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Human-computer usability research within the university's Sensory Disabilities Research Unit (1993-2002) led to the construction of accessibility guidelines that are widely used, with an estimated reach to a maximum of 30 million people in the EU. PAS 78: Guide to Good Practice in Commissioning Accessible Websites and BSI BS8788 Web Accessibility Code of Practice met 2010 web accessibility law in the UK and subsequent EU legislation. Similarly, BS EN 15823:2010: Braille on Packaging for Medicinal Products met UK, EU and International Standards for Braille on medicine packaging. Further research resulted in award-winning guides for blind users of Windows software that improves accessibility to work.
Research at Kingston University led by Hilary Dalke has established the beneficial effects of colour design for application in long-term health care environments for people with neural disabilities. This work has led to the development of spatial design principles for improving the experience of service users, patients and staff.
Through her consultancy work with architectural firms, individual NHS hospitals, mental health units, independent charities and healthcare furniture and equipment suppliers such as Hill-Rom, Dalke has influenced their understanding of the issues involved, leading to improved design in hospitals, care homes and day centres, with consequent benefits for patients, staff and visitors in four institutions.
Green and Lilley's research on the management of innovation within creative organisations, with a specific focus on people-centred and socio-technical systems design of digital technology, has benefitted two companies significantly through two knowledge-transfer partnerships. One company — Bulb - more than doubled its staff numbers from 8 to 18 and increased turnover from £700,000 to £1.2 million. This research contributed to the basis for a new company — CrowdLab - now worth £1.5 million. Both companies have been short-listed for a number of awards, one recently winning the 2013 Leicester Mercury Innovative Company category. The School has embraced the University's Knowledge Exchange provision to respond effectively to the Government's economic development agenda which has placed HEIs `centre stage' to deliver private-sector led innovation and economic recovery.
CHAPMAN's research into emotionally durable design has radically shifted the values and practices of global businesses, helping them to cut waste and to enhance product, material and brand value. Through publications, exhibitions, master-classes and films, this research has transformed understanding of sustainable design in professional (Puma, Sony), policy (House of Lords, UN) and cultural (Design Museum, New Scientist) settings, propelling the field beyond its focus on energy and materials, towards deeper engagements that link psychosocial phenomena with ideas about consumption and waste. Furthermore, it has contributed to public debate and policy with the effect that the term `emotional durability' has now entered the international design lexicon, providing valuable shorthand for complex phenomena influencing product longevity.
Research carried out by the University of Reading's Department of Typography & Graphic Communication into the design of information for everyday reading has contributed to public services and policy making by:
— improving government communications and
— changing the use of design by non-specialists, particularly in government departments.
The Department's expertise has been used in areas where communication is challenging (prisons and UK Jobcentres), benefiting disadvantaged user groups. The Department of Typography's input to the communications of GOV.UK and HMRC has benefited the UK public in contexts where poor design decisions can prove costly to both individuals and government departments.
In addition, the Department's research-based exhibitions have spread public understanding of information design, attracting specialists and non-specialists and receiving significant coverage in the professional, national and international press.
This case study is based on research and impact of the development of creative systems and creative systems management to enhance professional in-house design capabilities of design and manufacturing companies through the use of new technologies. The research was conducted by Dave Henley and Rob Cooksey over the duration of several years (2008-2012) to develop the transferable application of design systems and management for SMEs. The research included three different Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) with Fairfield Displays & Lighting Ltd., China Industries Ltd., and Tough Furniture Ltd. The research evidences impact in the development of the companies' creative capabilities through significant increases in turnover, employment and market penetration and a number of awards, as well as in public benefits such as social inclusion, community health and well-being.
Between 1992 and 2002, Loughborough University invented an award-winning approach to planning complex, highly interdependent development projects. Since 2008 the Analytical Design Planning Technique (ADePT) method has resulted in:
Gage's research in interactive architecture since the 1990s has influenced the working methods of a sizeable community of SME architectural and environmental design practices, mainly in London, and in some cases significantly extended the scope of their services. The research has established and strengthened innovative exchange between academia, professions and creative industries and led to the creation of a number of new specialist and award-winning design companies with international profiles. One of these developed intellectual property sold in 2011 for over $15m, while another won a RIBA National Award for design excellence in collaboration with Bartlett staff.
Since 1989, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD) has spearheaded a comprehensive seating design research programme that has resulted in specific and recognisable outputs and impacts.
Key areas of knowledge have been developed through:
The research has resulted in multiple innovations demonstrated through registered designs. All designs have been licensed to UK companies for the purposes of manufacture and distribution. From January 2008 to end June 2013, sales have comprised more than 30,000 seating units across three continents.
The i~design research programme, which has been running in the University of Cambridge Department of Engineering (DoEng) since 2000, sought to understand population diversity in order to better inform design decisions for mainstream everyday products and services. Impact from this programme, since 2008, includes: skills embedded in companies through direct training of over 280 designers and design managers from industry; direct involvement in the improved design of more than 10 new products and services that have gone into production; educational resources for teaching Design and Technology trialled in nine secondary schools; over 800 wearable impairment simulators sold; and extensive web-based guidance, methods and tools for inclusive design accessed in over 170 countries.