Coastal erosion and management
Submitting Institution
Plymouth UniversityUnit of Assessment
General EngineeringSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Earth Sciences: Oceanography, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Engineering: Maritime Engineering
Summary of the impact
The impact described here relates to a specific example of changes in the
management of environmental risk for a coastal management study in the UK,
and to changes in the dissemination of coastal management knowledge and
experience across Europe. The former involved application of formulae
developed by the underpinning research to predict sediment transport rates
and shoreline evolution. The latter involved development of the Coastal
Wiki, an Internet based professional coastal encyclopaedia. This
represents a major new tool for dissemination to policy makers,
practitioners, researchers and students.
Underpinning research
The work described here comprises those aspects of Professor Chadwick's
work, within the Coastal Engineering Group (CERG), now COAST Research
Group, which resulted in him leading CERG's contribution to the new
analysis of the Slapton Barrier Beach System and leading both UK national
and European level networking activities for coastal research and
Unless otherwise stated, all named individuals were based at Plymouth, at
least at the time of the stated contribution.
Between 1996 and 1999, Chadwick led field and theoretical studies of
longshore transport on shingle beaches, assisted by PhD student Van
Wellen. The work involved field studies at Shoreham beach, East Sussex,
funded by MAFF. The field work was carried out by a team from Plymouth,
Southampton, Brighton and Portsmouth Universities. Subsequently, Chadwick
and Van Wellen used the field data together with previous numerical
modelling work by Chadwick to develop and test a new algebraic longshore
transport equation specifically for shingle beaches. This equation was
also compared and assessed against 12 other formulae and found to give
better predictions than previous formulae. Between 1998 and 2003 he lead a
team developing phase resolving numerical models of cross-shore
hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, resulting in a new numerical model to
predict cross-shore transport on gravel and mixed beaches (PhD student/RF
Pedrozo-Acuna, co-investigator Simmonds). In the period 2002- 2003 he was
a member of the steering group for the EU funded experiment that produced
near full- scale measurements of coarse and mixed sediment beach profile
response in the GWK flume in Hannover. This experimental work, with PhD
student Pedrozo-Acuna, was used to test and validate the numerical model
mentioned above. In 2002-2004 Chadwick, assisted by Research Fellow
Karunarathna, led a research team investigating coastal processes for the
Slapton Barrier Beach System (under sub-contract from Scott Wilson Ltd), a
major UK barrier beach system. This study lead to the development of a new
coastal management plan for this major barrier beach system, for the next
50 years. Between 2001 and 2005 Chadwick led the formation and operation
of the UK Coastal Zone Network, COZONE, to provide a forum through which
the coastal community could address issues raised by both the research
community and practitioners. Since the completion of EPSRC funding COZONE
has continued to be run by CERG. In 2006, COZONE was linked to 12 other
national networks across Europe through the European Network for Coastal
Research Co-ordination Action (ENCORA). From 06 to 09 Chadwick led the UK
contribution to the European Network for Coastal Research Co-ordination
Action (ENCORA) (RA Jackson, co-investigator Simmonds) and was the ENCORA
themes co- ordinator and led co-ordination of the overall development of
the Coastal Wiki.
References to the research
The indicative references have been published in Coastal Engineering,
the leading European journal for research in this subject, in Maritime
Engineering, the Institution of Civil Engineers journal which has a
wide international readership of professional engineers and the International
conference on Coastal Engineering, the leading international
conference in this subject. The three best papers (in order) follow and
the additional conference paper is included to show that dissemination has
taken place to an international audience. The number of citations to each
paper is included to attest to their quality being of at least 2*
1. Van Wellen, E, Chadwick, A J and Mason, T. (2000). A review
and assessment of longshore sediment transport equations for coarse
grained beaches. Coastal Engineering, 40, 3, 243-275. (67
citations). DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3839(00)00031-4
2. Pedrozo, A., Simmonds, D.J., Otta, A.K., and Chadwick,
A.J. (2006). On the cross-shore profile change of gravel beaches. Coastal
Engineering, 53 (4), 335-347. (51 citations). DOI:
3. Chadwick, A. J., Karunarathna, H., Gehrels, R, Massey, A. C.,
O'Brien, D., and Dales, D.(2005). A New Analysis of the Slapton Barrier
Beach System. Maritime Engineering 158, 4, 147-161 (17 citations)
4. Dronkers, J., Chadwick, A. J., Jackson, J. E., and
Villars, M. (2008) `Sharing Coastal Knowledge Within Europe: ENCORA
and the Coastal WIKI'. International conference on Coastal Engineering
Supporting GRANTS AND CONTRACTS for Chadwick as PI: 1996-1999 MAFF
Shingle Beach Field Research Project, £60600; 1998-2001 EPSRC Numerical
modelling and field validation of the cross-shore profile development of
coarse grained beaches, £102,559; 2002-2003; 2002-2005 EPSRC Beach
Processes Network, £86,000; 2006-2009 EU, FP6, Network of Excellence, European
Network for Coastal Research Co-ordination Action
(ENCORA), €254,000.
Details of the impact
The research has generated impact on coastal management policies through
(1) direct involvement and incorporation into a coastal management plan
and (2) the creation of a dissemination mechanism that has informed the
work of scientists, policymakers and practitioners involved in coastal
Slapton Sands is recognised for its nature conservation and landscape
importance. The beach is ~5Km long and an arterial road, of major
significance to the local population and economy, runs across the top of
the shingle ridge. During a series of storms in the winter of 2000/01,
significant damage occurred to the barrier beach and a 250m section of the
road. This prompted public and media outcry resulting in the formation of
the Slapton Line Partnership (SLP) and commissioning of the comprehensive
evaluation of the issues relating to coastal processes. The primary
purpose of the study was to determine an appropriate future shoreline
management response. This study was carried out by Scott Wilson Ltd (since
taken over by URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited) in
collaboration with the University of Plymouth and Atlantic Consultants.
As a direct result of Chadwick's work on the Slapton Coastal Zone
Management Study [Source 5.1] the SLP enacted a long-term management
strategy and associated adaptation strategy/activities with the local
community. Due to the study the SLP were able to secure a £245,000 DEFRA
"pathfinder" grant (through the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management
Programme) to take the adaptation programme forward. As a result of these
activities public surveys showed that by 2010 "there was a broader
spread of support for the managed realignment policy (around 80% very or
fairly supportive) ... increased levels of awareness about the future of
the road and policies associated with it...[and] increase in those
considering that their views were being taken into account, up by 11%".
During the study Chadwick applied one-line shoreline evolution modelling
for the first time to Slapton Sands which represented a significant step
forward in understanding its contemporary morphological evolution.
Shoreline movement between 1999 and 2003 was modelled using the model
developed by CERG (Chadwick and Van Wellen longshore sediment transport
formula). The study concluded that although the risk of a breach of the
shingle bank will remain low over the next 30-50 years, future sea-level
rise and increased storminess will increase the rate of erosion and the
risk of a major recession event. With no intervention measures, it was
anticipated that the barrier beach will eventually be breached forming
tidal inlets. Throughout the study Chadwick assisted in communicating the
findings fully thorough discussions with the SLP Steering Group, Slapton
Village Council reps and local interest groups and to the general public
at the exhibition of project findings.
URS's Director of Water Resources, Flood & Coastal, [5.3] quantified
the project as costing the company £200k to conduct but worth much more in
terms of demonstrating their commercial competence and continual
improvement. He financially quantifies the Plymouth contribution as 20%,
but deems this a poor representation of the true value to the study and
company as the wave and sediment modelling for shingle beaches was "at
the heart of the issue" so was of pivotal importance both to the
success of the project and of the future management of the Slapton Line.
Working with Chadwick and others at Plymouth, has enabled URS to win
subsequent contracts via their improved technical excellence [5.3].
Meanwhile for the local community and wildlife the study has had
significant implications. The Manager of the South Devon's Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty [5.4] described the study as being vital in
providing a publicly accountable `expert' recommendation to the SLP of a
robust long-term management strategy. The Coastal Adaptation: Community
Involvement Toolkit V4 [5.2]] states: "Politically it was key that the
policy should be formed from expert and independent sources in a
transparent manner in order for the recommendations to have a chance of
being accepted by the local community." As a direct result of the
study the SLP management plan (funded by the £245k DEFRA grant) allowed
for public/business communication and adaption, habitat adaption, the
promotion of environmental tourism and re-routing of vital transport
links: "A report looking at all the issues concluded that the best way
forward to preserve the natural features of the area and prolong the
life of the road was to plan for moving the most vulnerable sections
inland as well as maintaining strategically placed mounds of shingle. In
this way we believe the road will be kept operating for at least 25
further years." [5.6] The chairing partner of the Slapton Line
Partnership [5.7] said that the study was "a great piece of work,
really effective" and "acted as a catalyst to bring create an
alliance amongst the key partners resulting in incredibly positive
feedback from local businesses, positive engagement from the local
Parish Councils and a positive turnaround in local community views".
The successful work in Slapton Sands established the value of the
underlying model and its more general applicability. In order to develop
this, Chadwick has been instrumental in the sharing of coastal knowledge
and experience among researchers, practitioners and policy makers, at a
European level with wider global interest. Chadwick coordinated
(2006-2009) the work package responsible for creating the Coastal Wiki and
for elaborating the Coastal Action Plan as part of the ENCORA [5.8]
networking project (EU 6th Framework Programme Coordination
Action). ENCORA facilitated sharing of coastal knowledge and experience
among researchers, practitioners and policy makers, to produce a European
wide knowledge base and to make recommendations for critical future
research for coastal zone management.
Under Chadwick's coordination "the Coastal Action Plan was developed
in 2008 during a series of workshops with >100 European coastal and
marine experts. It contributed to the development of the concept of
coastal observatories and it strongly advocated a concerted European
implementation strategy. The plan was presented to national and European
funding agencies. It was directly endorsed by the German research
funding agency, who provided funding for a German coastal observatory
network. The European Commission incorporated the coastal observatory
concept in the GMES programme and in the GEO programme, which continues
in the EU 2014-2020 programme." Retired advisor - coastal and marine
management and coastal dynamics (Deltares) [5.5]
An additional output produced under Chadwick's coordination was the Coastal
Wiki [5.9], a professional internet encyclopaedia (written with both
non-experts (policy makers, general public) and experts (scientific
stakeholders, practitioners) in mind, that guarantees high quality
information which highlights relationships, reveals contexts, enhances
feedback and guides users in a simple and natural way through related
topics. The wiki connects disparate knowledge sources and provides
up-to-date, coherent, reliable and comprehensive information. In September
2013 it contained ~1858 articles and is continuously updated by authorised
expert users. The main page has been visited over 270,000 times (Feb 2012)
and the total number of hits to the web site reached over 1 million
per month by March 2011.
HR Wallingford's Technical Director [5.10] took part in the ENCORA
project and also read/authored articles from the coastal wiki. He states
that ENCORA was helpful for networking, particularly for enabling him to
meet leading European researchers with whom he had not interacted
previously and also that the coastal wiki enabled him to form new ideas
which since 2009 have been taken forward in HR Wallingford's projects (HR
Wallingford's income is made up of 15% research income (mainly RCUK) and
85% consultancy activities).
The Coastal Wiki [5.9] is a valuable resource for all those engaged in
coastal engineering and management. Hits have steady increased since it
was first launched:
Deltares retired coast/marine adviser [5.6] stated that "the Coastal
Wiki has become a major information source for coastal professionals -
managers, practitioners, consultants, students. It provides information
on coastal and marine governance issues, it provides good practice
examples and it explains technical issues relevant for coastal and
marine management. There are more than a million hits each month from
users worldwide. The Coastal Wiki is recommended as a general
information source for coastal managers on the websites of the European
Commission and DEFRA. It is largely self-maintaining; it has developed
after ENCORA without any external funding. Both the number of authorized
contributors and the number of users are steadily increasing. At
present, an international editorial board of outstanding experts is
reviewing the entire content - more than thousand articles- in order to
ensure the highest quality and reliability. Chadwick is one of the
editorial board members." [5.6]
Sources to corroborate the impact
[5.1] Original Scott Wilson report
[5.2] Coastal Adaptation: Community Engagement Toolkit V4, Alan Denbigh,
SLP, July 2011.
[5.3] Interview summary with Director, Water Resources, Flood &
Coastal, URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited, Scott House,
Alencon Link, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 7PP,
[5.4] Interview summary with the South Devon AONB Manager, Follaton
House, Plymouth Rd, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5NE, 01803 861142,
[5.5] Slapton Line Partnership public documents: Web Site:
Executive summary of study: Slapton_Executive_Summary_Report_August_06.pdf
[5.6] Interview summary with with a self-employed coast and sea expert
and retired advisor coastal and marine management and coastal dynamics
(Deltares): 0031651232406
[5.7] Corporate Director, South Hams District Council,
[5.8] ENCORA Portal:
[5.9] Coastal Wiki:
[5.10] Interview summary with Technical Director, HR Wallingford Limited,
Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA.