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This case study describes the effects of a new performance management system, developed in China and adopted by organisations facing complex management challenges. To date, seven public and private sector organisations have successfully used the `3E' (Effectiveness, Efficacy, and Efficiency) system for tasks as varied as developing performance indicators, improving management communication and designing appraisal systems that work under conditions of rapid growth and change.
The participating organisations include the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Hunan University, Tonsan Adhesives Inc, Xingxiang Insurance, Sun-rivier local government, Liao-ling Plaze hotel and Hua-bao International Holdings. Their adoption of the 3E system has resulted in improved performance management within these organisations.
Research by the Oxford Public Policy Group addresses a widespread concern among governments, international organisations, and NGOs that the pervasive use of targets and performance indicators in public service management can have important distortive effects. The group's work clarifies the different effects and shortcomings of performance indicators and develops a pioneering approach to assess their reliability. The research has been influential in generating better informed approaches to the use of indicators and targets in public service management — in the UK and by international institutions — and has shaped the wider policy and public debate.
This research by the University's Transportation Research Group (TRG) has contributed to the development of sustainable road transport networks both in the UK and other leading cities worldwide. In summary:
The Operator Functional State (OFS) describes the psychological capacity of an operator to deliver safe and effective performance. Expertise in OFS theory and methodology was developed at LJMU via studies of driving behaviour and aviation control. When the European Space Agency wished to prioritise issues surrounding OFS in the context of space exploration, they recruited an expert from LJMU. The resulting discussion led to the identification of key issues to maintain operational skill and reduce accident likelihood during long duration space missions. The expertise developed at LJMU has influenced the European programme for space exploration over the coming decade.
Research on sustainable transport conducted by Hickman et al at UCL has contributed significantly to a major shift in UK and international transport policy during the last decade. Whereas such policy previously included little, if any, consideration of climate change, the desire to reduce transport CO2 emissions is now often its primary objective. Findings from and methods developed through the research have been used at city, regional, national and international to support and implement revised strategies and investment programmes promoting sustainable transport. As such, they contributed to increased use of public transport, walking and cycling, and reduced dependence on car usage. The methods have also been widely used by international consultancies and other researchers.
A new form of personal rapid transit has been developed from research which began at the University of Bristol in 1995 and has since been commercialised by a University spin-out company. The ULTra system is now in operation at Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 and constitutes a world first for the UK. Since opening in 2011, passengers have benefited from a personal, fast, reliable and low cost driverless transport system, that has removed the queuing and inefficiencies associated with bus transfers to the terminal. The Heathrow pods completed a million miles of fully driverless operation within two years of the system opening and have the highest satisfaction rating of any passenger service at Terminal 5, which itself is rated as the best in the world. The success of the system has led to a plan to extend it to Terminals 2 and 3.
Performance measurement research at the University of Strathclyde has directly led to major economic and social improvements in over 170 companies, and indirectly to over 1000 companies through intermediaries such as Scottish Enterprise between 2008 and 2013. These benefits were achieved as a result of novel performance measurement and management practices and supporting ICT systems that integrated shop-floor, operational and strategic performance information in real time. The result was substantial productivity and growth benefits for international and UK companies, for example a 150% increase in turnover and 80% increase in employment at Highland Spring. The European wide FP7 FutureSME project (2009-2013) led by the Strathclyde team developed and delivered a €6M programme to improve the competitive capabilities of European Manufacturing SMEs. In 2012, the associated training programme developed at Strathclyde was awarded the European Training Programme of the Year Medal by the Polish Chamber of Commerce.
80% of all government policies are delivered through large-scale projects and programmes. In the private and the public sector alike they are key to innovation, change, and growth. However, they often go wrong. The research has impacted on the performance of a number of projects by changing the way projects are planned, managed, and assured. The impact is the result of the research programme of the BT Centre for Major Programme Management (BTC), a research centre of the Saïd Business School. The research has had an impact on a wide range of management and policy issues in the UK and internationally. This case study highlights three examples. The first is impact on the UK government's assessment of projects through work with the National Audit Office (NAO). The second is innovation of professional services at McKinsey & Company. The third is impact on the largest infrastructure investment in the developed world - the California High Speed Rail project.
A University of Nottingham research programme on rail human factors, in collaboration with Network Rail, has delivered significant impact to practitioners and professional services within the industry. New tools for workload management and efficiency are now routinely used as part of Network Rail's ergonomics toolkit and are supporting the fulfilment of the company's National Operating Strategy. Risk analysis tools have also contributed to Network Rail's programme providing enhanced asset information.
These tools have also been taken up by international train operators in Australia and the Netherlands.
Our impact on the theory and practice of biometrics (identification of individuals through measurement/analysis of their physiological/behavioural characteristics) embraces contributions to technological development, to general systems-level principles and to public policy and professionalisation issues. Our research and consequent engagement across the stakeholder community has impacted on the technological development of practical biometrics through take-up by industry (e.g. InMezzo, one of the UK's leading secure information specialists, has enhanced identity authentication procedures), company spinout (the EFIT-V facial recognition suite from VisionMetric Ltd fundamentally changed the means by which facial composites are created and is now used by more than 85% of Britain's Police Forces), leadership of the development of standards for the expanding commercial marketplace (e.g. establishment of standards for image acquisition for e-passports and other access control applications) and policy-level input to Government and International Professional Bodies, providing long-term support for practical deployment and end- user engagement (the Biometrics Assurance Group with Fairhurst as an independent member reported the security risk and problems identifying fingerprints within the UK government's £5.6bn ID card scheme proposal).