Languages in war and conflict
Submitting Institution
University of ReadingUnit of Assessment
Modern Languages and LinguisticsSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Language, Communication and Culture: Linguistics
Summary of the impact
Research led by Professor Hilary Footitt at the University of Reading
acted as a catalyst to stimulate interest in languages in conflict
situations among language practitioners, the country's principal museum of
war, the Ministry of Defence, the International Association of Conference
Interpreters, and NGOs. The role of languages in war and conflict had
received surprisingly little previous attention and this ground-breaking
research gave confidence to the Imperial War Museum to exploit the
languages dimension of its collections, contributed to the Ministry of
Defence's internal discussions and to its first Joint Doctrine Note on
linguistic support for operations, and supported the development of the
professional interpreters' Code of Conduct for the employment of
interpreters in war.
Underpinning research
Much of this research was stimulated by the AHRC project, Languages
at War: Policies and Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict
(2008-2011, PI Professor Hilary Footitt, RA Dr. Simona Tobia). In the
project, led by Reading, with the University of Southampton, and the
Imperial War Museum, London, Reading and Southampton were responsible for
separate case studies, the Second World War (Reading), and
Bosnia-Herzegovina (Southampton), working closely together in an agreed
research framework to arrive at a joint understanding of lessons learned
across the two investigations. Reading took overall responsibility for
convening meetings with the Imperial War Museum and the Ministry of
Defence, commenting on the MOD's Joint Doctrine note, and liaising with
the professional interpreters association.
The role of languages in war and conflict had received very little
attention from academics, military authorities, or the general public. The
tacit assumption seemed to be that most international wars are fought with
allies, and against enemies, who obligingly speak our own language. The
research used archives, and interviews with participants in war, both
military and civilian, to uncover and explore the role of foreign
languages at each stage of military conflict, examining the ways in which
perceptions of foreign languages frame our pre-conflict understanding of
enemies/allies; the role of languages in intelligence gathering and
assessment, in military preparations for deployment, in military/civilian
meetings `on the ground', in the aftermath of war, and in refugee relief
and peace building.
The research revealed the key role which foreign languages play in each
of these stages of war, a role which had been largely invisible up to this
point. In specific terms, the research pointed to :
- The need to recognise and problematise the role of translation in
intelligence gathering and assessment;
- The importance of languages in developing satisfactory relationships
between military interveners and civilian populations;
- Weaknesses in the language policies which military authorities
typically make for war, particularly in their plans to recruit and deploy
language/cultural mediators;
- The vulnerabilities of locally recruited interpreters in war and the
relative lack of professional and welfare structures to protect them
during and after the particular conflict;
- The role which languages play in post-conflict peace building and
refugee relief.
This latter point was further developed through the establishment of a
network to explore the role of languages for humanitarian organisations
operating in conflict areas, Languages and International NGOs:
Cultural Knowledge in Communities in Crisis (supported by an AHRC
Translating Cultures Development Grant, 2012; PI Footitt, CI Dr. Vanessa
Pupavac, Nottingham). This network, bringing together language and
international relations researchers, professional interpreters and NGOs,
is seeking to raise awareness of issues related to foreign languages in
NGO operations, and to develop an interdisciplinary research agenda of
specific relevance to the language-related challenges which NGOs face in
conflict situations.
Professor Hillary Footitt is a Senior Research Fellow and joined the
University of Reading in 2006. Simona Tobia is a research assistant and
joined the University in 2008.
References to the research
The Languages at War project, with Southampton and the Imperial
War Museum, London, has had a broad range of outputs including two
workshops, an international conference, four published books, and eleven
published articles. All these publications have been internally assessed
as of at least 2* quality. Key publications include:
(i) H.Footitt and S. Tobia, WarTalk: Foreign Languages and the
British War Effort in Europe, 1940-47, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013.
(ii) H. Footitt, `The Underside of "Occupation" ' in eds. A. Knapp,
H.Footitt, Liberal Democracies at War: Conflict and Representation,
London: Bloomsbury, 2013, 157-178
(iii) H.Footitt and M. Kelly: Languages at War. Policies and
Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012.
(iv) H. Footitt, `Another Missing Dimension? Foreign Languages in World
War II Intelligence', Intelligence and National Security, 25 (3),
2010, 271-289;DOI: 10.1080/02684527.2010.489779
(v) H. Footitt, `Languages at War: Cultural Preparations for the
Liberation of Western Europe', Journal of War and Culture Studies,
3 (1), 2010, 109-121; DOI: 10.1386/jwcs.3.1. 109 1-
Relevant Grants awarded:
Footitt PI (with Kelly, Southampton, and the Imperial War Museum) Languages
at War: Policies and Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict,
AHRC (2008-2011) AH/F009968/1, £513,839.
Footitt, Conference Support Grant, British Academy (2011),
Footitt PI (with Pupavac, Nottingham) Languages and International
NGOs: Cultural Knowledge in Communities in Crisis, AHRC Development
Grant (2012), £14,586.
Details of the impact
As a research project, Languages at War was structured from the
outset to bring together non-academic partners with academic researchers.
Two colleagues from the Imperial War Museum, London, attended research
team meetings every three months. The project's Advisory Group (meeting
termly) included two representatives from the Ministry of Defence, and one
from the Royal Military College, Shrivenham. A range of non-academic
partners was invited to contribute to Workshops (May 2009, May 2010), and
to the final conference (April 2011) which included papers from the head
of the MOD's inter-services languages unit, the President of the
International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), and the Head
of Research and Information at the Imperial War Museum (published in Languages
and the Military: Alliances, Occupation and Peace Building, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012). As a result of the structures which had been set in
place, researchers received invitations to discuss their ongoing work in
the MOD's Upavon Barracks (March 2009), the Defence Academy's Culture in
Conflict Symposium (June 2009) and Imperial War Museum staff seminars
(June 2009, March 2010).
From a situation in 2008 in which languages were largely absent from
accounts of war, the research has acted as a catalyst to stimulate
interest in languages in conflict situations amongst language
practitioners, the country's principal museum of war, the Ministry of
Defence, the professional interpreters association, and NGOs.
- Language practitioners/academics
In response to the interest generated by the project, the publisher
Palgrave Macmillan set up a series (2011), Palgrave Studies in
Languages at War (co-edited by Footitt), which has signed contracts
for books from practitioners in SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
Europe), and the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague, as well as from
scholars in France, Macedonia, and Israel. A Facebook site (
(2011) now brings together practitioners and academics from across the
world interested in the role of foreign languages in conflict, including
international interpreters, NGOs (International Red Cross, Terre
Solidaire), lobbying groups for Interpreter protection in war (Red T) and
members of the US Army.
- Imperial War Museum (IWM), London
Besides adding the project's 60 oral history interviews on languages to
its Sound Archives Collection (2012), the Imperial War Museum is now
proposing to develop a languages-related theme in the next stages of its
review of collections (which would result in more specific documentation
and cataloguing terms to enable related items to be easily located by
researchers), and is planning its new visitor wayfinding in the
redeveloped London site (January 2013-June 2014) with greater awareness of
languages. The Head of Research and Information at the IWM said, `Languages
at War has placed firmly on the IWM's agenda new ways of exploring
and thinking its collections from new perspectives. It has added to our
collections, it has added new interpretations to our collections and it
has made us think about how we work towards our gallery redevelopment...Languages
at War has been groundbreaking for the Imperial War Museum...And,
ultimately, the IWM's public will benefit as well' (2012) [`Exhibiting
the "Foreign" in a National Museum: Imperial War Museum Languages at
War, in eds. H.Footitt and M. Kelly, Languages and the Military.
Alliances, Occupation and Peace Building, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012, 227-235]. In October 2013, the IWM asked Footitt to
support them in a new Museum development, exploiting the languages
dimension of their vast resources of BBC monitoring reports ( World War II
to 1980) by leading a `Translation and Intelligence' group in an IWM
networking bid.
The Ministry of Defence used the research within its internal debates on
language policy, especially in relation to the role of locally recruited
language intermediaries. The Head of the MOD's Operational Languages
Support Unit reported that, `From a MOD point of view, the project has
been a valuable contribution to the current internal consideration of what
our future military language capability needs to be...This is particularly
relevant in considering the use of contracted linguists and bi-lingual,
locally-employed civilians, whose backgrounds, strengths, weaknesses and
aspirations require careful consideration in the context of military
operations' (March 2012) [`Languages at War: a UK Ministry of Defence
perspective', in eds. H.Footitt and M. Kelly, Languages and the
Military. Alliances, Occupation and Peace Building, Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 58-69.]
Subsequently (April 2013), the MOD published its first specifically
language-related Joint Doctrine Note (JDN), Linguistic Support to
Joint Operations, which Reading researchers were asked to comment on
before publication: ` Thank you for your valued comments on the draft of
the JDN; I think I have addressed them all in the final draft' (February
- Professional Interpreters Association
The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) used the
research in its efforts to improve the conditions of interpreters `on the
ground' in war which resulted in AIIC's Code of Practice document, Conflict
Zone Field Guide for Civilian Translators/Interpreters and Users of
their Services (2012).The now President of AIIC notes that,`
allowing for its emphasis on language policy rather than protection of
practitioners, [the research] can be linked in many ways to our own
project Interpreters in Conflict' [].
As a result of the cooperation established, AIIC became an active partner
in the subsequent Languages and International NGOS network,
`...the Languages at War project has encouraged us to seek a
closer relationship with the academic community whose research can be
invaluable as a basis for our own practical steps'( AIIC President,
November 2011).
The methodologies and insights developed in the research led to the
formation of the Languages and International NGOs network (2012,
PI Footitt) to examine the role that languages play in NGO activity in
conflict areas. The new grouping currently includes the International Red
Cross, Médecins Sans Frontières, and Concordis International, and has
disseminated its initial concerns to DFID (September 2012), and to members
of the European Parliament's Development Committee (October 2012).
By bringing together language practitioners, museum curators, MOD
personnel, and NGOs in an ongoing dialogue with academics, this research
has raised the profile of foreign languages in these areas, and encouraged
a positive attitude towards the role which languages research can play in
matters of public concern.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Impact on language academics/language practitioners:
- Palgrave Macmillan commissioning editor of Languages at War
series (*)
- Languages at War Facebook site:
Impact on the Imperial War Museum:
- Email from Director Public Programmes at Imperial War Museum (†).
Impact on Ministry of Defence:
- Linguistic Support to Joint Operations, Joint Doctrine note
1/13, MOD, Development Concepts and Doctrine Centre, April 2013,
- Letter from Defence Operational Language Support Unit (30 March 2012),
and email on contribution to the Joint Doctrine note (18 February 2013).
- Times Defence correspondent article, `Brave men and women who
put war into words', The Times, 30 April 2011.
Impact on Professional Interpreters:
- Letter from former President of AIIC (15 November 2011). (†)
- Conflict Zone Field Guide for Civilian Translators/Interpreters and
Users of their Services
Impact on NGOs
- Reports on meetings at
(*) Contact details provided separately
(†) Letter available upon request