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The University of Liverpool (UoL) has provided pivotal evidence for the introduction and development of national screening programmes for diabetic retinopathy (DR). Technician based screening, which has been introduced since 2008, is now covering over 1.9 million UK people at risk and employing over 1,000 technicians across 96 programmes. Sweden and Scotland have introduced 2 and 3 year screening for patients with no DR based on UoL work on extended screen intervals. The UoL led the revision of the St. Vincent Declaration, the principal policy statement of the WHO on the management of diabetes, and has continued to develop pan European policy and influence national policies in several European countries (including Italy, Germany, Spain).
Around 2.5 million people in the UK have Type 2 diabetes, with many more in a pre-diabetic state, Both conditions are hard to detect and frequently remain undiagnosed and untreated for years. The cost burden to the NHS of eventual treatment is estimated at £10 billion; 80% of which is spent on complications that are, with good care, avoidable. Targeted diabetes prevention programmes could aid in prevalence reduction and associated costs. Leicester's Diabetes Research Centre has developed two risk scores, both suitable for use with an ethnically diverse UK population, to detect these conditions: a self-assessment questionnaire and a general practice database tool. Recommended by NICE, they have been used successfully in varied settings. Since July 2011, around 260,000 people have completed the self-assessment score online and more than 40,000 through other means.
The UK Faecal Occult Blood Test Screening Programme, based on Dundee-led research (Steele), offers bowel cancer screening through mailed test kits followed up with colonoscopy when faecal blood is detected. It is estimated to prevent about 2,000 UK deaths annually. Steele's Screening Research Unit also trialled immunological faecal occult blood testing, which was subsequently incorporated into the Scottish screening algorithm. In addition to demonstrating a 27% reduction in bowel cancer deaths through participation in Faecal Occult Blood screening, the Unit has researched the incidence of interval cancers and the impact of repeated invitations, development of new tests, and strategies for increasing participation. All of these drive the National Screening Programme, and will further reduce mortality.
Research by Professor Judith Stephenson and colleagues at the UCL Institute of Women's Health into the effectiveness of chlamydia screening has led to guidance to health policy makers in the EU about national strategies for chlamydia control, and has influenced NICE guidelines on the subject. In particular, our work has informed debate on the value for money of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP). Stephenson advised the National Audit Office on this topic, and a resulting report led to the NCSP focusing on chlamydia testing in sexual health services and primary care rather than screening in low risk groups. These changes are expected to make considerable cost savings to the NHS.
Essex contributed to the independent evaluation of the UK NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Pilot programme by conducting the psychosocial aspects of this research. The evaluation recommended full roll-out, and was used to inform the programme's subsequent development and implementation. Nationwide screening for 60-69 year olds, using the Faecal Occult Blood test, began in 2006 and in 2010 the programme was extended to include adults up to their 75th birthday. Since July 2006 over 17 million screening episodes have been completed and 15,000 cancers detected. It is estimated that the programme is on track to cut deaths by 16%.
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) affect more than 4% of British men aged 65-74 and are responsible for over 6,800 deaths annually. The MASS trial showed that screening could reduce AAA-related mortality by 42%, and the Health Economics Research Group (HERG) demonstrated, through the MASS trial, that AAA screening was cost-effective. HERG thus helped inform the policy announced by UK ministers in 2008 to introduce a national screening programme for all men reaching 65. By Spring 2013 it was fully introduced in England — offering screening to 300,000 men annually; the latest Annual Report (2011-12) claimed an uptake rate of 75%. In 2008 the DH estimated the health gain from a screening programme would be at least 130,000 QALYS over 20 years. Internationally, MASS is the most significant trial of AAA screening, and provides the most robust evidence-based model of its cost-effectiveness. It extensively influenced AAA screening guidelines, policies and services, including in the USA and Europe.
Congenital heart defects are a leading cause of infant death, accounting for more deaths than any other type of malformation and up to 7.5% of all infant deaths. Timely diagnosis is crucial for the best possible outcome for these children. However, the accuracy of current methods for screening for critical congenital heart defects (CCHD) before birth is variable and currently only detects these defects in between 35-50% of cases. Although around a third of remaining cases are picked up after birth, up to a third of children with a CCHD are sent home, where they may become unwell or die. Research led by Dr Andrew Ewer at the University of Birmingham has demonstrated that pulse oximetry is a rapid, safe, non-invasive, painless method of detecting the low blood oxygen levels associated with CCHD, and is also a cost-effective approach. As a result of Dr Ewer's research, Pulse Ox was recommended for adoption across the US in 2011 by the Secretary for Health and Human Services, and Dr Ewer has been instrumental in this screening approach being taken up worldwide. This research prompted a national UK review of screening for these conditions.
Antenatal screening aims to identify genetic carriers of sickle cell/thalassaemia in order to provide prospective parents with "informed choice". Throughout the period January 2008-July 2013, the NHS in England has used a Family Origins Questionnaire in connection with sickle cell/thalassaemia screening derived from our research programme. The original policy issue concerned whether or not it is possible/desirable to target antenatal screening for sickle cell/thalassaemia by means of an ethnicity question. The policy problem was that socially constructed "ethnicity" categories correspond imperfectly and to an unknown degree with actual prevalence of genetic carriers. The screening question based on our research now guides the offer of initial screening and/or further laboratory tests for all pregnant mothers in England.
The Sensing & Imaging Group at Manchester Metropolitan has developed novel, effective non-imaging radar methods for the stand-off screening of people for concealed threat items. Some of this technology is at a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and has undergone rigorous independent trials. The results of these trials and of other published work by the group has informed UK Government strategy in effective methods of people screening at standoff distances, created a product which is entering production, and data which are used in the design of effective simulants for testing threat scenarios. This will save lives, deter and stop gun crime and prevent damage to key infrastructure when deployed in sensitive areas likely to be targeted by terrorist action.
School dental screening was a statutory function of the NHS. University of Manchester (UoM) research demonstrated that the national screening programme was ineffective and likely to increase inequalities in health and service utilisation. As a direct result of UoM research, the National Screening Committee recommended that the national programme should stop. This changed Departments of Health policy resulting in new guidance to the NHS, which stopped the screening programme and redirected resources to treatment services for vulnerable groups and prevention programmes. In 2010 in England the costs of a national screening programme were estimated to be £17m per year; money released for reallocation to other dental services.