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The UK is on the verge of building a fleet of new nuclear power stations. The steps required to reach the point where the UK can build Generation III+ plants are a complex mix of energy and financial policy and technology. The issues connect with the fuel cycle, waste disposal and public opinion. Failure in one of these areas could derail the new build programme. Starting in 2011, finishing July 2012, the University of Birmingham led a Policy Commission into the Future of Nuclear Energy in the UK. The Commission has been part of a number of national processes which have influenced and shaped UK policy and thinking in nuclear energy. In 2013 the UK Government published its stance. Recommendations made by the Policy Commission on key topics such as nuclear research capabilities and national nuclear policy bodies are reflected in the Government's report and subsequent actions. Impact has been in terms of public engagement and influencing public policy. Nuclear new build could be an investment of £40bn into the UK economy.
The research groups of Professor Laurence Harwood and Dr Michael Hudson (now retired) at the University of Reading have developed new and highly selective extractants for spent and reprocessed nuclear fuels. These novel extractants remove specifically the components in nuclear waste that have the highest levels of long-term radioactivity. The extracted components (minor actinides) may subsequently be converted — "transmuted" — into elements with greatly reduced radioactivity. Storage times for high-level nuclear waste can thus be reduced by a factor of a thousand, typically from 300,000 to 300 years. This significant advance in the management of nuclear waste means that next-generation nuclear power production will be safer, more economical and more sustainable, as well as increasing the wider acceptance of nuclear power as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. The newly-developed extractants are now available commercially through TechnoComm Ltd.
The research carried out by Surrey's Nuclear Physics Group and the expertise of its members have informed and stimulated debate on a wide range of scientific areas via broadcasting, the press, science policy, STEM education, and wider public engagement.
Professor Al-Khalili, in particular, has built on his expertise and experience in theoretical nuclear physics, such as his published research on the properties of exotic halo nuclei, to promote and disseminate many fundamental ideas in quantum mechanics, and physics in general, to the wider public. Through his popular science books, such as Nucleus: A Trip into the Heart of Matter (the only coffee table book on nuclear physics) and Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed, and his numerous television and radio programmes (such as BBC Four's Atom, which is widely seen as having broken new ground in the way science documentaries are presented), he has played a vital part in the resurgence of interest in physics in popular culture and in inspiring the next generation of scientists, impacting millions of people around the world.
Our development and demonstration of the world's first ns-FFAG accelerator (EMMA) and our expertise in exploiting and extending the capabilities of GEANT4 simulations have enabled us, in a relatively short time, to demonstrate societally significant applications of advanced particle accelerator technology. This research, which has garnered significant commercial and media attention, has demonstrated the feasibility of compact, reliable and affordable proton machines for cancer therapy [C], radioisotope production [A,B] and muon [F] and neutron [E] production, thereby offering UK industry a technological lead in a potentially enormous international market. Additionally, our research in accelerator driven technologies had played a significant role in establishing the scientific and political case for the construction of the 1.5b€ European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, and is influencing developments at Fermilab in the US [E,F].
The case study describes the impact on society of research on the history and politics of nuclear weapons and non-proliferation. Specifically, it demonstrates how this research has informed and shaped public understanding, discourse and debate on the nature of the nuclear non-proliferation regime. The research underpinning this impact examines the effects of the nuclear revolution upon international politics, and the consequences of these effects upon the contemporary non-proliferation regime. The research identifies a number of negative consequences arising from the activities of the so-called `nuclear non-proliferation complex'. The active dissemination of the research findings has generated considerable media coverage of research claims. In part through this extensive media exposure, the research has impacted, in a distinctive way, discussions over nuclear non-proliferation among a wide range of societal beneficiaries: members of the public, commentators, policy observers concerned with nuclear affairs, and civil society and NGO actors. The impact has been generated both within and outside the UK.
The Unit is a pioneer in the field of americium-based radioisotope space nuclear power systems, referred to as radioisotope thermoelectric generators or RTGs, and has established key partnerships with industry in the UK and US. Americium-241 has been chosen as a solution given the global shortage of supply of plutonium-238. This research has made rapid progress, developed the first working prototype system for the European programme and shaped government policy resulting in an announcement in November 2012 of the decision by government to invest £18.4 million in innovative space technologies including space nuclear power as part of the next 4-year cycle of UK investment in the European Space Agency (ESA). As a direct result, prioritisation of space nuclear power systems is now part of a new UK strategy of investment in enabling technologies for space applications with technology transfer opportunities for the terrestrial energy sector. High value jobs have been created and sustained in UK industry and academia with the investment of >£4 million in the UK.
Deployment of robust diagnostic techniques developed at the University of Strathclyde has improved the analysis of reactor core data and has directly supported the Safety Case for continued and extended operation of the Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor nuclear power stations in the UK. The new diagnostic techniques have been used on a daily basis since 16/5/2008 (BETA) and 5/3/2009 (IMAPS) in four power stations: 1) providing improved support and confirmation of the manual assessment of reactor core data by graphite engineers; 2) informing and advising power station personnel making strategic decisions on channels requiring inspection during statutory outages, and 3) providing evidence and increased confidence for the monitoring stage of station Safety Cases.
This research underpins assessments of nuclear reactor longevity and safety and has contributed to EDF's project to extend the life of nuclear reactors by 100+ reactor-years. So far this project has achieved 48 years or nearly £9bn in benefit. The Sussex contribution is accruing value to the UK economy of an estimated £100M at today's prices, with about £40M of that achieved already. Graphite in nuclear reactors is susceptible to neutron damage, and accurate estimations of the rate of graphite damage in reactors are critical to safety and to predicting reactor lifespan. Research from Sussex has developed models for graphite damage that now underpin one component (of six independent components) of the safety assessments conducted by the nuclear industry for Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors. The research demonstrated that a previous model employed for this purpose was invalid, and developed alternative models that have been adopted by the nuclear industry.
Through strategic national roles Grimes and Lee have had a major impact on the expansion of the UKs nuclear R&D programme since 2000 and on directing Government policy in the nuclear sector. Their research led directly to appointments to influential positions including (Grimes) as Specialist Advisor Nuclear to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee (HoLSTC) for their report on Nuclear R&D Capabilities and (Lee) as Deputy Chair of the Government Advisory Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM), which has a major scrutiny and advice role to Government's £multi-billion Managing Radioactive Waste Safely (MRWS) programme reporting directly to the Energy Minister. Due to his unique insight in nuclear engineering Grimes is now Chief Scientific Adviser to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Professor Matthew Jones was selected as a Cabinet Office official historian in 2008. His research has provided a historical context and knowledge base for senior Cabinet Office and Ministry of Defence officials currently engaged with strategic nuclear policymaking. Jones' research (including insights into the costs overruns, technical uncertainty, and delay of previous nuclear deterrents) has contributed to the process of policy-making, informing how senior officials responsible for dealing with debates over future options in the strategic nuclear policy field will deploy public expenditure of over £20 billion.