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15m people have a stroke each year worldwide. In England alone, stroke generates direct care costs of £3bn and a wider economic burden of £8bn. Service users report high levels of unmet need in relation to cognitive dysfunction (e.g. concentration). Improving cognition was the number one priority agreed by users and providers (James Lind Alliance, Lancet Neurology 2012). Research led by the University of Manchester (UoM) underpins recommendations in several recent clinical guidelines for stroke management and rehabilitation in the UK and internationally. Our 2012 aphasia trial and qualitative study made key contributions to the recommendations in the recent NICE (2013) and Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party (2012) guidelines. UoM-led Cochrane reviews (e.g., neglect, apraxia, perception) have directly influenced recommendations in guidelines produced by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, the European Stroke Organization and the Australian National Stroke Foundation.
Falls are a common (30-40% >65 year olds fall each year) and important age-related health problem costing the NHS and social care >£5.6m each day. University of Manchester research has contributed to reducing the burden of falls worldwide.
We demonstrated that falls are better predictors of fracture than bone mineral density. We developed an effective intervention, reducing falls amongst older people by 30%; identified barriers to service use, and approaches to increasing uptake and adherence; and developed a fear of falling instrument (FES-I), now translated into 30+ languages and widely used in clinical practice.
By 2012, 54% NHS Trusts used training programmes based on our research. It moulded service provision nationally and internationally, changing the emphasis of how falls prevention services are presented, from "reducing risk" to "improving/maintaining independence".
This case study focuses on the development and usage of self-help material designed to aid people in feeling and performing better. It has achieved impact through raising awareness via mass media and professional outlets. Research informed self-help materials are available for open access via media links, academic organisations, service organisations (NHS), commercial organisations (London Marathon), national governing bodies (Research Councils), and professional bodies (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences). An on-line project, run in conjunction with BBC Lab UK, developed and tested self-help interventions with 75,000 users each receiving personalised feedback from former Olympian Michael Johnson.
Schizophrenia affects 1 in 100 people, with costs to society of £12 billion in England alone. Prevalence is similar across the world, with two thirds of people experiencing relapses despite medical treatment. Researchers at the University of Manchester (UoM) pioneered and disseminated psychological interventions for schizophrenia and related mental health problems which have led to improved outcomes for patients and families (e.g. 20% improvement in symptoms over standard treatment). We have implemented and delivered our intervention protocols, outcome measures, treatment manuals, and training programmes (with over 200 training courses delivered across the UK, Europe, USA, Asia, Australia and Africa). The impact of the research has been commended nationally and internationally by professional bodies (e.g., British Psychological Society, American Association of Behavior Therapy).
This case study concerns the impact of Plymouth University research relating to farmed fish diets, which led to changes to EU legislation with respect to two types of ingredients: animal proteins and probiotics. The impact of the reintroduction of certain animal proteins in farmed fish feeds (previously banned to protect human health) and to the authorization of a probiotic as a feed additive, involved industry investment in research, have reduced the environmental impact of farmed fishing, improved competitiveness, enhanced yield and quality and improved fish health and survival.
Mathematically-based image processing techniques developed at the University of Cambridge have helped bring about a revolution in the ability to extract quantitative measurements from laboratory experiments in fluids. Techniques and software tools developed from this research and incorporated into commercial software are now used in engineering, physics and mathematics research laboratories around the world on projects ranging from fundamental research to ones with strong industrial connections.
Research at the University of Manchester (UoM) has changed the landscape of medical care and research in fungal infections internationally. The impacts include: the world's first commercialised molecular diagnostic products for aspergillosis and Pneumocystis pneumonia (£10m investment); pivotal contributions to the preclinical development (£35m investment), clinical developments and registrations of 3 new antifungals with combined market share of ~$2 billion; one (voriconazole, 2012 sales >$750m worldwide) now first line therapy for invasive aspergillosis with improved survival of 15-20%; and internationally validated methods to detect azole resistance in Aspergillus (an emerging problem partly related to environmental spraying of azole fungicides for crop protection).
Two books and review/research articles in Italian have disseminated the findings from the underpinning research on creating false autobiographical memories and the dangers of inadequate interviewing techniques. This work has critically increased awareness in the Italian legal system amongst both barristers and judges, to the point of shaping the practice of interviewing witnesses in that country. It has also informed all verdicts on child sexual abuse by the Supreme Court of Cassation.
This case study illustrates the development of novel research materials designed to improve quality of life and performance in different populations. Impact has been achieved through the use of research findings in professional practice, formulation of health-related policies and in the development of new indicators of health and well-being. RCSEP research has been used by international and national health-service organisations (e.g., European League Against Rheumatism, Evidence NHS), industrial establishments (e.g., ArtEZ Conservatoire, Netherlands; Royal Ballet), national governing bodies (British Heart Foundation), and professional bodies (e.g., Dance UK, International Association of Dance Medicine & Science).
Although, by definition, individually rare, the cumulative burden of `rare disease' is significant, with as many as 3m affected individuals in the UK. The University of Manchester (UoM) has an exceptional record in rare disease gene identification, with 29 such genes defined since 1993. This research paved the way for clinical diagnostic testing for patients and their families, demonstrating the immediate translational impact of gene discovery. The research has resulted in a reduced diagnostic burden for patients and health services and has enabled the provision of more effective counselling. Testing for genes identified at UoM is now offered in more than 140 laboratories in more than 30 countries worldwide. More than 1,100 patients have been tested for mutations in TCOF1, BEST1, IRF6, SAMHD1 and C9ORF72 in UK NHS laboratories alone.