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The impact of Professor Breslin's research has spanned two programmes of activity: 1) informing UK policy debates about EU-China relations by engaging with Government and Opposition members; and 2) shaping debates about Chinese politics among international practitioners through European and East Asian policy networks. Based on two decades of research, Breslin has systematically highlighted the importance of understanding the domestic drivers of Chinese foreign policy in formulating responses to China's rise. Most notably, he points to the way in which domestic development agendas spill over into international relations. This core insight has benefited a range of key governmental and non-governmental stakeholders in formulating their strategies toward and engagement with China.
Professor Lastra's research on central banking, financial regulation and cross border resolution of banking crises has had a significant practical effect in setting the agenda for the reform of the law in these areas nationally and internationally. As a result of her work, international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, international standard-setters such as the Financial Stability Board, European institutions such as the European Central Bank and the European Commission, and national institutions such as the Bank of England have initiated or revised rules and policies aimed at reforming financial regulation and enhancing stability.
The global financial crisis of 2008 required policy makers to restructure radically banking systems through re-capitalization, essentially injecting capital to the banks. The Unit's research has shown that recapitalization policy has the potential to impose significant costs on the wider economy and on the banking system in particular. This research brings this trade-off to the attention of policy-makers at central banks who will now be better informed about the nature of the associated costs. . Our research outputs enabled some of these policy-makers to decide at which point on the trade-off they might wish to locate their policy choices.