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Heriot-Watt University (HWU) led the development of a supportive infrastructure for the sustainable advancement of Technical Textiles (the fastest growing textiles sector in an industry worth $25bn globally and £3bn per year to the UK economy). 452 companies have had their products or processes created or improved. (e.g. patents awarded, new companies established and research and development sustained). The research transformed how Technical Textiles were understood as marketable products in their own right; from purely functional entities to materials that operate at the interface of design and technology. This enabled the development of new technologies that enhance wellbeing and quality of life, e.g. in the health and defence sectors.
This case study is about the development of flame retardant (FR) polypropylene yarns used in upholstery fabrics for domestic and office furniture, automotive and floor coverings that will have predictable and reproducible fire retardant properties when subjected to standard testing procedures. Through the UK DTI funded project FLAMTECH (2002-2005) shared by Camira Fabrics Ltd., and the university, a range of novel polypropylene yarns having higher levels of consistent fire performance than the previously existing products in the market place were developed. A testing protocol which could establish individual fibre/yarn/fabric structural-fire property relationships and correlate these with (and hence predict) final fabric performance was also established. The project overlapped a concurrent EPSRC funded research in which nanocomposite fibres (including polypropylene) with improved flame retardancy and reduced melt dripping were developed. Camira were also members of the consortium managing this project. The major commercial outcome from these projects since 2005 is a flame retardant polypropylene product being marketed by Camira fabrics within their Perfentex brand and others are also being considered. This work also inspired the Production Director of Camira Fabrics to register at Bolton as a PhD-by-publication candidate and hence gain more knowledge about the subject area, as evidenced by the publication of her research papers (see Paper 1, Section 3).
Workers at the University of Leeds researched, then developed and patented the `hot compaction' process for the manufacture of single polymer composites [1]. In this process highly oriented polymer fibres are heated so that a proportion of the surface of every oriented element melts. Upon cooling, this skin recrystallises to form the matrix of a self-reinforced fibre composite. Important resultant properties include high stiffness and strength, lightweight and outstanding impact strength, leading to a material with crucial commercial advantage. The reach of this impact is demonstrated by commercialisation of the polymer composite over a wide range of applications including anti-ballistic body armour, sports goods (Nike, Bauer), lightweight luggage (Samsonite), audio speakers (Wharfedale) and radar covers for helicopters (Westland). Examples include Samsonite using the material Curv® to manufacture two new high profile product ranges (Cosmolite and Cubelite) and Bauer using it in their elite-level ice hockey skate range (SUPREME and VAPOR).
Viewing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as very rigid polymer molecules led to research on turning them into useful materials. Strategic investments to develop different aspects of this research have been made by two separate companies. A process for the synthesis of CNTs was transferred to Thomas Swan Ltd who have made significant investment, and are now Europe's leading supplier of high-quality CNTs. In 2003 a process was invented to spin CNT fibres directly from a synthesis reactor. The process is intrinsically cheaper than the conventional process for carbon fibre and it produces a tougher and more versatile product. The University of Cambridge (UCAM) spin-out company Q-Flo Ltd (created in 2004 to achieve focus on transfer of this technology) and Plasan (multinational manufacturer of vehicle defensive armour) formed a joint venture in 2010 which has enabled the first-stage scale-up of manufacture.
The A350-XWB is the first Airbus airliner to have composite wings, thereby reducing structural weight compared with the current generation of metallic wings. With over 700 orders for the aircraft, the company has placed great emphasis on the need to maximise performance benefits whilst mitigating risk associated with manufacture of the all-new wing. The Bath Composites Research Unit has supplied underpinning research to:
(1) Develop an algorithm that has been used to design the composite wing skins for optimised performance;
(2) Analyse the laminate consolidation process for the wing spars.
The impact of (1) is a direct saving of 1.0 tonne of fuel per typical flight compared with current metallic skins. This represents a total fuel saving of around 40,000 tonnes, over the design life of each aircraft. The impact of (2) is the achievement of satisfactory part quality for current production rates of spars valued at £1M each when equipped.
The impact presented in this case study is the commercialisation of 15 products with perfume microcapsules by Procter and Gamble (P&G), made possible using capsule mechanical strength data provided by Prof Zhibing Zhang's research group at Birmingham. Use of microcapsules gives improved freshness performance, and thus commercial advantage, compared with traditional formulations; they have been incorporated in P&G's four major billion-dollar brands — Downy, Febreze, Lenor and Tide. This has significantly improved their competitiveness enabling P&G to retain their leading position in the USA and Western Europe. A novel micromanipulation technique developed at the University of Birmingham has been used extensively to obtain mechanical properties data for the micro-particles, including microcapsules prepared in Birmingham and provided by companies, which is related to their formulation and processing conditions and end- use performance. In addition, the knowledge generated has helped 15 other companies to commercialise new functional products containing micro-particles.
This research has led to the creation of new business sectors in laser development for medical and healthcare applications, which has enabled the creation of a world-wide market worth US$96 million in 2011, and a local spin-out, Fianium Ltd, which now has more than 50 employees and an annual turnover of around £10 million. Exploiting a radically new optical component invented at the University of Southampton, the microstructured optical fibre (MOF), this research has led to economic benefit through the creation of hundreds of jobs worldwide, and enabled the development of new diagnostic and medical technologies.
Research carried out by Prof. Ton Peijs and colleagues has led to significant breakthroughs in engineering plastics: PURE® and its licensed Tegris® technology, which are lightweight self- reinforced alternatives to traditional polypropylene (PP) composites such as glass-fibre or natural- fibre-reinforced PP. Environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable, these strong and ultra-light self- reinforced plastics have been successfully used across a number of applications, from suitcases and sports gear to protective armour and automotive panels, with impressive results. When used for car, truck and van components, they have been shown to help lower exhaust emission levels and increase fuel economy.
BRITEST is a global leader in the development of innovative process solutions for the chemical processing sector with > £500m of value being realized since 2008. Research in Manchester (1997-2000) generated a set of novel tools and methodologies which analyse chemical processes to identify where and how process improvements could be made. BRITEST was established in 2001 as a not-for-profit company to manage the technology transfer and effective deployment of these tools and methodologies into industry. Manchester holds the IP arising from the underpinning research and has granted an exclusive license to BRITEST for use and exploitation of the toolkit.
A manufacturing process developed by Bradford researchers has revolutionised the way endodontists perform root canal treatments. When coated with a hydrophilic polymer, the highly-filled hygroscopic material has enabled UK company DRFP to develop SmartPoint — a new endodontic technique that dramatically reduces failure rates of root canal treatments from 11-30% over five years to approximately 1%, and gives lower levels of post-operative pain when compared with conventional techniques. The technology has won three awards for innovation and DRFP has expanded significantly, with a dedicated production facility and sales team offering visits to dentists to demonstrate the benefits of the technology.