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CHEM04 - Ozone-depleting halogens in the atmosphere

Summary of the impact

The international Montreal Protocol limits the production of stratospheric-ozone depleting substances that contain chlorine and bromine. York researchers used the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) satellite to monitor the decay of halogen-containing molecules in the stratosphere and to re-evaluate their atmospheric lifetimes. This York research also determined that oceans represent a vast reservoir of organohalogens, which are released to air and impact significantly on ozone destruction. The research results have been incorporated into the conclusions of the World Meteorological Organization/United Nations Environment Programme (WMO/UNEP) Scientific Assessments on Ozone Depletion, the pre-eminent knowledge base used for international policy and domestic legislation. Experimental infrastructure created in this York research now contributes to UK Government obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and informs it of long-term atmospheric change.

Submitting Institution

University of York

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Chemical Sciences: Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural), Other Chemical Sciences

Impact on International Measures to Control Ozone-Depleting Substances and their Replacements.

Summary of the impact

Atmospheric science research in the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge has played a leading role in demonstrating the depletion of the ozone layer following anthropogenic emissions of halogenated compounds and other Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). This research has been a key input into the series of assessment reports that have made the case to policy makers for the strengthening of the Montreal Protocol. The research underpinning these reports has made a vital contribution to a number of changes to the Protocol that have ensured a more rapid phase-out of a wider range of ODS and their replacements, leading to significant global health and climate benefits during the REF period. Researchers at Cambridge have helped to raise global awareness of these benefits, helping to maintain support for the Protocol among policy makers and the public, and supported European legislation to limit the environmental impact of ODS and their replacements.

Submitting Institution

University of Cambridge

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Physical Sciences: Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics
Chemical Sciences: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Other Chemical Sciences

CH1: Bristol Research Influences Global Response to Ozone-Depleting and Greenhouse Gases

Summary of the impact

Successful policy formulation and effective action on ozone depletion and climate change, both of which have profound environmental implications, depend on the availability of credible data on atmospheric gases. Research conducted in the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol between 1992 and 2013 has played a leading role in global efforts to achieve reliable, long-term measurement of climatically important gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O. When combined with models of atmospheric gas transport, these observations provide an independent means of assessing natural and man-made emissions. This work is used by the UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) for monitoring compliance with international and domestic legislation, identifying priorities for improving inventory accuracy, assessing the UK's progress towards targets set in the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols, evaluating the impact of policy, and informing international negotiations. These data have been central to recent World Meteorological Office (WMO) Scientific Assessments of Ozone Depletion produced between 2007 and 2010 and to the Nobel Prize-winning Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment of Climate Change published in 2007.

Submitting Institution

University of Bristol

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Chemical Sciences: Other Chemical Sciences
Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences

Development of abatement strategies and policies for air pollutants facilitated by the Master Chemical Mechanism

Summary of the impact

Air pollution is a major health concern and government policy driver. Leeds researchers and colleagues have developed a detailed chemical mechanism which describes reactions in the lower atmosphere leading to the formation of ozone and secondary particulate matter, key air pollutants. The so-called `master chemical mechanism' (MCM) is considered the `gold standard' and has been used by the UK government and industry groups to inform their position on EU legislation and by the US EPA to validate and extend their regulatory models. The Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department has used the MCM to identify key ozone precursors and provide evidence for abatement strategies.

Submitting Institution

University of Leeds

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Chemical Sciences: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Other Chemical Sciences

Reframing climate change: from long-term targets to stringent and inclusive carbon budgets

Summary of the impact

The UK's Climate Change Bill (2008) proposed a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 60% by 2050. Tyndall-Manchester's research concluded this target was inconsistent with the government's repeated commitment to a temperature rise of no more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. It demonstrated a minimum 80% reduction was necessary; scientifically-robust policies must be based on `cumulative emissions' (carbon budgets); and that targets should include emissions from aviation and shipping. All three recommendations are now explicitly enshrined in primary legislation, with the responsible Secretary of State acknowledging the "signal contribution" of Tyndall-Manchester's research to the 2008 Climate Change Act.

Submitting Institution

University of Manchester

Unit of Assessment

Civil and Construction Engineering

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Economics: Applied Economics, Econometrics

Air Quality; Measurement, standardisation, and quantification of airborne contaminants

Summary of the impact

Impact type: Public Policy

Significance: The research provided evidence for formulation of government policies to ameliorate poor air quality, to which fine particulate matter (PM2.5), O3 and NO2 are the most important contributors; PM2.5 alone reduces average life expectancy in the UK by 6 months and costs £9bn-£20bn a year. The research has been incorporated into UK national guidance and policy-evidence documents for Defra, the Health Protection Agency, and the Environment Agencies.

Beneficiaries are the public and the environment.

Research; date; attribution: EaStCHEM research (1995-2011) (a) established reliable techniques to measure NO2 for a national protocol, and (b) quantified the impact of pollutant emissions on PM2.5 and O3 concentrations, and on hospital admissions and deaths. Heal (EaStCHEM) led the research and wrote, collaboratively in some cases, the reports and the work cited.

Reach: UK wide.

Submitting Institutions

University of St Andrews,University of Edinburgh

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services

The Robot Scientist

Summary of the impact

This impact case concerns the stimulation of public discourse, informing the awareness, attitudes and understanding of the public as to the potential for automating science, and the consequences that then arise regarding ethics, rights and the acquisition of knowledge. It also concerns debate among legal practitioners.

The Robot Scientist was the first system to fully automate the process of scientific investigation. This work showed that it was possible. The idea was immediately picked up by the popular press and covered worldwide (the fourth most significant discovery in 2009 according to TIME magazine, reported by TV, radio, national newspapers and magazines, and bloggers). It engaged the public in debate about AI, robotics, lab automation, and science.

Submitting Institution

Aberystwyth University

Unit of Assessment

Computer Science and Informatics

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Information and Computing Sciences: Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing

Global sales of tomographic instruments benefiting process industries

Summary of the impact

Research into industrial process tomography has been performed at the University of Leeds from 1999 to the present day with much of this being in collaboration with Industrial Tomography Systems plc (ITS). This research, together with the associated intellectual property, has provided the foundation of 5 innovative new products developed and produced by ITS during the eligible period. These new products have generated sales of £5m and are in large part responsible for increases in turnover and employment of approximately 60%, and exports of 67% since 2008. These instruments are used in a significant number of new applications and are generating major benefits to end users in the oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, consumer products, minerals and food sectors.

Submitting Institution

University of Leeds

Unit of Assessment

General Engineering

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences
Information and Computing Sciences: Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Engineering: Interdisciplinary Engineering

Aviation, Policy and Climate Change

Summary of the impact

Tyndall-Manchester's research into UK aviation emissions was instrumental in overturning the prevailing orthodoxy, which regarded aviation as an unproblematic, small source of greenhouse gas emissions. Identifying drivers of growth and key characteristics of aviation's emerging emissions trajectory demonstrated that aviation could soon dominate national emissions if left unchecked. Tyndall-Manchester's research contributed to aviation's inclusion in sub-national, national and international climate policies. Specifically, it was highly influential in debates leading to including international aviation in the UK's 2050 emissions target; bringing aviation into the European Union's Emission Trading System. It continues to inform debate around future UK airport expansion, and is used to guide campaigning objectives of major environmental NGOs and lobby groups.

Submitting Institution

University of Manchester

Unit of Assessment

Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical and Manufacturing Engineering

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Economics: Applied Economics
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration

Halocarbons: Impacts on Ozone Depletion and Global Warming

Summary of the impact

Halocarbons in the atmosphere can be both ozone-depleting and greenhouse gases. Our halocarbon research has formed a vital part of the science that has underpinned the Montreal Protocol on `Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer'. Whilst this Protocol was originally ratified in 1987, it is amended at regular intervals based on the latest scientific evidence as reported through quadrennial World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Ozone Assessments. Our research has contributed to the Assessments in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2010, as well as IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) assessments. These assessments have led directly to reductions in emissions of a large number of halocarbons and consequently major climate and health benefits worldwide; e.g. UEA research on methyl bromide and halons has led, via Montreal Protocol amendments, to a decline in atmospheric bromine between 2008-2013.

Submitting Institution

University of East Anglia

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Chemical Sciences: Other Chemical Sciences
Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography

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