The use of Storytelling within the Police
Submitting Institution
University of SunderlandUnit of Assessment
Business and Management StudiesSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Human Society: Criminology
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Psychology
Summary of the impact
This case study is based on the use of storytelling research developed in
Sunderland, to develop professional practice, management development, and
interviewing approaches within the police. The research and subsequent
impact developed from the convergence of three separate streams of work:
The exploration of storytelling as a means to management and
organisational development (the work of Reissner and Du Toit), use of
storytelling as a research method (Sanders and Lawson) and a stream
exploring investigative interviewing techniques. Application of the
approaches developed at Sunderland within the police force regionally and
nationally has led to evidenced impact at several levels: individual
officers, force development and national policy on interviewing practice.
Underpinning research
A team at Sunderland comprising Reissner (Senior Lecturer, 2006 - 2010),
Du Toit (Senior Lecturer, 2000 - 2012), Sanders (Professor, 1991 -
present) and Lawson (Senior Lecturer, 2010 - present) have been
undertaking research to explore and develop storytelling as an approach to
management and organisational development. Storytelling is increasingly
becoming recognised as an established, valid and powerful method of
qualitative research. Initially the research built on previous work on
organisational storytelling and defined new insights into storytelling at
the workplace in the light of change and sense-making (Reissner, 2004).
Organizational storytelling, in particular, is now often used to explore
issues in the study of strategy and organizations (Du Toit, 2003).
The work led to a novel model of storytelling, informed by a social
constructionist view of coaching, which conceptualises the coaching
process as a series of storytelling activities. Empirical evidence of the
role that coaching can play in team learning was gathered using a case
study of a university development programme for frontline family support
workers. Reissner (2008) explored stories of organisational change
identifying three patterns of story: stories of "the good old days";
stories of deception, taboo and silence; and stories of influence.
This work was taken forward by Sanders into the University of
Sunderland's Professional Doctorate programme, where it is now used to
encourage candidates to explore alternative views of their professional
world underpinned with a model of professional identity. Combining
storytelling with reflection (Bain, Cooper and Sanders, 2012) can be used
as a powerful management development tool, providing experienced
professionals with a means to explore their own professional identity and
thus gain a deeper understanding of the personal and professional values
which drive and enable their day to day practice. The Sunderland team have
undertaken several studies to assess the use of storytelling in practice
(for example as reported in Reissner, 2008), and have developed an
approach which is now being used within several organisations, including
the NHS and the Police Force.
Running concurrently with our intial work on storytelling was a parallel
research track (Roberts and Horgan, 2010), led by Karl Roberts (Principal
Lecturer, 2007 - 2009), exploring terrorism, methods of risk assessments
relating to terrorism, and investigative interviewing techniques,
particularly with reference to terrorist suspects. Roberts raised issues
with the PEACE (Preparation; Engage; Account; Closure; Evaluate) model in
2009, and this was reported in the Bulletin of International Investigative
Interviewing Research Group 1(1) (,_Issue_1[1].pdf
Accessed 6 Nov 2013). The PEACE Model is a non-accusatory, information
gathering approach to investigative interviewing that has been hailed
internationally as best practice, and Roberts highlighted that the skills
specified in the PEACE model are not always appropriate for dealing with
terrorism suspects. His work led to collaborations with the police and
established a long-standing collaboration with the NPIA (National Policing
Improvement Authority) National Interview Adviser, who is an international
authority on police interviewing, and acts as a consultant to forces
investigating major crime and also supports them in formulating
implementation plans around the National Interview Strategy. The NPIA
National Interview Adviser is now a Visiting Professor with the
University, and has been instrumental in the development of the PEACE
model and in improving police interviewing techniques in the UK. He has
co-authored: "Investigative Interviewing Explained" (Ord, Shaw, and Green,
LexisNexis, 3rd Edition, 2011), which is recommended as the
standard text on interviewing to police forces across the country. The
University has worked closely with him since 2009 to further develop
national interview policy using projects undertaken by police officers to
explore individual issues which he has recognised within national
interview practice.
The University launched a management development programme for the police
service in 2010, and a national conference 'Contemporary Issues within
Investigative Interviewing' was held at the Sunderland Business School in
2010. The development programme has been specifically designed for the
police. The programme provides police officers with the opportunity to
study leadership and management theories in the context of work-based
investigative practice. Lawson was appointed to be responsible for
development and delivery of this programme, and having experienced the
value of storytelling as part of the Professional Doctorate programme,
introduced the approach as a development technique for the Police.
This case study demonstrates the use of the storytelling approach
developed at Sunderland within the management development programme for
police officers, presents the impact of our work on interviewing practice,
and evidences the impact that the storytelling process has had beyond its
initial application to interviewing, through the broader effect that it
has had on the way that the police officers now approach their job.
References to the research
1. Reissner, S. C. (2004). "Learning by storytelling: Narratives in the
study of work-based learning". Journal of Adult and Continuing Education,
10 (2): 99-113. This paper lays the foundation for the storytelling
approaches developed by the team at Sunderland. The paper was subject to
rigorous peer review prior to publication in the journal.
2. Roberts, K., & Horgan, J. (2010). Risk assessment and the
terrorist. Perspectives on Terrorism, 2(6). This paper
proposes an approach to risk assessment relating to terrorists. The
paper was subject to rigorous peer review prior to publication in the
3. Du Toit, A. (2003) "Knowledge: a sense making process shared through
narrative", Journal of Knowledge Management, 7 (3): 27-37. This paper
explores how organisations can use narratives and storytelling to make
sense of their environment and hence create knowledge. The paper was
subject to rigorous peer review prior to publication in the journal.
4. Reissner, S C. (2008) Narratives of organisational change and
learning. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. This book presents a
detailed study of the use of storytelling in three organisations, and
how it can be used as a management tool to understand and develop
change. This is a research monograph and was subject to rigorous
peer review prior to publication.
5. Bain R, Cooper B, and Sanders G (2012) "Breaking the Boundaries of
Professional Knowing through Alternative Narratives" Work-based Learning
2(2). This paper explores the use of storytelling within the context
of a professional doctorate study in education. The paper was
subject to rigorous peer review prior to publication in the journal.
Reissner was awarded ESRC funding of £39,000 in 2008 for the work on
storytelling. The ESRC project was entitled Managerial storytelling in
practice: Dynamics and implications. The project was awarded while
Reissner was at Sunderland and the University of Sunderland was the lead
organisation, however it was transferred to Newcastle University when
Reissner left Sunderland and took up a post at Newcastle.
Details of the impact
This case study focusses upon the impact of the practical use of the
storytelling approaches developed at Sunderland within the police force of
England and Wales. The impact is at an individual officer, police force
and national level.
The police are currently undergoing the most radical leadership and
management reforms of the last 70 years, and a critical spotlight is
openly focused on the professional conduct and competence of its
investigators. New questions are being asked in the training and education
of these investigators. What does it mean to be an investigator? What
assumptions underlie and define their professional identities and
behaviours? And how can the dynamics of professional competence be
developed and embedded in the identities and culture of the police
service? The model of storytelling developed at Sunderland has been used
to enable the police force to explore these issues.
The management development programme for the police was launched in 2010.
To date over 60 officers have benefitted from it, drawn from the following
forces: Northumbria, Durham, Cleveland, British Transport police (England
and Wales), Cheshire, South Wales, Essex, and the Royal Military Police.
The use of our storytelling research currently takes the form of a
storytelling workshop, using the model developed at Sunderland (Lawson et
al, 2013; Evidence 1). First the officers are asked to remember a crucial
professional challenge that they have personally experienced in their
career as an investigator, and tell the story to the group. The officers
are then introduced to the underpinning theoretical concepts of
professional identity, reflective practice, triple-loop learning and
storytelling as an autoethnographic research method. In the second phase,
they are asked to retell their story using a creative technique as an
alternative form of communication, such as a drawing, painting, poetry, or
lyrics to a song. In this abstract conceptualisation phase the officers
are asked to think through and question their original stories, promoting
a more critical understanding of their assumptions leading into, during
and after the crucial challenge, and questioning the stories and the
assumptions they support. The storytelling is thus being used as a tool to
enable officers to explore, question, and develop their own practice. The
officers are also beginning to use some of the techniques of storytelling
within their own work context, and in some cases as an alternative
approach to investigative interviewing.
Impact on individual officers: The impact discussed here is
on individual officers, and also has `secondary reach' i.e. the officers
have taken on board the learning and are now using it with new audiences,
thus broadening the reach and impact of the research.
An Officer within Northumbria Police (Evidence 2) has developed (early
2013) the storytelling model a stage further and is using it in a major
road safety project for Northumbria Police involving schools in the
region. This is a high profile arts based project which uses the model of
storytelling in a project with six schools in the North East of England.
She has secured support for the project from the national road safety
programme, BRAKE, and the Sage Gateshead. The project involves 60
students. The students are developing their own stories relating to road
safety, and preparing presentations of these stories to present at a
regional event, held at the Sage Gateshead, to promote road safety. The
Officer states: "The aim of the road safety project is to challenge the
students assumptions and behaviour, through the disorientating dilemma of
their own characters life changing experience following the collision. The
decisions made by their character influence the outcome, and ultimately
change their lives. The intention is to give the students an insight into
how their decision making can influence their own future in high risk
situations, and to prevent them from making the same decisions as the
characters in the story."
A Detective Inspector in the North East (Evidence 3) saw the potential
for using the storytelling techniques developed by the Sunderland team
within his own work practices. He is applying storytelling in the work he
does for the prison service in the North East (during 2012/13). He uses
the techniques developed at Sunderland with young offenders in attendance
centres, with each playing different roles in the re-enactment of a crime
scenario. One offender will play the role of the perpetrator, while
another plays the role of the victim. Another young offender might play
the role of a family member of the victim. The offenders use the
storytelling approach to relate the story of the crime, as they see it
from their own perspective. The offenders then reflect on the stories, and
discuss how their actions impact upon others. The Detective Inspector
states: "by the use of storytelling as a reflective practice, this has
identified to many young offenders the realisation of how their actions
can affect others and therefore their own lives."
Impact at police force level: This case study is
particularly focussed upon a professional leadership module within a
management development programme, which asks participants to reflectively
explore crucial experiences that they have found challenging in the
management of investigations. They use storytelling as a research method
to engage and explore issues of practice and identity. In so doing the
police officers develop a deep understanding of the practical issues of
managing and leading investigations with a view to improving current
practice. Many of the police students express concern that the majority of
their investigative problem solving skills have been passed down from more
experienced detectives who simply attempt to replay the successful actions
of the past, without questioning the thinking strategies behind those
actions. The exploration of alternative narratives and the use of images,
or poetry etc. can provoke a change in habitual thought patterns and aid
the questioning and testing of assumptions. We have collected qualitative
evidence from officers which demonstrates that the approach is resulting
in a change of practice by the individual officer and that these officers
are also influencing officers within their force to change practice. This
work has been presented at an international conference in a joint paper
with the NPIA National Interview Adviser (Evidence 1), and has received
recent (July 2013) international interest with a Police force in New
Zealand discussing taking up the concepts in their practice, and
colleagues from the Department of Entrepreneurship Education, Universität
Kassel, using the techniques in management development programmes
(Evidence 4).
Impact on policy: A national conference 'Contemporary
Issues within Investigative Interviewing' was held at the Sunderland
Business School in 2010 (Evidence 5). The conference attracted delegates
from police forces travelling from all parts of England, and was led by
the NPIA National Interview Adviser (Evidence 6). The NPIA National
Interview Adviser has collaborated with the Sunderland team to sponsor
projects which have explored known issues with the PEACE model and
investigative interviewing. These include a research project undertaken by
a police officer which redefined national British Transport Police
training programmes on interviewing. The officer examined the tier one
interview training within British Transport Police and reviewed the
component parts that make up the various stages of that training. Another
officer has worked with Sunderland staff to research methods of
recognising deceit in interview. This research has shown that interviewing
resources need to be flexible and examine physiological responses such as
micro facial expressions, body language, verbal contents, voice, and
verbal style. This work is beginning to feed into national policy through
the Visiting Professor's national role as NPIA National Interview Adviser.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Ron Lawson, Gary Shaw, Gail Sanders, Peter Smith, The use of
storytelling as a research method: the case of the Police Service of
England and Wales, paper presented at ECRM13, 12th European
Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies,
University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, 4-5 July 2013. This paper
details the approach taken, and the impact it is having, in the form of
change of practice, on individual officers and their forces.
- Contact at Northumbria Police: contact details can be provided.
Contact details can be provided to corroborate the use of our
storytelling techniques in a road safety project with young people.
- Detective Inspector, Major Crime Team, Wallsend. Contact details can
be provided to corroborate the use of our storytelling techniques with
young offenders.
- email communication with police projects in New Zealand and Germany.
These emails can be provided, and corroborate the wider reach of impact
of our work.
- Conference 'Contemporary Issues within Investigative Interviewing'
held as Sunderland in 2010
These links are provided to demonstrate the deep relationship with the
police, and the standing of Sunderland as a centre for discussing and
developing issues related to investigate interviewing.
- NPIA National Interview Adviser. Contact details can be provided The
NPIA National Interview Adviser is now a Visiting Professor at the
University and has been awarded a higher doctorate, as reported in the
Sunderland Echo 2009