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Successful buildings, communities and urban areas must incorporate the needs of users into their design. Human geography research at Leicester has enabled town planners and local authorities to incorporate the community's needs into the design of new schools, villages and urban areas. This work has benefited both professionals (e.g. in Local Authorities in Northamptonshire and Leicester) and the community groups they serve. It has also successfully brought together users (especially children, young people and adults), community organisations, practitioners and policy- makers into direct dialogue, enabling productive partnership working between these groups.
Leyshon and French's research on the geography of UK bank and building society branch closures influenced the decision by the Financial Inclusion Taskforce to target 25 under-served local authority areas for additional support from the government's £42m Growth Fund between 2008 and 2011. The Growth Fund, which is targeted at Credit Unions, Community Development Financial Institutions and other, not-for-profit `third sector' lenders, enables financially excluded households to access credit on more affordable terms.
The University of Northampton's (UoN) social enterprise research has created new knowledge in the field of social entrepreneurship, which has informed the definitional debate, as well as identifying the added-value that social enterprises deliver to their beneficiaries. This has provided the evidence-base for the launch of a whole-institution strategy at the University to become the leading HEI for social enterprise in the UK. The research has also led to the University supporting external social enterprises and assisting them to deliver organisational growth and change. The University's research has also led to it becoming a leading evidential contributor to policy-makers in the UK.
Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal can be constituted by a professional judge sitting alone or by a professional judge with lay members depending primarily on the type of complaint. In 2011 the government proposed to limit dramatically the type of complaint where lay members could sit. This research provided empirical, timely evidence on the positive contribution that lay members make to the adjudicatory process. It provided an evidential basis for a keen public policy debate, was used by stakeholders responding to the government's proposal and was cited by the Minister and his shadow in the parliamentary debate.