Linguistic analysis of asylum seekers’ claims to origin
Submitting Institution
University of EssexUnit of Assessment
Modern Languages and LinguisticsSummary Impact Type
LegalResearch Subject Area(s)
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Psychology, Cognitive Sciences
Language, Communication and Culture: Linguistics
Summary of the impact
Essex research on language variation has been central to the development
of the best-practice Guidelines for Language Analysis for
Determination of Origin (LADO) — an instrument used to determine whether
an asylum seeker's claim of origin is genuine. Professor Peter Patrick has
provided expert guidance to a legal team in a Scottish asylum appeal — the
verdict of which was favourable and created a new precedent in Scottish
law. He has submitted over 60 expert reports to UK tribunals and appeals
courts since 2008. He has also disseminated expertise to professionals and
has been instrumental in establishing dialogue between academics and a
range of practitioners.
Underpinning research
Language Analysis for Determination of Origin (LADO) refers to use of
linguistic methods to determine the geographical origin of the speaker.
LADO is most commonly used in order to establish the credibility of claims
to native language and geographical origin by asylum seekers. Patrick's
work has been vital in establishing the core concepts of speech community
and language socialisation in the sociolinguistic analysis of every LADO
case. Models of speaker membership patterns in multi-variety speech
communities, discussed in Patrick (2002), provide grounds for reports
arguing that courts must recognise complex language socialisation
patterns, and see beyond folk notions of bilingualism and simplistic
expectations (e.g. that language and national boundaries will cohere). His
work on LADO is underpinned by a large body of research on language
variation, which he makes central to establishing the credibility of
asylum claims.
Patrick's research utilises sociolinguistic methodology and quantitative
variationist analysis to investigate structural variability. It examines
how such variation patterns with social influences to delimit and
characterise speech communities in linguistic terms. He has undertaken
variationist research on Creoles and dialect speech communities, and has
then applied methodologies from this variationist research to inform his
work in LADO.
Patrick and Straw (2007) used acoustic phonetic methods to study the
forms, variation and social distribution of /t/ in two matched samples of
Barbadian- and Anglo-ancestry communities of British English speakers in
Ipswich. They problematized one of the UK's best-studied phonological
variables, found that Ipswich does not follow a widely-hypothesised
diffusion pattern of phonological constraints, and demonstrated that
dialect acquisition occurs only in the third generation of Barbadian
migrants. Such methods are widely applicable to features allegedly
distinctive between speakers of varieties A and B, where native speakers
born in A qualify for asylum and those in B do not.
Patrick's variationist research in Creoles has explored the nature of
inherent variation in Jamaican Creole grammar, linking it to age, class,
education and gender (Patrick, 1999). The edited volume, Comparative
Creole Syntax (Holm and Patrick, 2007), to which Patrick contributed
the analysis of Jamaican Creole, provides comparative analysis of the
grammar of 18 Creoles and is frequently cited in reports where asylum
cases involve speakers of relevant Creoles. Patrick's survey of variation
in Pidgin and Creole languages (2008) examined how much variability
contact languages can exhibit, and related such claims to creolisation and
nativisation — crucial factors to take account of in LADO cases, where
someone is argued to be (or to not be) a speaker of language X because
variation has not been adequately attended to. Finally, Patrick (2010), in
the first edited volume specifically on LADO, showed how linguistic
uniformity and sociolinguistic norms define the speech community, and
examined the range of competence of native speakers in this light. He
argued for general application of variationist methods to develop the
research basis for determining LADO cases.
References to the research
Patrick, P. L. (1999) Urban Jamaican Creole: Variation in the
Mesolect. (Varieties of English Around the World, No. G17.)
Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN 9789027248756
Patrick, P. L. (2002) The speech community. In J. Chambers, P. Trudgill
and N. Schilling-Estes (eds.) Handbook of language variation and
change, pp. 573-597. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 1405116927
Straw, M. and P. L. Patrick (2007) Dialect acquisition of glottal
variation in /t/: Barbadians in Ipswich. Language Sciences
29(2-3): 385-407. DOI: 10.1016/j.langsci.2006.12.025
Holm, J. and P. L. Patrick (eds.) (2007) Comparative Creole syntax:
Parallel outlines of 18 Creole grammars. London: Battlebridge Press.
ISBN 1903292018
Patrick, P. L. (2008) Pidgins, Creoles and linguistic variation. In S.
Kouwenberg and J. V. Singler, (eds.) The handbook of Pidgins and
Creoles, pp. 461-487. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 0631229027
Patrick, P. L. (2010) Language variation and LADO (Language Analysis for
Determination of Origin). In K. Zwaan, P. Muysken and M. Verrips (eds.) Language
and origin. The role of language in European asylum procedures: A
linguistic and legal survey, pp. 73-87. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal
Publishers. ISBN 9789058505866
Research funding
Patrick, P. L. Language analysis of asylum applicants: Foundations,
guidelines and best practice ESRC Research Seminars Network grant
(RES-451-26-0911), 01.01.11 to 31.12.12, £17,860. Website:
Details of the impact
Patrick was one of the authors involved in producing the 2004 Guidelines
for use of LADO, which are aimed at a lay audience and outline best
practice. The guidelines have been the focus of court cases in which
Patrick has drawn on his empirical sociolinguistic research background and
forensic linguistic experience to provide advice to legal teams. He has
also disseminated expertise to professionals and been instrumental in
establishing dialogue between academics and a range of practitioners.
The development of guidelines for the use of LADO
Patrick is among 19 authors of the 2004 Guidelines for the Use of
Language Analysis in relation to Questions of National Origin in Refugee
Cases, which are aimed at lawyers, administrative judges, asylum
activists, and government agencies making asylum decisions. The Guidelines
address the complexity of issues of language variation and socialisation,
speech community, and nationality, arguing expertise should come from
qualified experts. The head of Dutch LADO firm De Taalstudio notes that
"His [Patrick's] influence is very visible in the Guidelines, as
they stress the central relevance of sociolinguistic research to LADO
cases, laid out in terms understandable to lay people and acceptable to
professional linguists" [corroborating source 1]. Patrick assisted in
securing endorsement of the Guidelines by twelve national and
international linguistic associations [corroborating source 2]. Further to
this, the Guidelines have been made available through the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees' RefWorld service to legal and NGO
practitioners worldwide, largely through Patrick's efforts in August 2010
[3]. The need for LADO evidence in asylum cases to comply with the Guidelines
has been a contentious legal issue, especially in Scotland, where Patrick
has advised on a notable case.
Advising legal teams and writing expert reports for asylum tribunals
Since 2008, Patrick has submitted over 60 linguistic expert reports
(15-25 pages) to UK asylum tribunals in appeals cases. His
sociolinguistic, variationist and creolist research background qualifies
him legally as an expert and is crucial in writing reports. As confirmed
by the head of De Taalstudio, Patrick's research expertise in variation in
Creole languages is particularly vital, as many LADO cases involve Creole
speakers [1]. His involvement as an expert in many UK asylum cases is
cited repeatedly by judges in case determinations. In 2011, he was one of
two linguists (the only one based in the UK) commissioned to provide
expert testimony in a High Court appeal. The Upper Tribunal returned the
cases for re-hearing by lower courts, partly due to Patrick's report [4].
The appealing QC has distributed Patrick's report amongst a network of UK
asylum lawyers as a model of expert arguments relating to language
elements in asylum cases [5].
The highest-profile case that Patrick has been involved with has been
that of a Somali asylum-seeking woman (known as K.A.S.Y.), which had been
referred to the Inner House of the Court of Sessions (the Scottish
equivalent to England's Court of Appeal). Patrick was recruited by an
advocate working on the case in order to provide expert guidance for an
appeal because of his record of producing reports for asylum cases in
England [6]. The case involved a specific challenge to the use of SPRAKAB
language reports in asylum cases — such reports are commissioned by the
Home Office, but do not comply with the Guidelines. Patrick
attended a case consultation with the legal team, led by Michael Howlin
QC, in order to provide advice and analysis. The advocate, who worked as
part of this team, writes:
"I have no hesitation in saying that Professor Patrick's input at that
consultation was to prove absolutely invaluable. He provided us with the
scientific analysis of LADO that essentially formed the basis of Mr.
Howlin's submission, which is reproduced at paras. [37] — [42] of the case
report in M.Ab.N. & K.A.S.Y. The analysis there set out,
subsequently adopted and approved by the Inner House, was based almost
entirely on the guidance and advice imparted by Professor Patrick at the 1st
November consultation" [6].
The appeal was heard in December 2012 and January 2013, with the decision
being issued on 12th July 2013 [7]. The judgement found that
the Guidelines are the yardstick by which LADO evidence should be
assessed and that the use of SPRAKAB reports can be challenged. Therefore,
as a result of this case there are, as of July 2013, conflicting
precedents in Scotland and England. The advocate acknowledges that the
Home Office may appeal the decision in the UK Supreme Court but he states
that the judgement "is of immense significance" and adds:
"If this decision stands, thousands of adverse asylum decisions will be
invalidated, and where persons affected remain in the UK, then their cases
will need to be re-opened... And if my client does end up getting
permission to stay in the UK, she will owe that almost entirely to the
work of Professor Patrick" [6].
Dissemination of expertise to professionals
Patrick has convened or participated in colloquia on LADO in the
Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden, the US and UK. He has ensured
that the practitioner/researcher dialogue becomes firmly established in
this field by giving LADO seminars to a diverse range of professionals.
The four ESRC Research Seminars he convened in 2011-12 hosted participants
from Africa, Australia, North America and Europe, and included
sociolinguists, language specialists, immigration lawyers and judges,
doctors, geneticists, anthropologists, human rights practitioners, police,
psychoanalysts, forensic scientists, four commercial LADO firms, and six
government bureaux (Austrian, Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian, Swiss, UK) [8].
The seminars provided a platform to exchange expertise and focus on
developing and achieving acceptance of professional linguistic standards
and best practice in the asylum sphere. Writing about the seminars, a
former head of LINGUA, a LADO unit that is part of the Swiss Federal
Office for Migration, has praised Patrick's ability to bring practitioners
and academics together and writes that his efforts "have proven very
valuable to LINGUA" [9]. The head of De Taalstudio comments that "thanks
to Patrick's role in the preparation and conduct of the ESRC meetings, a
highly polarised debate, characterised by processes of exclusion, has
turned into a constructive dialogue involving all stakeholders" [1].
Sources to corroborate the impact
All documents are available from HEI on request.
[1] Head of De Taalstudio.
[2] Details of endorsements by twelve linguistic associations:
[3] UNHCR's Refworld webpages:
for the Use of Language Analysis in relation to Questions of National
Origin in Refugee Cases
[4] Expert Report: Patrick, P. L. (2011) The validity and reliability of
Sprakab analysis generally, and in the cases of AM1, AM2, and FA.
[5] Two emails from the QC working on this case. These include the
request to distribute the report to asylum lawyers and demonstrate the
high regard in which the QC held Patrick's report.
[6] Advocate working on the K.A.S.Y. case.
[7] Case Report for M.Ab.N. & K.A.S.Y.
See especially paras. 37-42.
[8] Details of LADO Network Seminar Series 2011-12:
[9] Former head of LINGUA.