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Saving Species

Summary of the impact

Molecular and evolutionary research by Dr Jim Groombridge at the University of Kent, (2003 onwards, lecturer 2003-2008, Senior Lecturer 2008-2012, Reader 2012-), undertaken in partnership with the Mauritius Wildlife Foundation, the Seychelles Islands Foundation and Government Ministries of both states, has identified unexpected evolutionary distinctiveness and established high conservation priority for rare populations of birds and frogs on Mauritius and Seychelles. Subsequent studies have led to the recovery of three critically-endangered species and to the alleviation of problems with wildlife disease. Groombridge's research has led to renewed investment of international conservation resources across the Indian Ocean. His work on island species conservation is particularly important because islands host a high proportion of global biodiversity and help define our understanding of evolutionary science; these `living laboratories' also host many of the World's rarest species making them a global conservation priority.

Submitting Institution

University of Kent

Unit of Assessment

Anthropology and Development Studies

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology, Genetics

Avian conservation in the EU: developing species action plans and agri-environment initiatives for wading birds

Summary of the impact

Conservation of migratory bird species is an inherently international endeavour, because the fate of these species depends upon the actions of nations throughout their migratory ranges.

Research into migratory wading bird populations by Jennifer Gill and colleagues at UEA has had the following impacts:

  • directly influenced the development of International Species Action Plans published by the European Union and the Convention on Migratory Species;
  • determined appropriate actions for individual nations, including site protection, habitat restoration and management and a moratorium on hunting;
  • developed techniques for wet grassland restoration and management (to benefit ground- nesting birds) that are being implemented as agri-environment initiatives throughout lowland England.

Submitting Institution

University of East Anglia

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology, Genetics

The Conservation of Tropical Rainforests in Papua New Guinea and Ecuador

Summary of the impact

Drs Peck and Stewart are actively engaged in conservation projects in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Ecuador and have established conservation areas that are now protected from logging and which provide a sustainable income for local communities. These impacts are:

  • The preservation of more than 10,000ha of priority forest habitat in NW Ecuador and PNG, for forest conservation.
  • Engagement with indigenous and forest communities through `para-biologist' networks, providing well-paid local employment, social and economic support within the region, and scientific credibility and sustainability for conservation policies.
  • The generation of sustainable livelihoods for forest conservation through `ecotourism' and the establishment of local non-governmental conservation organisations (NGOs) for mammal conservation.

Submitting Institution

University of Sussex

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology, Genetics

The SAVE Project: Saving Asia's Vultures from Extinction

Summary of the impact

Research from the Department of Zoology has been instrumental in identifying residues of the veterinary painkiller diclofenac in cattle carcasses as responsible for catastrophic declines in vulture populations across the Indian subcontinent. As a result, the drug has been banned for veterinary use in the relevant countries, and an international conservation effort (SAVE) to Save Asia's Vultures from Extinction has been set up. Declines have since slowed, captive breeding programmes have been introduced, and local people have been trained in monitoring work and advocacy. There has also been inter-government collaboration to support conservation efforts, the first example of such collaboration on the subcontinent.

Submitting Institution

University of Cambridge

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology

Conservation of the stag beetle, Lucanus cervus

Summary of the impact

Research on the population biology of the stag beetle at Royal Holloway has created impact on the environment (species conservation through an increase in available habitat and in known breeding sites), impact on public policy (production of a species action plan and an EU Directive and the management of woodland habitats), and impact on society (change in public understanding). Using a `Citizen Science' approach, over 250 volunteers have engaged with this research in population surveys and over 1,000 have helped to create breeding sites. The research has helped to implement conservation policy decisions in the UK and EU and has produced many public information guides. It also has resulted in a radically revised Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) national Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for the species. Furthermore, the research has created impact on practitioners (through enhancement of teaching practices) and brought practical conservation biology into schools, improving the teaching of the National Curriculum at KS2 and 3.

Submitting Institution

Royal Holloway, University of London

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Biological Sciences: Ecology, Genetics

LJMU behavioural ecology research impacts conservation strategy and practice in Sichuan Province, China

Summary of the impact

Conservation activities must be well grounded in solid science to be effective. Our research identified specific threats to the survival of threatened species in Sichuan Province, China. Research outcomes were used to create, maintain and monitor nature reserves, ensuring species survival. The revelation that human cultural and subsistence activities were adversely affecting threatened species led to successful promotion and adoption of beneficial alternatives to these behaviours. Our research provided the basis for technical support to local communities through capacity building and community development, empowering indigenous ethnic minority populations to protect forest habitat for wildlife. LJMU-led research identified the factors which adversely impacted breeding success of threatened birds, creating opportunities for the amelioration of these threats and promoting conservation of threatened species.

Submitting Institution

Liverpool John Moores University

Unit of Assessment

Anthropology and Development Studies

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Ecological Applications, Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology

10 - Development and implementation of the IUCN - World Conservation Union's Red List and its application by governments and conservation organisations worldwide

Summary of the impact

Research staff in the Centre for Population Biology (CPB) at Imperial developed a range of species conservation assessment tools and methodologies based on population modelling carried out by CPB research staff. The introduction in 1994 of a scientifically rigorous approach to determine risks of extinction that is applicable to all species, based on underlying research at Imperial and described in paper [6], has led to a rigorous and robust approach that is used by governments, conservation organisations and researchers worldwide. In particular, these tools have been applied in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ and have made a fundamental contribution to this conservation measure. This Red List is widely recognized as the most comprehensive, objective global approach for evaluating the conservation status of plant and animal species. It plays a prominent role in guiding conservation activities of governments, NGOs and scientific institutions and has led to the formation of the Red List Index. Results from the Red List Index have led to worldwide bodies rethinking conservation targets and indicators and strongly influenced the Convention on Biological Diversity's 2020 Aichi targets.

Submitting Institution

Imperial College London

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology, Genetics

Conservation activities and biodiversity training in Sumaco National Park, Ecuador

Summary of the impact

Preziosi and his research group have taken a leading role in conducting biodiversity research in the Ecuadorian Amazon, working in collaboration with national and local governments and indigenous communities. It is critical to monitor and conserve biodiversity in the Ecuadorian Amazon and preserve this unique habitat for local, national and international benefit. Preziosi's research group have demonstrated that indigenous people can be trained to monitor biodiversity accurately. The impact of introducing these new skills to local people in the Payamino community is that they have been empowered to locally monitor and adaptively manage their own resources. By educating local people about the importance of biodiversity, Preziosi's research group have changed the behaviours and attitudes of the community, leading to reduced participation in environmentally harmful practices.

Submitting Institution

University of Manchester

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Ecological Applications, Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology

Conservation of Maerl (Calcareous red seaweed) in Europe

Summary of the impact

The application of legislation and policy protecting European maerl habitats under the EC Habitats Directive has been strengthened by research at QUB showing that maerl, coral-like seaweed, is slow-growing, intolerant of disturbance and burial, and supports high biodiversity. A new marine Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in Northern Ireland was designated for maerl in 2010. Maerl beds in the Fal and Helford SAC, the largest in England, were protected in 2009 from channel dredging until a Scientific Panel including a QUB academic has considered the results of a maerl-relocation trial in 2013.

Submitting Institution

Queen's University Belfast

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Ecological Applications, Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology

Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management

Summary of the impact

The Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management is the product of six years of international collaborative research and sector-based consultancy between Writtle College and Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (Germany). Activities at the Centre include developing a core body of internationally recognised research in the fields of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, complex systems science and adaptive management, and using the research to work with conservation organisations around the World to resolve significant environmental problems. Our sponsors include GIZ, Germany and WWF Germany, and our operations extend from Central America to the Ukraine, Russia, South Eastern Europe, China and Korea.

Submitting Institution

Writtle College

Unit of Assessment

Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management

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