residents' experiences of such new communities, it was highly significant.
It uncovered a range of findings: tensions between young people and adults
as a result of complex design processes; strikingly high levels of
mobility amongst young people in new communities; what it is like to move
into a new, unfinished community; young people's conservatism about
`cutting-edge' sustainable architectures. In collaboration with Warwick
and Northampton Universities, Dr Kraftl (Co-I) was instrumental in framing
an original project proposal in the context of Sustainable Communities;
he led on several important impact activities — for instance the
consultation with DCLG and consultation documents for NNJPU (see section
4). In addition, the work of Dr Claire Jarvis (PI for GIS component, at
Leicester since 2002) was indispensible: the GIS data were core to the
methodology and the success of the research, and have been powerful tools
for dissemination to policy-makers.
References to the research
Numbering refers to superscript numbers in Section 2.
1. Kraftl, P. (2008) "Young people, hope and
childhood-hope", Space and Culture, 11: 81-92.
2. Funded by AHRC/EPSRC, "Realising participatory design
with children and young people: A case study of design and refurbishment
in schools" Awarded £330,000, (2007-2009). Kraftl Co-I.
Example of project output: Kraftl, P. (2012) Utopian Promise or
Burdensome Responsibility? A Critical Analysis of the UK Government's Building
for the Future Policy, Antipode 44: 847-870.
3. Den Besten, O., Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2008) "Pupil
involvement in school (re)design: participation in policy and practice", Co-Design
4: 197-210.
4. Kraftl, P. (2006) "Building an idea: The material
construction of an ideal childhood", Transactions of the Institute of
British Geographers. 31(4): 488-504.
5. Horton, J., Hadfield-Hill, S., Christensen, P. and Kraftl,
P. (2013) Children, Young People and Sustainability. Local
Environment 18: 249-254. Funded by: a) ESRC, "New Urbanisms,
New Citizens: children and young people's everyday life and participation
in sustainable communities (NUNC)". Awarded £670,000, (2009-2013),
Kraftl: Co-I, Jarvis PI for GIS component; b) Higher Education
Collaboration Fund (HECF)/East Midlands Development Agency
(EMDA) "Sustainable Homes Innovation Network of Expertise:
Transdisciplinary Research on User Experiences (SHINE TRUE)" Awarded
£44,000, (2009-2010). Kraftl Co-I and leader for work package 3
(children and young people's views of sustainable design).
Details of the impact
Research has been used by several local authorities/councils to inform
planning and community engagement. It has also been used by a UK
Government Department and a Political Party to inform national strategies.
Finally, it has provided significant benefits to residents of several
local communities.
Local Authority Planning
North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit (NNJPU) is responsible for
preparing the North Northamptonshire Core Strategy — the planning
framework covering Corby, Kettering, East Northamptonshire and
Wellingborough Councils. From 2012 onwards, Dr Kraftl worked
collaboratively with NNJPU (drawing on ESRC `NUNC' research) to help them
better understand aspirations of residents and shape planning policy. A
Senior Planner at NNJPUa said the NUNC research5 had
been particularly significant in:
- identifying young people's issues and aspirations within North
Northamptonshire and establishing relationships with young residents;
- providing a robust evidence-base for the entire Core Strategy and the
development of policies therein;
- discussing policy development with NNJPU and other Local Authority
colleagues, and sharing best practicea.
Leicester City Council — Schools
The findings of Dr Kraftl's research on pupil participation in school
design (AHRC-EPSRC research2), were incorporated into a
pupil-participation best-practice guide. The guide reached every English
Local Education Authority (433 in total). During 2009-10, it was used by
Leicester City Council (LCC) in fostering pupil participation for the Building
Schools for the Future programme — a £235 million programme of
investment in secondary school buildings in the cityb. For an
LCC youth engagement officer, the guide provided clear, accessible
information about pupil participation that enabled participatory methods
to be tailored for LCC's use; it was also used in initial meetings with
headteachers to justify pupil participation activities - leading to
engagement with 450 pupils at 16 schoolsb.
Leicester City Council — Survey of Leicester
Based on research expertise in the UoA, and a workshop organised by Dr
Kraftl in 2011 (part- funded by the Department's Human Geography Research
Fund), Leicester City Council commissioned a collaborative research
project (costing £65k) to undertake a pilot survey of the city's
population. Led by Leicester GIS staff and Human Geographers, the project
involved the analysis/compilation of existing datasets (Dr Comber) and the
use of datasets to create `storyboards' about local communities (Dr
Jarvis), later used as the basis for participatory community workshops (Dr
The pilot study had several significant impacts on LCC practice, which
reaches across all of the city's communities. LCC's Research and
Intelligence Manager listed three benefitsc:
- "It has informed the approach of the City Council's Research and
Intelligence Service to help co- ordinate and quality-assure the
organisation's consultation practice". In particular, it has provided
methods and evidence to enable staff "to tailor individual consultation
exercises [...] and, where necessary, explore new ways of reaching out
to engage those likely to be affected by proposed interventions.''
- "It has informed the approach to evaluation taken by the council's
transforming neighbourhood services initiative. This project, which is
pioneering new ways to improve the quality of front-line services while
also cutting costs, is adapting the methods developed in the Survey of
Leicester pilot study [...] to underpin public consultation''
- "The pilot work has prompted the council to further invest in
developing capacity for local research through the creation of a new,
fixed-term post of Project Co-ordinator [which will] further increase
the council's understanding of community needs and the impact of
policies on local people''
National Government Departments/Political Parties
In July 2012, Dr Kraftl and NUNC colleagues were invited to consult with
the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) as the latter
developed the UK's large-scale housing strategy. The invitation was
extended after the findings of the NUNC research were sent to the
Department by Dr Kraftl. Thereafter, the academics delivered briefing
papers on the NUNC findings, in November 2012 and July 2013.d
The findings of the NUNC project are cited as key evidence in the Labour
Party's (2013) Policy Review on Community Engagement in Planning.
Specifically, the benefits of consulting with young people — rarely
directly acknowledged in recent national-level planning documents - are
directly addressed, with the project providing the key (and only) example
of relevant researche.
Impacts on residents
Just as significant as policy impacts, participatory research has led to
important benefits for residents/users. It has enabled residents to
participate in shaping their own environments — visible repeatedly through
feedback from participants in the NUNC project. For example:
- evidence from the NUNC project supported two successful community
applications for funding for play equipment (total £49,000).f
- a local councillor involved in community workshops, facilitated by Dr
Kraftl/NUNC, spoke of their benefits in bringing younger and older
residents into dialogue: "[i]t gives you more confidence to talk to
children...the longer-term benefits of this work, [will be] that it
facilitates meaningful dialogue and action."f. Dr Kraftl has
facilitated similarly successful workshops in several other communities,
each comprising ca. 2,000 residents.
- one of several similar testimonials from a young participant in the
NUNC research: "[w]e learned how we could make a change to our community
ourselves and met lots of people to help us.''f
- many young people cited positive educational and emotional benefits of
being involved in the NUNC research, collated in a published survey of
participantsg. The overwhelming majority indicated that the
project had improved their knowledge about sustainability and how their
communities were changing.
Sources to corroborate the impact
a Statement available from Senior Planner, North Northamptonshire Joint
Planning Unit
b Statement available from Youth Engagement Officer, Leicester City
Council (2009-10)
c Statement available from Research and Intelligence Manager, Leicester
City Council
d Statement available from Housing Supply and Markets Division of the
Department for Communities and Local Government
e Labour Party Policy Review on Community Engagement in Planning.
A draft of the Policy is available but published version should be
available at time of REF evaluation from corresponding author at Institute
of Urban Affairs, The University of Northampton (contact details
f Statements available from Chair of the Villagers Association, and young
g Results of survey publicly available in: Hadfield-Hill, S. and Horton,
J. (2013) "Children's experiences of participating in research: emotional
moments together?", Children's Geographies, online early,
DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2013.783985.