Impact Global Location: Guinea-Bissau

REF impact found 2 Case Studies

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Conflict management and post-conflict reconstruction in Casamance, Senegal

Summary of the impact

Martin Evans' research concerns conflict and its aftermath in the Casamance region of southern Senegal — the scene of West Africa's longest-running insurgency. His work has influenced policy, humanitarian and development activity in the region and beyond, and has informed Western governments, international agencies and non-governmental organisations in their interventions to support peacebuilding and `post-conflict' reconstruction. In addition, Evans has provided expert testimony in relation to asylum claims made in Western countries by Casamançais fleeing persecution. Building on his previous work, Evans has conducted the underpinning research for this activity while at Chester as a lecturer (February 2009-July 2011) and senior lecturer (August 2011-present).

His work has a lasting impact because of the situation's intractability and the need to address ongoing violence and human displacement. The conflict also retains the capacity to destabilise neighbouring countries.

Submitting Institution

University of Chester

Unit of Assessment

Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Studies In Human Society: Political Science
History and Archaeology: Historical Studies

Enhancing Shared Knowledge on the Law Governing International Watercourses:– The Contribution of the UN Watercourses Convention

Summary of the impact

Research conducted by Rieu-Clarke and Wouters has deepened knowledge and understanding of the role of international law in contributing to the peaceful management of the world's transboundary water resources amongst a range of stakeholders, including policy makers. The impact is manifested in invitations to high-level policy forums and engagement with policy makers at numerous training events. Additionally, several governments have ratified the UN Watercourses Convention (UNWC), in part due to their research, and their work has contributed to the imminent entry into force of the Convention.

Submitting Institution

University of Dundee

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration, Political Science
Law and Legal Studies: Law

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