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Over a decade's research by Introna and Hayes has investigated the biases inherent in automated systems. As part of this research they showed that the design and use of plagiarism detection systems (PDS), used by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) worldwide, may be unfair due to their embedded values and assumptions. A series of reports, workshops and supporting resources, using these insights, have transformed writing support and teaching practices at no less than 32 HEIs nationally and internationally, affecting lecturers, support staff and student union representatives. As a result, at least 10 HEIs have developed less punitive policy frameworks and taken a more developmental approach, leading to a much fairer treatment of plagiarism cases.
Bladder cancer is the fifth most common form of cancer, with over 70% of cases presenting as non-muscle invasive bladder carcinomas (NMIBC). Research in the Institute of Cancer Therapeutics at the University of Bradford led to the evaluation of Apaziquone (EO9) in phase II clinical trials against high risk NMIBC in The Netherlands, and two multi-centre phase III clinical trials involving 106 centres across the USA, Canada and Europe. A total of 1,746 patients with low or high risk NMIBC received EO9 and significant reductions in the rates of recurrence at two years have been reported. Our research has impacted upon the health and welfare of patients with NMIBC.
Durrant's research on the therapeutic potential of literature as a way of working through trauma led to the creation of a unique model of bibliotherapy. The application of this model within three Leeds and Bradford organisations had significant impact on the mental well-being of asylum seekers and refugees and increased the capacity for organisations to provide effective and sustainable therapeutic services. The success of these initiatives led to further public and third-sector collaborations and the model being adopted by a range of health, education, public and charitable organisations both nationally and internationally.
One of the main impacts of Bradford's ethnicity research is its influence on how the Substantive Equality Unit (SEU) was set up and continues to operate within the Equal Opportunities Commission of Western Australia. The SEU was established to address the challenge of creating equal and inclusive services, and ensuring their delivery, by all the departments of the Western Australian government for a diverse population. Its central role in promoting equality in the region is on-going and long-term. The beneficiaries of this impact are the government and minorities in the region, particularly Aboriginals and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
The `Clinical Kinematic Assessment Tool' (CKAT) is an innovative system that detects the 5% of children with motor control problems who, as a result, experience academic and social disadvantage — which increases the likelihood of educational difficulties, anxiety and depression. CKAT's development is led by Mon-Williams at the University of Leeds (UoL), in partnership with the University of Aberdeen. Since 2012, CKAT has been used in 88 primary schools in Bradford. All Reception Year children (aged 4-5 years) are CKAT screened (~4,000 children annually) with teachers using this information to prompt further assessment and additional classroom support. CKAT is now being commercialised via a licensing deal (2012) with a Scottish SME.
Research led by Pardhan has enhanced the healthcare offered to diabetic patients of South Asian origin in the UK and overseas (Pakistan, East Africa). Prevalence of diabetes within this ethnic group is six times higher than in Caucasians. Our research into this group, which demonstrated an increased risk of sight-threatening eye disease and poor engagement with screening/treatment regimes, has impacted upon both patients and healthcare practitioners. Ophthalmologists, general practitioners and other clinicians have used our findings to target various physiological and cultural factors that influence diabetic control and eye health in the South Asian population.
Our research also provided the underpinning data that informed reports commissioned by the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB). These reports demonstrate the increased prevalence of eye problems in patients of South Asian origin, and highlight the barriers that affect patients' access to primary and secondary eye-care across the UK. The reports evaluate the effectiveness of current management, and suggest strategies to improve the eye health of this group of patients.
These reports have led directly to the creation of dedicated community-based eye-care programmes. Funded by the Royal National Institute of Blind People (£400,000) and Innovation, Excellence and Strategic Development Fund (Department of Health), the programmes are designed to reduce diabetic-related complications through improved self care by patients in Bradford and Glasgow, regions that have significant Asian diabetic populations.
Researchers at the University of Leeds (UoL) have identified mutations in key genes which are major causes of deafness and blindness. Mutations in GJB2, identified in a Leeds/London collaboration, are the most common cause of human inherited deafness, affecting millions worldwide, and Leeds researchers have also highlighted 13 key genes involved in inherited blindness, accounting for an estimated 5% of around 2 million people throughout the world with inherited eye diseases. This work has led to the availability of vital genetic testing, enabling early diagnosis, better management and improving outcomes for patients, as well as better counselling and prenatal screening for families.
Leeds researchers first proposed and tested the concept of a pharmacist-led clinical medication review and showed its effectiveness in care homes. This led to a collaborative study on medicines' safety in care homes which showed seven out of ten residents, on any one day, had at least one medication error. As a direct result, there was a ministerial-led summit, and the Department of Health (DH) issued a `Health Alert' requiring NHS trusts to take immediate action, citing the study findings. This was followed by several national initiatives to take forward the recommendations of the study, including a DH commissioned initiative involving Royal Colleges, the National Care Forum, the Health Foundation and Age UK. Prototype tools developed on the basis of our research and with Leeds input were reported in 2012 and are now being evaluated for national roll out.
Falls are a common and serious health risk for older people and reducing falls is a priority for the NHS. Research at the University of Bradford on the link between vision and falls has led to new healthcare guidelines, specifically those from the College of Optometrists and the British Geriatrics Society and endorsed by Age UK and the Royal College of General Practitioners. Continuing professional development practices have changed and public awareness of this health risk has been raised by Which? reports and subsequent media coverage. These developments have impacted on the health and welfare of older people, particularly those at risk of falls.
The research has resulted in positive impacts for cultural life, civil society and education by: (1) generating new ways of thinking that influence creative practice beyond the academy; (2) creating, inspiring and supporting new forms of (primarily) artistic and social expression beyond the academy; (3) contributing to continuing personal and professional development; and (4) preserving, conserving, and interpreting cultural heritage for audiences external to the academy. A `spin-out' performing organisation — Hull Sinfonietta — has been formed, and several creative works have been produced including a music-film (Lear Settings) made in collaboration with local primary and secondary schools and freelance animators and film editors. The main non-academic beneficiaries of the research are the music professionals of Hull Sinfonietta, the school children, their teachers, freelance practitioners, and concertgoers.