Building acoustics - contributions to European and International Standardisation
Submitting Institution
University of LiverpoolUnit of Assessment
Architecture, Built Environment and PlanningSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Engineering: Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering
Built Environment and Design: Building
Summary of the impact
The impact of building acoustics research by the Acoustics Research Unit
at Liverpool has been
through knowledge transfer into Standardisation, guidance to industry and
take-up by test
laboratories. This is evidenced by the active and leading participation of
Professor Gibbs and Dr
Hopkins on International and European Standards committees, developing
measurement and
prediction methods for noise in buildings. The research provides the
scientific basis of new test
codes used by accredited test laboratories and acoustic consultants. It is
also feeding into new test
procedures developed by R&D teams of Boeing, Seattle, for the control
of vibration-induced noise
in aircraft.
Underpinning research
The Acoustics Research Unit has a strong track record in funded research
on airborne and
structure-borne sound transmission in buildings for which there are three
main drivers to the
The first is the increasing interest from the building industry in
lightweight (e.g. timber-frame or
timber-composite) multi-occupancy buildings. This is in response to the
sustainability imperative for
low-cost, low-carbon dwellings and work spaces. The prediction of sound
transmission is more
complex for lightweight constructions compared to traditional heavyweight
constructions [Hopkins,
2007, ref 3] and, prior to the research, well-established prediction
models existed only for the latter.
The second is the increased mechanisation of buildings including
residential, commercial and
industrial. The noise generated by mechanical services is structure-borne
in origin. Vibrations from
heating, ventilation and water systems and from elevators and domestic
appliances are transmitted
to the building structure and ultimately radiate as unwanted sound into
The third is the need to improve the accuracy and repeatability of the
field sound insulation
measurements that are required in Building Regulations to ensure legal
compliance with
performance standards for airborne and impact sound insulation.
Professor Gibbs has developed laboratory methods of measurement for
machine vibrations, which
provide data for prediction models that can be used to test noise control
solutions for machinery
installed in buildings [Corroboration source No.1]. Two underpinning
concepts have been
developed to the point of knowledge transfer. The first concerns
vibrations of complicated
machines which can be measured in the laboratory by attaching them to a
well-defined structure
and measuring the vibration response of that structure [Gibbs and Spaeh,
2002-present; ref. 5].
The second concerns the development of a two-stage method which allows all
conditions to be considered, including modern lightweight timber-frame and
buildings as well as traditional heavyweight buildings [Gibbs et al,
2005-2008; refs. 2,4,5]. This
allows the vibration of machines to be described in terms of the single
values much favoured by
manufacturers, engineers and designers [Gibbs, 2006-2009; ref. 2],
significantly reducing the
complexity of measurement and calculation. Mechanical installations
generally cause low-
frequency noise problems, which are not easily predicted and controlled.
This research is replacing
existing and often inaccurate methods with a method which takes into
account the resonant
behaviour of rooms and building elements [Gibbs and Maluski, 1998 - 2002;
ref. 1].
Dr Hopkins has developed new methods [2011; ref. 6] to theoretically
assess the efficacy of
manual scanning paths for acoustic engineers and environmental health
officers carrying out
sound insulation or environmental noise measurements, i.e. manually moving
a sound level meter
around a room in order to measure the spatial-average sound pressure
level. The research has
quantified the efficacy not only of simple existing paths, e.g. circles,
but also of more complex
geometrical paths. This has led to proposals for new manual scanning paths
which are highly
efficient in producing good estimates of the spatial-average sound
pressure level [Corroboration
source Nos.2,5].
Key Researchers:
Academic Staff: Professor B.M. Gibbs (1977-present); Dr C.P. Hopkins
(2007-present); Dr G.
Seiffert (1980-present), Professor D.J. Oldham (1990-2010).
Research Staff (PDRA): Dr A.T. Moorhouse (1989-2004); Dr. M. de Salis
(2000-2004); Dr. Q.
Ning (1997-2004); Dr S.P. Maluski (2000-2003 ); Dr C. Egan (2006-2009);
Dr D. Waddington
(2001-2004); Dr R. Cookson (2005-2008).
Collaborating Researchers: Professor H-M. Fischer and Dr. Jochen Scheck
(Stuttgart University of
Applied Sciences, Germany, 2000-present); Dr A.R. Mayr (University of
Rosenheim, Germany,
2010-present); Professor W. Scholl (PTB, Germany, 2004-present); M. Villot
(CSTB, France,
References to the research
Key Research Outputs (in chronological order):
1. S. Maluski and B.M. Gibbs (2000), Application of a finite element
model to low frequency sound
insulation in buildings. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
108(4), 1741-1751.
2. B.M. Gibbs, N. Qi and A.T. Moorhouse (2007), A practical
characterization for vibro-acoustic
sources in buildings. Acta Acustica 93, 84-93.
3. C. Hopkins, 2007, Sound insulation. Elsevier, Oxford (622 pages).
ISBN-13: 978-0750665261.
4. B.M. Gibbs, R. Cookson and N. Qi (2008), Vibration activity and
mobility of structure-borne
sound sources by a reception plate method. Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America 123(6),
5. M.M. Spaeh, B.M. Gibbs (2009), Reception plate method for
characterization of structure-borne
sources in buildings. Applied Acoustics 70, 361-368, and 70, 1431-1439.
6. C. Hopkins (2011), On the efficacy of spatial sampling using manual
scanning paths to
determine the spatial average sound pressure level in rooms. Journal of
the Acoustical Society of
America 129(5), 3027-3034.
Key Research Grants (in reverse chronological order):
• 2010-13 EPSRC (£183,718) Reception plate method for structure-borne
sound sources. Prof.
Gibbs (PI), Dr Hopkins (CI)
• 2008-12 EU COST Network (£5,000) Net-acoustic for timber based
lightweight buildings and
elements. Dr Hopkins (CI)
• 2006-09 EPSRC (£79,931) Structure-borne sound source model for
statistical energy analysis.
Prof. Gibbs (PI)
• 2004-07 EPSRC (£197,597) Vibro-acoustic transmission in buildings due
to mechanical
services. Prof. Gibbs (PI)
• 2003-05 EPSRC (£202,638) Vibro-acoustic source strength methods for low
noise design.
Prof. Gibbs (PI)
• 2000-03 EC Fifth Framework (£220,000) Noise abatement using product
optimisation. Prof.
• 1999-02 EPSRC (£185,958) Sound Transmission between dwellings at low
frequencies. Prof.
Gibbs (PI)
• 1996-99 EPSRC (£147,712) Circulation pumps as structure-borne noise
sources. Prof. Gibbs
• 1993-96 British Council Academic Links with China Scheme (£23,000).
Prof. Gibbs
• 1992-96 EC COMETT Programme (£17,000) Tools for Training in Acoustics
for Industry. Prof.
Oldham, Prof. Gibbs
• 1992-96 SERC (£92,065) Machine induced vibration in buildings. Prof.
Gibbs (PI)
Details of the impact
Our research in acoustics has made impact through three main routes:
formation of new
International and European Standards; guidance to industry; and take-up by
test laboratories.
Structure-borne sound power from building machinery
Professor Gibbs is a main contributor to working group CEN/TC126/WG7
writing European
Standards concerning structure-borne sound power input from machinery into
building structures
[Corroboration source No. 1]. The working group comprises scientists, test
laboratories and
manufacturers of domestic appliances, water services and mechanical
installations. Research at
Liverpool on the reception plate method of measuring vibrating machines
[ref 5] formed the basis
of the European Standard, EN 15657-1:2009, a laboratory method for
measuring mechanical
installations in heavyweight buildings. The measurement method formed the
basis of prediction
methods described in the European Standard EN 12354-5:2009 (Annex D) on
the prediction of the
noise in buildings due to vibrating mechanical services. Manufacturers of
heating, ventilation and
transportation (e.g. lifts) systems, and domestic appliances can now
measure their products in
laboratories and estimate if they will comply with noise limits when
installed in buildings. Test rigs
based on this research have been constructed in approximately ten
laboratories across Europe
and manufacturers are currently using the test data for product
development. During this period the
research received EPSRC funding (grant period 2006-2009), and recently was
supported by a
major manufacturer, the Baxi Group (EPSRC grant 2010-2013). As a result of
this collaboration,
Baxi have been able to improve installation procedures to reduce noise
from its new generation of
domestic combined heating and power (CHP) units [Corroboration source
The successful completion of EN 15657-1:2009 prompted a request for
further work relevant to the
development of the new generation of sustainable building types,
particularly timber-frame and
timber-composite multi-occupancy dwellings. These buildings are likely to
be even more heavily
mechanically serviced than traditional buildings but they are inherently
less able to resist noise
transmission. This further work began in 2009 with the research at
Liverpool providing the main
impetus [refs 4,5] and Professor Gibbs is currently co-authoring a new
European Standard, EN
15657-2, with Michel Villot of CSTB [Corroboration source No. 1].
The underlying research by Professor Gibbs is also feeding into the
development of R&D test
protocols for the qualification of vibrating components in aircraft, on
which he is currently
collaborating with Boeing (USA) [Corroboration source No.4].
Sound insulation
Dr Hopkins has significant influence on Standardisation in building
acoustics. In 2009 Dr Hopkins
was appointed Chair of the British Standards committee on building
acoustics (EH/1/6). Due to his
research expertise on flanking transmission in buildings, he was appointed
Convenor of European
and International Standards groups on the measurement of flanking
transmission of building
elements (CEN/TC126/WG6 and ISO/TC43/SC2/WG17) in 2009 and 2010. Due to
his recent
research on the measurement of sound insulation, he was voted Convenor of
three International
Standards groups on field measurement of sound insulation in buildings
Project Groups 5, 6 and 7) in 2009. In 2010, four new International
standards were published on
sound insulation measurement of building elements, which all reference the
research monograph
on sound insulation that was sole-authored by Dr Hopkins as a key text
[Hopkins, 2007; ref. 3].
In 2009, Dr Hopkins was Head of the UK Delegation to the ISO/TC43/SC2
plenary session on
building acoustics in South Korea. He prepared and presented the UK
proposal to revise all four
International Standards on field sound insulation measurement, due to
demands from the UK
acoustic consultancy industry. This drew upon his recent research on the
efficacy of manual-scanning measurements for sound pressure levels [Hopkins, 2011, ref. 6]
and low-frequency
sound insulation measurements to tackle issues relating to the poor
acoustic performance of
timber-frame buildings. He was subsequently appointed Convenor of the
project group to revise
these Standards. His research forms the basis for three new International
Standards (ISO 16283
Parts 1, 2 and 3), on the field measurement of sound insulation in
buildings, with Part 1 now in its
final stage [Corroboration source No. 6] and Part 2 now at the penultimate
stage [Corroboration
source No.7].
Building regulations in 24 European countries refer to the current
versions of the field
measurement Standards and they will automatically adopt the new ISO 16283
series of Standards
that will replace them. These Standards are essential to check that the
required level of sound
insulation is achieved in buildings, primarily in dwellings, for
compliance with National Building
Regulations. They are particularly important for the UK construction
industry as there are
approximately 35,000 field sound insulation tests per annum, providing a
direct income of
approximately £10M per annum for acoustic consultants. This is in addition
to income of
approximately £53M that UK consultants earn using these Standards in
building acoustics.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- The Noise and Vibration Team Leader at the Centre Scientifique et
Technique du Bâtiment,
(France) can be contacted to corroborate that Professor Gibbs is
co-authoring the Standard EN
15657-2: Laboratory measurement of airborne and structure-borne sound
from building equipment
- Part 2 - All other cases where the equipment mobilities match with or
are not much higher than
the receiver mobilities.
- The Head of National Metrology Group for Acoustics at the Physikalisch
Bundesanstalt (Germany) can be contacted to corroborate the impact of
the research on
Standardisation activity for field sound insulation measurements.
- The Design Team Leader of Baxi Group (UK) can be contacted to confirm
the relevance of the
research, and its impact on their industry as part of the collaborative
EPSRC funded grant (with
Baxi Group) on structure-borne sound power from building machinery.
- The Acoustic Analysis Engineer at The Boeing Company (Seattle, USA)
can be contacted to
corroborate the impact and influence of the research and Standardisation
activity on structure-borne sound power to noise control in their aircraft.
- The Acoustic Consultant at Sandy Brown (UK) can be contacted to
corroborate the impact of the
research on Standardisation activity concerning field sound insulation
measurements, in addition to
the impact on practitioners who require and use these Standards.
Standard ISO/FDIS 16283-1 Acoustics - Field measurement of sound
insulation in
buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation.
DIN Secretariat. Voting on
this final draft (FDIS) begins 3-10-2013 and terminates on 3-12-2014.
ISO Reference Number
ISO/FDIS 16283-1:2013(E). NB This document was submitted to ISO by Dr
Hopkins on 24th June
Standard ISO/DIS 16283-2 Acoustics - Field measurement of sound
insulation in
buildings and of building elements - Part 2: Impact sound insulation.
DIN Secretariat. Voting on
this draft (DIS) begins 10-10-2013 and terminates on 10-3-2014. ISO
Reference Number ISO/DIS
16283-2:2013(E). NB This document was submitted to ISO by Dr Hopkins on
24th June 2013.