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Dairy-cow herds in the UK and overseas, together with the dairy farming industry, are benefiting from strategic animal-husbandry changes and lameness-control programmes underpinned by research undertaken at the University of Bristol since 1997. The dissemination by the UK Dairy Levy Board of national Standardised Lameness Scores (the DairyCo Mobility Scoring system, launched in 2008) and of Husbandry Advisory Tools (the DairyCo Healthy Feet Programme, launched in 2011) was a direct result of Bristol's work. It has led to the widespread adoption of lameness scoring as a farm-management tool, the inclusion of lameness assessment within certification schemes and a nationwide network of trained `mobility mentors'. Where implemented, this advisory support has resulted in a significant drop in lameness prevalence, thereby improving welfare and reducing the economic losses associated with treating and culling lame cows. Successful engagement with industry groups throughout the research process has ensured that scientific outputs have been rapidly implemented within the farming community. This approach has been adopted internationally with the scoring system being used by Europe's largest dairy company and a modified version is also being promoted by the New Zealand dairy industry.
Research by Campbell & Euston (2001-present) into functional properties of food proteins has enabled protein manufacturers to process low-value protein ingredients into added value products such as fat replacers. This allowed food manufacturers to make products with reduced fat content and/or reduced "E-number" content ("clean-label" foods). The research led to the set-up of Nandi Proteins Ltd to transfer the findings to the market. It sells the products to end-use food producers such as Premier Foods and Quorn, which use the technology to make their food more appealing to customers by reducing fat content and e-numbers. The first fat replacement product was launched by Friesland Campina which produced protein using Nandi technology on a commercial scale, marketed as Hiprotal 60. The product was sold into the European dairy and formulated meat products market. Sales of 200 tonnes per annum are claimed over between 2007-2011. Hiprotal 60 sold at £6 per kilo which equates to approximate sales of £6M over the five year production period.
In the UK, one in seven dairy calves dies annually during rearing. Herd profitability is reduced further by calfhood disease and suboptimal growth rates, delaying age at first calving and reducing milk output. Professor Claire Wathes's longstanding scientific interests in dairy cattle reproduction and development have led to a broader farming industry appreciation of this issue, and to new approaches that address the economic loss and welfare issue it represents. Her results are now incorporated into professional and practical advice from DairyCo (industry levy board); Defra; farm veterinarians; commercial feed companies; opinion leaders in dairy farming; and the specialist farming media.
The University of Nottingham (UoN) has developed two novel food-allowed additives based upon xanthan gum. The generation of these structurally modified forms allow xanthan to be used more efficiently in food manufacturing applications and provide nutritional and health benefits. The invention of the new xanthans benefits the global food industry by facilitating new product development and formulation.
Fertility of dairy cows has been in decline since the 1970's and this has threatened sustainability of the dairy industry worldwide. Research led by Nottingham University (UoN) identified key drivers of fertility and provided genetic and nutritional tools for the industry, to help combat the decline. The genetic tool was the UK Fertility Index, which is used universally by breeders for national and international bull selection. The nutritional tool, which is widely applied by international feed companies, used the concept that nutritional manipulation of insulin enhances fertility. Evidence shows that use of these tools between 2008 and 2013 has reversed the decline, and fertility is being restored. This has brought commercial benefits for breeding companies, cattle food producers and farmers and had a positive impact upon animal welfare.
The University of Nottingham (UoN) has transferred an understanding of how starchy foods are modified by processing, attained through working with human foods, to the animal feed industry. The knowledge developed at UoN and further advanced by co-operative programmes with industrial partners, has enabled animal feed manufacturers to reformulate and modify their production procedures to optimise manufacturing operations, increase profitability and the nutritional quality of the feeds.
Research undertaken at the University of Manchester (UoM) has made an important contribution to the body of evidence that informed the decision in 2008 on non-renewal of the milk quota in the EU, and continues to inform this policy debate through research that both demonstrates the economic gains inherent in the removal of the milk quota system, alongside a thorough evaluation of different scenarios for the quota's eventual withdrawal. The insights gained from this analysis are also informing EU policy discussion on the environmental impacts of milk quota elimination.
A discovery that a tomato extract could help with healthy blood flow has been translated into a functional food ingredient now marketed globally via the spin-out company Provexis plc. Fruitflow® — Provexis' lead product — is the result of findings by researchers at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, now part of the University of Aberdeen, that biologically active constituents in tomatoes inhibit blood platelet aggregation: a known cause of heart attack, stroke and venous thrombosis. In 2009 Fruitflow® was the first food ingredient to meet the requirements of the European Food Safety Agency for products with a specific health claim. Provexis — the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute spinout — is listed on the AIM market — the London Stock Exchange's international market for smaller growing companies — has seen values of £14 - £60 million and secured co-development agreements with major international partners, including DSM, Unilever and Coca-Cola. This case study demonstrates the direct translation of research to produce a functional food ingredient of interest to global market players.
The claimed impact therefore relates to development of new product, which has received the first ever novel health claim (Article 13.5) from the European Food Safety Authority, and is being marketed as novel food ingredient globally by a multinational company.
Our impact has been to protect the public by informing and influencing both the international policy debate on health claims associated with soy consumption, and the relevant regulatory risk assessment authorities.
Our research formed a key component of dossiers that resulted in the rejection of health claims by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, the EU agency responsible for the scientific substantiation of health claims) relating to soy isoflavones and a number of health endpoints including bone health, heart health and menopausal symptoms. Earlier work had underpinned decisions on comparable health claims in the US and UK.
Our soy isoflavone research also provided key scientific data on the absorption of isoflavones by the body (and dependence on age and food source) to the UK Government Committee on Toxicity (COT) policy review on the toxicity of chemicals with a specific focus on soy infant formula. This expands on COT advice in 2003, which used earlier Cassidy research and helped to inform the UK government's (Food Standards Agency) research programme on phytoestrogens /isoflavones.
Impact: Economic / animal health and welfare / environment: Improved profitability and sustainability of the UK dairy industry.
Significance: The use of the Profitable Lifetime Index (£PLI) increased the profitability of the dairy sector by an estimated £634M in 2008-2013 and reduced the greenhouse gas emissions from the sector by an estimated 8.4%.
Beneficiaries: Dairy producers, breeding companies, general public/environment, dairy cattle welfare and health.
Attribution: Drs Wall, Mrode (SRUC), and Brotherstone (UoE), Profs. Coffey, Simm, Stott, Veerkamp, Oldham (SRUC), and Woolliams (UoE/Roslin)
Reach: UK dairy industry. Tools developed, such as the routine recording of body condition score, and using these data in national genetic evaluations, have been widely adopted internationally, including in major dairy genetics exporting countries such as the USA, Canada, the Netherlands and New Zealand.