Case 6 - Improving national surface water quality using an urban non-point pollution model and supporting database
Submitting Institution
University of LeedsUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Earth Sciences: Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Engineering: Environmental Engineering
Summary of the impact
Surface water runoff in urban areas makes a significant contribution to
pollution of lakes and rivers, but historically is poorly addressed in
catchment models. The School of Geography (SoG) developed a Geographic
Information System (GIS) model and supporting database to quantify urban
source area loadings of 18 common and priority pollutants. This knowledge
improves catchment models and supports impact assessment and mitigation
planning by environment managers. The research has been exploited on
behalf of the Department for Energy, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the
Welsh Assembly, and the UK water industry (UK Water Industry Research —
UKWIR, and United Utilities). The research has had three distinct impacts:
1) its use addressing EU Water Framework Directive obligations; 2) its
on-going influence on construction industry guidance; and 3) the
commercialisation of its stormwater pollutant coefficient database for
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) planning software.
Underpinning research
Stormwater pollution originating from urban areal sources (urban diffuse
pollution) is a significant barrier to achieving river water quality
objectives. Reducing the problem requires and understanding of the impact
of urban diffuse loadings relative to other sources (such as agriculture,
or combined sewer overflows), and measures such as installation of SUDS
for new development and SUDS retrofit for existing built areas.
The SoG developed a GIS model to assess pollutant loadings in waters
draining urban areas (diffuse sources) [1], funded from 1998-2001
by EPSRC (`Urban Development and Nonpoint Source Water Pollution:
Developing a Generic Hazard Management Tool'; PI Professor Adrian McDonald,
Co-Is Dr. Gordon Mitchell, J. Packman; £129 K, graded
`outstanding'). Mitchell (at Leeds 1994-present, Research
Fellow/Senior Research Fellow 1998-2005, Lecturer since 2005), assisted by
Mr James Lockyer (Research Assistant) and Prof. Adrian McDonald
(at Leeds 1972- present, Professor since 1992), developed the model to:
a) map the location of diffuse urban pollution hot spots, under a range
of probabilistic conditions;
b) quantify pollutant load to receiving waters and so identify areas
which present the greatest pollution hazard; and
c) assess the impact of land-use change on non-point source runoff
The model has fine spatial resolution, yet facilitates pollution
appraisal at the river basin scale, to support investigative monitoring
and management of emissions at source. It can be used in whole catchment
water quality management, and in planning to understand where the
implementation of SUDS would have the greatest beneficial effect on
pollution of receiving waters. The model can therefore be used to identify
sites that could contribute to a failure to meet the environmental
objectives set out in the WFD (Directive 2000/60/EC) that comes into force
in 2015, and has particular value when combined with estimates of
pollutant inputs from other source types across a catchment [3].
The work was detailed in technical reports that describe the GIS model
and a pilot application [1], and presents and describes the
derivation of concentration coefficients, as mean site event-mean
concentrations (EMC), for 18 pollutants [1], before then being
published in the peer reviewed press [2]. The EMC values were
developed for a range of urban land uses (residential, commercial, road
etc.), and stratified by UK, northern European and global geographies. The
university supports a project website []
where the technical reports can be downloaded. In addition to the project
website, the reports were provided to key individuals in UK planning and
regulatory agencies, including the Environment Agency and the Scottish
Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). To further disseminate results,
invited presentations were made at UK workshops and conferences, and the
work featured in the keynote presentation to the International Water
Quality Association (IWQA) specialist conference on diffuse pollution, in
Johannesburg [4]. UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR, comprising of
24 water and sewerage undertakers in England and Wales, Scotland and
Northern Ireland) commissioned a 2007 pilot study on the contributions and
impact of control measures on water quality (UKWIR Report Ref. No.
07/WW/17/9). The study of the Ribble basin, a WFD UK sentinel catchment,
was a collaboration between WRc Plc., the Environment Agency, United
Utilities(UU) and Mitchell, through Emaginating Ltd (a University
of Leeds spin-out company specialising in spatial modelling and analysis
who applied the model with Mitchell acting as consultant). Mitchell
contributed modelled urban diffuse runoff estimates and pollution loads
for the basin to assess the relative contributions and the impact of
control measures on river water quality. The pilot study showed current
information combined with a catchment modelling approach can be used to:
(1) apportion sources of pollution load across a catchment; and (2)
identify the water quality co-benefits of point source and diffuse
pollution control measures to achieve compliance with WFD river quality
standards [5].
References to the research
The research has been published in a range of internationally-recognised,
rigorously peer reviewed journals. The technical report [1] was a key
input for output 2 in a peer reviewed journal.
Internal Report
[1] Full account of development and test application of the
urban diffuse pollution model Mitchell, G., Lockyer, J. and
McDonald A.T. (2001). Pollution Hazard from Urban Nonpoint Sources:
A GIS-model to Support Strategic Environmental Planning in the UK.
Technical Report, Vols 1 and 2, School of Geography, University of Leeds,
Peer Reviewed Articles
[2] Key contribution to urban diffuse pollution appraisal in a
highly ranked journal Mitchell, G. (2005) Mapping Hazard
from Urban Non-Point Source Pollution: A Screening Model to Support
Sustainable Urban Drainage Planning. Journal of Environmental
Management, 74, 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2004.08.002
[3] Paper reporting on threat to WFD targets from identified
diffuse pollution sources and estimated loadings, and role of urban
diffuse source modelling in compliance planning Ellis, J.B. and Mitchell,
G. (2006) Urban Diffuse Pollution: Key Management Issues For the
Water Framework Directive. Water and Environment Journal, 20,
19-26. DOI:10.1111/j.1747- 6593.2006.00025.x
[4] Paper from keynote address to international practitioner
conference (9th IWQA 2005) drawing on
stormwater quality database and identifying urban diffuse pollution
mitigation challenges D'Arcy, B., Rosenqvist, T., Mitchell, G.,
Kellagher, R. and Billett, S. (2007). Restoration Challenges for Urban
Rivers. Water Science and Technology, 55, 3, 1-7. DOI:
[5] Paper reporting on use of urban diffuse pollution model
and database in the national source apportionment pilot study, funded by
and conducted with practitioner agencies Crabtree, B., Kelly, S.,
Green, H., Squibbs, G., and Mitchell, G. (2009). Water Framework
Directive catchment planning: a case study apportioning loads and
assessing environmental benefits of programme of measures, Water
Science and Technology, 59, 3, 407-416. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2009.875.
Details of the impact
The impacts of this research in the assessment period have been in three
distinct areas.
Use in Addressing EU Water Framework Directive Obligations
Pre-2008 Context of Impact: Mitchell was invited by DEFRA to work
with their non-agricultural diffuse pollution policy group, including
invited presentations to DEFRA policy makers and analysts in June and
October 2006. The context for this work was the water quality objectives
defined by the EC Water Framework Directive (WFD), and the need to
understand strategies and costs to attain compliance nationally. Members
of the working group were then charged by DEFRA with developing a `source
apportionment' methodology, to identify compliance with in-river water
quality standards given a range of source inputs (rural diffuse, urban
diffuse, point etc.) and mitigation scenarios. The work was based on a UK
WFD sentinel catchment — the Ribble in NW England (includes Blackburn,
Preston, Blackpool) — with financial support from UK water industry
research (UKWIR). Mitchell produced model estimates of urban diffuse
loadings to river reaches in the basin. Other source inputs were modelled
by the Environment Agency and the Water Industry, whilst WRc [A]
integrated inputs in SIMCAT, a river mass balance model that determines in
river pollutant concentrations, and compiled the final report [B].
Mitchell's database and the Ribble study are cited in works on preliminary
cost effectiveness assessment of measures by DEFRA [C] and Water
Industry Working Group [D].
Assessment Period Impacts: The Ribble study demonstrated the value
of having reliable estimates of pollutant inputs, integrated across a
catchment, and the potential benefits of different control measures in
terms of compliance with WFD directive standards. It was the first study
able to include a detailed appraisal of urban diffuse inputs. The
methodology developed in the study has been enhanced through development
of SAGIS — a commercially available source apportionment GIS model funded
by UKWIR and led by Atkins working with WRc (i.e. Ribble partners) and
AMEC (formerly Entec) [A]. SAGIS has been adopted by the
Environment Agency in WFD Article 5 risk assessments for `River Basin
Planning 2', which runs from 2012 runs to 2015; Article 5 of the WFD
mandates assessment of the pressures and impacts on water bodies [E].
The SoG work has also been used by other parties to provide catchment
data and advice to UK governments in support of catchment planning and
policy appraisal. ADAS UK Ltd [F] in conjunction with the Centre
for Ecology and Hydrology used the methodology and export coefficients in
quantifying urban diffuse exports of sediment and nutrient species, as an
input to whole catchment pollutant budgets. Their work for DEFRA (e.g.
projects WQ0106 and WQ0128) assessed the likelihood of catchments failing
to meet Water Framework Directive 'good ecological status' targets for
2015 and provided evidence for ecological impacts of fine sediment, whilst
that for the Welsh Government (Agri-Environment Monitoring and Services
Contract Lot 3 No.183/2007/08) contributed to an on-going evaluation of
agri-environment schemes (whereby farmers receive grant aid to farm in an
environmentally sensitive manner). United Utilities (UU) [G] also
commissioned Mitchell, via Emaginating Ltd, to model urban diffuse loads
for their entire company region, most of NW England. UU's integrated river
water quality model accounts for river hydrology, background water
quality, continuous and intermittent discharges (flow and quality) from
wastewater treatment works, combined sewers, storm tanks and urban surface
water discharges, the latter addressed by data modelled by Mitchell. UU's
integrated models are used to identify the location of intermittent
discharge problems, and in design of Capital Projects to alleviate the
effects of unsatisfactory discharges [G]. Finally, work for SEPA [H]
allowed an evaluation of urban diffuse loading tools in Scotland, and via
scenario modelling at Leeds, provision of advice on diffuse loading
implications of urbanisation.
Influence on Construction Industry Guidance
Pre-2008 Context of Impact: The stormwater pollutant coefficient
database addresses 18 important urban diffuse pollutants, which
environment managers seek to control. Analysis of these data led to the
recommendation of probabilistic (including central tendency) values of
pollutant concentrations in stormwater, subdivided by geographical region
(UK, N. Europe, Global) and urban land use (residential, commercial, road
etc.). The UK construction industry, which is responsible for the
installation of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) that are used to
control stormwater pollution, recognises these data as the most
comprehensive analysis of urban stormwater pollutant concentrations. The
data are published in guidance to developers (CIRIA 609) on SUDS planning
and implementation produced by the Construction Industry Research and
Information Association, the UK construction industry advisory body [I:
Assessment Period Impact: CIRIA 609 was superseded in 2007 by "The
SUDS manual" and its abridged guide "Site Handbook for the Construction of
SUDS", but for technical design guidance relating to water quality (as
opposed to flow), developers continue to be referred to CIRIA 609 [see
page xxxii), and hence this has been the relevant guidance throughout the
assessment period. DEFRA estimate 40% of all new build and redevelopments
in the UK are now being developed with SUDS measures (for reference,
planning authorities in England permitted 342,000 domestic and commercial
developments in 2012, and 108,000 new homes were constructed).
Commercialisation for SUDS Planning
The 2010 Flood and Water Act mandated national standards for SUDS and
statutory SUDS approval bodies (SABs) to regulate and permit SUDS designs.
Quantitative techniques support evaluation of SUDS designs, and SAB
decision making, hence in 2012 Jeremy Bentham Associates (JBA,,
a UK based international environmental engineering consulting firm
licenced the stormwater pollutant (EMC) coefficient database from the SoG.
The database underpins UK applications of the proprietary SUDS planning
model MUSIC (model of urban stormwater improvement conceptualisation)
developed by the Australian Cooperative Research Centres and sold by
eWater Innovation Pty Ltd (;
company ABN 80 133 551 283), who appointed JBA as their sole European
agent (for context, MUSIC received £4 million of investment funding from
the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, and has
sold 2000 copies in Australia over the last decade). MUSIC requires
geographically suitable stormwater loading coefficients for use in UK/Eire
applications of the model, and JBA have purchased non-exclusive rights to
Mitchell's EMC database, for 5.5% of net revenue [J] [K].
Sources to corroborate the impact
[A] Letter from former Head of Environmental Management Division, WRc
Plc. To verify role of model in UKWIR source apportionment, and legacy of
Ribble project; dated 23 August 2013. [Available on request]
[B] Crabtree, B. and Kelly, S. (2007) Ribble SIMCAT Pilot Study:
Assessment of Relative Contributions and the Impact of Control Measures on
Water Quality, UKWIR Report Ref. No. 07/WW/17/9, 2007. [Available on
[C] DEFRA (2007) Cost-effectiveness of measures: Analysis of measures to
reduce non- agricultural diffuse pollution. Final Report version 1
9S4904.A0; 9S4870.02.34A. [Available on request].
[D] WFD preliminary cost effectiveness analysis (pCEA) - Water Industry
working group, Supporting Document (version 0.3, dated 20 June 2007).
[Available on request]
[E] Environment Agency update to DEFRA Water Stakeholder Forum - Update
on Progress, dated June 2012, page 8. [Available on request]
[F] ADAS UK Ltd - Assessment for the development of a screening tool to
identify and characterise diffuse urban pollution pressures. Pages 19, 30,
33-40, 42, 43, 47, 50, 53, 160, 164, dated May 2003. [Available on
[G] Email from Network Modelling Technical Specialist, United Utilities
Plc; dated 20 June 2013. To verify consultancy work for United Utilities.
[Available on request]
[H] Letter from Former Director of Diffuse Pollution, SEPA 1996-2010 (and
commissioner of review work for SEPA), commenting on the value of the GIS
urban modelling work, dated 12 October 2013. [Available on request].
[I] Sustainable Drainage Systems: Hydraulic, structural and water
quality advice. CIRIA 609, ISBN 0-86017609-6, 2004. Pages 45-49.
[Available on request]
[J] Letter from former eWater International Business Development and
Technical Manager, eWater Innovation Pty Ltd.; dated 4 September 2013
[Available on request]
[K] Commercialisation Agreement between University of Leeds (Gordon
Mitchell) and eWater Innovation pty Ltd; dated 30 November 2011.
[Available on request].